
KakaSaku Anonymous

@ksanon / ksanon.tumblr.com

Composed of people who are utterly embarrassed yet unrelenting in their love for this ridiculous crack ship.

Hello I'm a kakasaku fan, i love your art and i created a small video edit of kakasaku in the video i have used an art of yours this is the art picture

When i created it i found this on Pinterest later with the help of my friend, i was able to find out about you. Please can i keep this kakasaku art in my video. I have posted this on my account.


I'm pretty sure this is @neonanything so ask them.

Anonymous asked:

Hi 👋 Sorry for the suddenness, but can I repost the art on my Tik Tok? I will write full cre. If not, that's okay, have a nice day. 💞

No, sorry.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I'm a fan of your work and I write fanfic for fun. I would like to ask for your permission to use an image from your blog as a cover, if you allow, I will credit the cover and leave the profile link.

As we are a collective of artists, you would need permission from the artist (artist info in the tags).

Unfortunately I do not have contact information for Dissectr, but you can DM Puppetbomb, Di or Youkaiyume to see if they'd be okay with it.


Hi☺, I'm kakasaku fan in Korea. i was searching for their fan works for translating and repost! i hope i can get a permission for it!! :)

i'm sharing the translate-by my self- works to my neigbhor with alot of authors's permission! if u allow me to, than i'm gladly and be willing to clarify the source of your work. Also, the Naruto fanarts and other works will be repost to my secret website who can see for 'allowed' neighbors. So please feel save and don't worry about copyright infringement due to unauthorized theft.

Here is my public website:



thank you :)


Sorry, no.

I like the idea of making our comics more accessible, but unless you can get permission from all of us to repost our work, I have to draw a hard line.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! We have a page called "Kakasaku FC". We need to find some artists. I really like your drawings. I feel your paintings are very beautiful. Can you allow we to post those drawings on our page? We will credit the image when I use it.

Please do not repost our artworks either here or on other separate sites/social media! But you know what's neat about tumblr? The REBLOG button. You should try it, it works even better and best of all we get all the credit without you doing any work. Imagine that.



This blog supports defunding the police.

This blog believes Black Lives Matter.

Anyone who disagrees can gtfo. We’re not organ grinders begging for scraps of attention, and honestly our lives can only improve without you racists leeching poison into every facet of society.

Including fandom. Especially fandom.

Educate yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Support those who are suffering. Denounce the people and powers that perpetuate it.


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