symbiosis is deeply sexy

@spokenitalics /

20s. gay. he/him.
Anonymous asked:

Chi vorresti vedere a Belve nel 2023

ORNELLA VANONI, e poi in ordine sparso alba parietti, marcella bella, vladimir luxuria, victoria cabello, antonella clerici, veronica lario, levante, elodie, amanda lear e patrizia reggiani, con mahmood e federico fashion style come quota azzurra.

allontanadoci dalla realtà: camilla parker-bowles, silvia toffanin e/o luigi berlusconi e ovviamente anna oxa


armand is just a little hyperactive gremlin with no conception of boundaries whose main hobbies include being extravantly rich, driving hot guys insane and sticking forks into electrical outlets,,,,, a bit like if taylor swift was a flat-earther and also a faggot

you're right he'd probably prefer fifì, tapette, tante, fiotte, tantouze, lopette, and, why not, even baltringue


giorno 16 gennaio la Cantautrice claudia lagona in arte levante già in polemica con i giornalisti perché hanno osato insinuare che lei stia portando una canzone d'amore a sanremo ma io sarò comunque sorpreso quando la sala stampa la metterà nella seconda metà della classifica perché oltre alma futura e (continuamente) se stessa lei ha partorito anche me e io in cambio devo darle tutto il mio supporto è così


hot take but i think pain should be discrete and purposeful (‘stop touching a hot stove’ and ‘stop bumping into furniture’) and then it should stop when it is no longer communicating useful and actionable information. you may disagree but i think chronic pain is bad.


there’s a hypothesis that long-duration pain, the kind of pain that lasts after the abrupt piercing of flesh, is not universal to the animal kingdom. almost all animals need to be able to react to immediate negative stimuli, and do, and so they have the kind of pain receptors necessary to tell them if something is attacking them or hurting them to flee. but for animals which are not sociable, which do not care for one another, and which therefore must nurse their wounds alone, to continue to feel intense pain after the immediate threat has passed would only weaken and distract them. longer-duration pain, extended suffering, is a consequence of our ability to express pain to others, adaptive only for animals who have mothers or siblings or other conspecifics who will come to their aid when danger threatens.


bruh. It's too early for these feelings.

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