
A lovely greeting, an innocent lie. At every meeting, it hurts as I smile. I don’t let it show. It’s stupid, I know. I’m a friend, a guy. You wave me goodbye; you kiss her hello.


I made a thing….

If you ever feel like needing a hug and the love of your OTP, head here and enter their names to generate a ship specific soft moment.

Basically, I took some of the comfiest sfw scenes from my fics and drabbles and made them customizable. They may not work for every ship, but I tried my best :) 

There are 13 short stories so far. If you are an author and have super sweet scenes of your own you want to include, DM me with a text and link to your profile and original work. Pls remove any identifiable adjectives and professions, it’s okay to keep names and pronouns. Up to 500 words or around that, please. Fluff without plot. 


The Frog Prince 🐸

Written for @tenzoscabin second anniversary event.

Technically written in Tenzō's Cabin Discord server for the anniversary event.


Tenzō is the prince of a small nation. The country is of zero strategic value, mostly self-sufficient, and its monarchy is much more figureheads than anything functional. It's mostly known for the vast number of frog species that live there. Some of them can be found nowhere else on earth. Tenzō is far more interested in plants, honestly, but understands that cute frogs can help raise conservation funds.

A magazine sends a team to do a profile on Tenzō and his conservation awareness work. Kakashi is the photographer, and Gai is the reporter. They've been working together for years and Tenzō thinks they're together together which makes it somewhat awkward when he realizes Kakashi is flirting (badly) with him.


Hi! I’m so glad I scrolled across your page today! I love your work and look forward to seeing all the cool art you do in the future.

If you’re still looking for ideas for prompts & palates and would be willing to do Tenzō, it would bring much joy! Anbu Tenz w/ his mask might be cool with the Clap Your Hands or Bioluminesce palates? If you’re feeling wild and wanna throw in a Kakashi, could also be cool, but really any version of Tenzō in any color would be incredible. Can’t get enough of the Tree Lord


Thank you!! I had so much fun with the bioluminescence palette!! And with Tenzō!!


that is a massive bowl of ramen 😅 i'm just realizing maybe they need Obito and Kakashi to come along to help them finish it off

@littlemiss44 I loved your request so much! That fic absolutely resonated with me as well~ I'm gonna need to do so much more art about it, thanks a million for requesting it!


Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic

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