
All the Delicious Apples

@thosegreenapples / thosegreenapples.tumblr.com

beep boop

so basically, a lotta ppl online like to posture. they want to be badass, cool, the edgy kid - they call themselves things like "freak" or "fagdyke gendertrash scum" etc. and thats fine on its own, im not opposed to edge. BUT. theres a lot of ppl online who want to talk that talk but not walk that walk, and when a trans woman online does something that wouldnt fly in a conservative midwestern town in the USA, they wanna throw her under the bus as fast as they can. because her walking the walk does actually scare them, because theyre just posturing. theyre something worse than edgy: theyre Posers.


google how to ask a good friend to hang out without embarrassment. google how to send text to friend without sounding like an insane weirdo whos never talked to another human being before. google how to text like a normal person. wikihow to talk to anyone

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