
blair's langblr

@nepoliticos-langblr-blog / nepoliticos-langblr-blog.tumblr.com

blair | they/them | ct, usa | drowning in languages

you can make nearly any object into a good insult if you put ‘you absolute’ in front of it

example: you absolute coat hanger


as well u can just add ‘ed’ to any object and it’s sounds like you were really drunk

example: i was absolutely coat hangered last night

Meanwhile, “utter” works for the first (e.g., “you utter floorboard”) but somehow “utterly” doesn’t seem to work as well for the second (“I was utterly floorboarded”).


Utterly doesn’t work for drunk because it’s the affix for turning random objects into terms for *shocked*, obviously.

… huh.  I thought that might just be the similarity to “floored”, and yet “I was utterly coat hangered” does seem to convey something similar.

I have to tell you, I am utterly sandwiched at this discovery.


Completely makes the phrase mean “super tired”.

“God, it’s been a long week, I am completely coat-hangered.”

Something is

Something is wrong with our language

Is it a glitch or a feature?


Me: I'm fluent in Spanish
Brain: Okay but look up "hola" to make sure the meaning didn't change
Me: Why?
Brain: u gotta

I say this every time I argue for raising the minimum wage. I never hear anyone else say it and I’m glad I found this.

If you build your business and your bonus on the backs of others who you don’t pay a living wage you don’t deserve to be in business.


this is making capitalists bleed from the ears keep reblogging it

Since I tend to get into this with people who argue that robots will replace minimum wage workers if they get too expensive, I like to lean into the robot metaphor.

If you have a machine performing a valuable talk for your company, the upkeep of that machine is part of your operating cost. You have to pay to power it, to upgrade it, to fix it when it breaks. And if you can’t afford the machine, the manufacturer doesn’t have to do business with you. They’re free to take their service somewhere else where they think the price is fair.

For humans, a living wage is the operating cost. If you can’t afford to pay your worker enough to live nearby, feed themselves, and get basic health care - all of which are things they need in order to be able to work for you - you’re failing to pay for the cost of their service. 

The difference is that humans have to eat, like, all the time, so they often don’t have the option of taking their business somewhere else if the price isn’t fair - even insufficient food and shelter is better then starving on the street. But that means those people are not really able to act as agents in a free market, and it’s easy to exploit them under the guise of “the market setting the price.” People can’t act like reasonable economic agents when they’re desperate. As for as I can tell, that’s the whole point of having a minimum wage. 

Keep reblogging this, it’s making capitalists mad and reaching out to the working class



Language - giella (language, tongue) Sign Language - giehtagiella (hand + tongue) Sign Language Interpreter - giehtagielatdulka (hand + tongue + interpreter) Linguistics - gielladieđa (tongue + science) Linguistic usage - giellageavaheapmi (tongue + use) Language planning - gielladikšun (tongue + cultivation) Language planning cont. - giellagáhtten (tongue + protection) Language specialist - giellamielbargi (tongue + collaborator/worker) Language policy - giellapolitihkka (tongue + politics) Language acquisition - giellaoamasteapmi (tongue + ownership) Second language - nubbigiella (second + tongue)


Danish - dánskkagiella  English - eŋgelasgiella Estonian - esttegiella Faroese - fearagiella Finnish - suomagiella Hungarian - ungáragiella Icelandic - islánddagiella Norwegian - dárogiella Russian - ruoššagiella Swedish - ruoŧagiella Sámi - sámegiella ♡

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