
Could you love this?
Will this one be right?
Well if I’m being honest,
I’m hoping it might

Coping 101 - a masterpost of down to earth resources

This post doesn’t contain links to many professional resources - it’s a list of coping tips from people who are mentally ill/disabled themselves and who all decided to share what has worked for them here on tumblr. In the last 7 months I have been sharing content created for and by mentally ill/disabled people on this blog - and to celebrate reaching 5000 followers, I have decided to collect all the best coping tips I’ve come across in one easily accessible place. Enjoy!

Managing emotions:

Managing anxiety:

Managing depression:

Managing executive dysfunction:

Managing negative thinking:

Managing self care:

Managing school:

Managing urges to harm yourself:


Yo I’m really struggling with bills and with COVID my hours are getting cut and I’m not making enough. don’t feel like you have to but if anyone has anything to spare it would really help and I would really appreciate it :)


Cashapp: $emmyforthewin

UPDATE I lost my job please help with anything you can :(


Yo I’m really struggling with bills and with COVID my hours are getting cut and I’m not making enough. don’t feel like you have to but if anyone has anything to spare it would really help and I would really appreciate it :)

UPDATE: I was let go and I’m currently out of a job. If you can help anything would be appreciated


Cashapp: $emmyforthewin


The mood today: I wanna paint my nails with harry while we just talk about whatever. He blows on his right hand to help it dry faster while I paint his left hand. We talk about what we wanna accomplish in the day and everything is calm and peaceful.


being weird together is a love language

me, catching myself sharing something i wouldn't say to just anyone because i wouldn't want them to think i'm not "normal" with someone i love without any hesitation because i'm not worried they'll judge me for it: oh... intimacy

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