@doctor--z / doctor--z.tumblr.com

Independent Lewis Zimmerman from Star Trek roleplay blog. 21+ only. Private/selective. Written by Fool.

Hello there! My name is Fool! This is an independent Lewis Zimmerman from Star Trek: DS9 and Star Trek: Voyager roleplay blog. Original character and crossover friendly with several Trek verses. 21+ only, please. I am private and semi-selective meaning I will only write with mutuals. If you are interested, shoot me a message or give me a follow! This is a sideblog for @strings-have-been-cut.

Personal blogs: please do not reblog IC threads. Feel free to follow, but if your age is not clearly posted on your blog, you will be blocked.


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald Barclay ;;

Immediately, Reg found himself staring sadly at the empty air where Haley had just been standing. Oh, he already missed her. She was so kind. While Zimmerman was… he was… well…
He looked at his new boss very uncertainly. “…she seems nice.”

She was very nice. Lewis would never admit that his favourite person was a hologram - it seemed cliche, and he already got enough flak for refusing to spend his time with organic people in the first place. He’d just never had a lot of luck with them. 

“Yes. Well...I assume you’re interested in her?” That was a strange way to phrase that. He cleared his throat and said a little louder, “Interested in her design. You said you work with holograms.”


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

It took a moment for Reg to remember – Haley. The holographic assistant. Something about her just seemed so… kind. Immediately putting him a bit more at ease. He reached over, shaking her hand for a bit too long before recognizing how awkward he was probably being.
“Nice to meet you. Um… call me Reg. I mean – if you want. You don’t… have to… anyway. Hello.” He had about a thousand questions about her programming, but fearing those would be rude, he asked instead, “You’re – you’re his assistant?”

Haley thought he was pretty cute. She wondered if he was this nervous all the time or just around Lewis -- either way, he seemed sweet. Not at all what she was used to. 

“Yes, I’m his assistant.” She gives a sideways glance to Lewis. “And his receptionist, and his maid, and his caretaker--”

Zimmerman waves a hand in her direction. “Okay, okay, we get the point. I have lots to show Mr. Barclay, so you can take your leave. If we need you, we’ll call.” 

Haley smiled at Reg. “We can talk later.” A second later, she was gone.


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

“Well… well, I… I…” His desire to melt was quickly becoming a desire to simply run out of the room. Hadn’t Zimmerman looked at his qualifications before he was assigned? Did he really have to start proving himself immediately, to someone he’d never measure up to? “I’ve… been working with holograms for – for years, and I – I always thought they could – could be used for more than just – just entertainment, and I really do admire your work, and so I thought… I thought… uh… I’d… like to help…”

Oh no. He was dissolving. This man was going to start crying right in front of him, and Lewis had no idea what to do about it. How was anyone like this supposed to be helpful to him at all? He opened his mouth to spew out a dozen more questions to test Barclay’s knowledge when he was interrupted by a quiet clearing of the throat. He peeked around Reg to see Haley standing right behind him, arms crossed over her chest. “You forgot part of the tour, Doctor Zimmerman,” she said. Her expression was soft, but her tone was familiar - one of warning. She glared daggers at him. 

Lewis rolled his eyes. “This is Haley,” he said as he waved in her direction nonchalantly. “She’s not part of the tour, actually. And she was just leaving.” 

Haley smiled up at Reg and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Lieutenant.” 


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

A holographic assistant… interesting. Reg wanted to meet her. But for now it seemed he was stuck on Zimmerman’s rather half-hearted tour. The more he heard the man’s disdain for him, the more he wanted to simply melt into the floor.
“Well, I – I – I want to assist. Sir. I… I’ll do my best to… keep up… I – I like to think that I… I know what I’m doing… a little… s-sometimes…”

The longer it took for Reg to get his words out, the more aggravated Lewis became. He remembered what Haley had said. Be nice. Or something. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Do you?” He opened them again and looked up at the man. Even though he was taller than Lewis, he seemed to be physically shrinking the longer they talked to one another. “Really. It’s not a rhetorical question. Do you know what you’re doing? What are your qualifications? Your experience? Why do you want to be here?” No one was interested in holo-technology. Not enough to stick around. What made this guy any different. So he was interested in Lewis’ work. Didn’t mean he was any good at working with holograms himself. 


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

“…Haley?” Reg looked around, wondering if he’d missed someone. But the lab was fairly small, and they were the only two people in it. He did notice what seemed to be an iguana perched on the central console… strange.
The realization that he wasn’t particularly wanted stung, though. He was already nervous enough being in a new place, and now… “Why, uh – why – wh-why don’t you want an assistant? Sir?”

“Haley is my assistant. She’s a hologram.” He gestured vaguely into the air as if she was existing all around them at all times. “She takes care of all of my meetings, gathering supplies, getting me lunch - all the things I need to function. She’s quite good at it.” He couldn’t keep the tone of affection out of his voice.

“I’ve had a lot of people assigned to me, Reginald,” he started as he marched out of the lab to the office that Reg had to walk through to enter. “Not one of them actually cared about what I’m doing here. They couldn’t even keep up with my explanations, let alone actually assist me with what I’m doing.” He stopped dead in the middle of the office. “This is where all the paperwork is. Replicator for food. A desk. Table.” He gestured around to everything as he offered a tour. It sounded like he had done it a million times and he didn’t care to make it very thorough.



FULL NAME :  Lewis Zimmerman

TITLE(S) :  Doctor

NICKNAME(S) :  Doctor Z (by Reg Barclay only)


moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive


honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny


art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | singing

tagged by.  stolen from myself​
tagging.   anyone

@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

Reg was so focused on the hologram that he almost didn’t hear Zimmerman speak. He really wanted to help out with that – cutting edge technology, alongside the father of modern holography? Like a dream come true. But maybe he wouldn’t be allowed to help with the big stuff just yet.
“Oh! Um… yes. Yes, please.” He shuffled back a little so Zimmerman could do just that, looking around curiously. “Is it – will it just be the – be the two of us here, sir?”

Lewis pushed up from his seat, groaning slightly as his knees cracked. Even standing, he wasn’t nearly as tall as the other man. Barclay had at least a few inches on him. Lewis raised an eyebrow as he looked up at him. “Yes. I don’t like working with other people. The only other one here is Haley.” He shuffled around Reg toward the door he came in. Best place to start the tour, he guessed.

“I’ve told them a million times, I don’t want an assistant. I figured after a while people would just stop asking.” He glanced over at Reg. “Apparently, I was wrong.” 



Send an emoji below + three (3) different characters muses that my muse must pick from! Some choices are considered ns fw.

💍 - fuck, marry, kill. 💎 - unsex, divorce, revive. 💋 - hug, cuddle, kiss. 💫 - fight, tickle, insult. 🦋 - befriend, adopt, ignore. 🥊 - pinch, slap, punch.- summon, banish, absorb. 🔗 - handcuff, tie up, pin down. 🦷 - lick, suck, bite. 🗳️ - vote for, vote against, run against.- get coffee with, go out to dinner with, steal their food. 💤 - sleep with fully clothed, sleep with in underwear, sleep with naked. 💰 - rob a bank with, hide a body with, rat out to the cops. 🚦 - be stuck in an elevator with, be stuck in traffic with, be stuck in the apocalypse with. 🎉 - hang out with, party with, ghost. 🔛 - make love to, have a quickie with, be rough / kinky with. 🍪 - make cookies for, make a five-course meal for, burn all their food. 🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. 💬 - SEND IN YOUR OWN THREE OPTIONS NOT LISTED ABOVE!

Smart until infected with stupid

You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your brain cells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.

Tagged by: stolen from myself

Tagging: anyone who wants


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald ;; 

Reg blinked, suddenly nervous. Something about that reaction seemed… bad. Unimpressed. “Yes. A bit. I, uh… I…” He hesitated, painfully aware that he would be coming across as a weird fanboy. “…I follow your work pretty closely. Sir. That’s why I – why I got this assignment.”
His attention returned to the screen, taking everything in. “Are you getting ready to integrate a personality program with its matrix?”

Zimmerman wondered if Reginald Barclay had ever saif a full sentence out loud in one go. It seemed unlikely. But it was oddly flattering that he followed Lewis’ work so closely. No one did that. No one really cared enough to. Before he could think of a way to comment on it, however, Barclay was back to the EMH design. 

“Uh...yes. Actually. I am. I’ve been having a little bit of trouble with that actually. You can’t exactly flub it on the bedside manner.” He looked at the design a little bit longer and then back at Barclay. “Well...I guess I’d better show you around.” 


@ltbroccoli​ // Reginald Barclay ;; 

“Um… 0900 to – to 1600. Four days a week. But I can – I don’t mind coming in more often. S-sometimes. If you need me to.” Reg got the distinct feeling that this man didn’t actually care about the answer. Something was very off-putting about him.
The model on the screen caught his attention though, and he eagerly stepped closer to try and see it better. “Is that the EMH?”

“More often? God no...” His focus was still on the screen, but the idea of this person spending any more time than absolutely necessary with him was enough to pull his attention away. “No, that will be fine. You could even start later! Sleep in if you want to!” He glanced over at Barclay and guessed the man had never gotten a good night’s sleep in his life.

He was about to comment on Barclay inching closer, but his question took Lewis by surprise. He stopped, straightened up, and eyed Reg warily. “You know about my program?” 


Star Trek Roleplayers Directory

Several of these have been going around, but none of them seem to be updated regularly anymore, so here is a new one. It includes filters for sorting so it’s easier to find people. However, in order to make this directory work as intended, I’ll need your help in getting information.

The directory is HEREIf you follow this blog, you can also get updates when new people are added.

Who can be added?

  • canon Star Trek characters
  • Star Trek OCs
  • fandomless OCs with a Star Trek verse
  • OCs from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse
  • characters from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse

To be added to the directory:

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  • your character’s name
  • whether they are canon, canon divergent, OC, or from another fandom
  • what series they are from
  • Original and Reboot are considered separate; tell me if you write both or only one
  • OCs and crossover characters – if you have no specific series, put what series you primarily want to interact with (can be multiple)

Multimuse blogs! This will be set up by character, so if you want to be on the list, I’ll need this information for every Star Trek muse you write, please. (If you have too many to reasonably add in a single comment, feel free to reblog the post and message me instead.)

Please spread this around so we can help people in this roleplay fandom find each other!

  • Lewis Zimmerman
  • Canon
  • DS9, VOY
  • OCs and crossover characters welcome
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