

@chocoelise-blog / chocoelise-blog.tumblr.com

( Citizen of the Pelagos Islands - Leuda Island ) Bank: 66,160G

Elise was more than happy to pull one of her old gowns from storage. The fact she was finally going to formal event with her boyfriend made her heart sing and she smiled so widely at the thought that her cheeks hurt. She really hoped she would wow him with this dress. 

Now to do something amazing with her hair! She was practically vibrating with excitement as she headed back into the bathroom to get started.


high school drama » alex&elise

When Elise rolled her eyes, his anger sparked up even more. She was acting like he was the one being unreasonable here! Surely she couldn’t expect him to be okay with this? He glared down at her. Usually, he liked how cute her annoyed face looked when she stared up at him, but this time he was too angry to notice.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me,” he said impatiently. “You didn’t think I’d care that my girlfriend is going on dates with another guy?” 
His voice was rising in anger and beginning to attract the attention of passersby, but Alex didn’t care. Let them watch. He wasn’t about to be humiliated by being the oblivious guy with the unfaithful girlfriend. Did she think that she could just excuse herself and he’d forget the fact that this was blatant cheating?
“If this was the other way round, you know you’d be just as pissed off!”

“Oh, you know how daddy is....” she replied, starting to feel a bit embarrassed by the amount of attention they were getting. This was getting out of hand faster than she expected and she found herself pouting up at him. 

Why was he so mad anyway? It wasn’t like she cared about some random dude her father wanted her to marry. 

“You’re being so dramatic, Alex! It isn’t like I like the guy or anything. I don’t even know who he is!” she whined, wondering why he wasn’t just forgiving her and getting over it. Obviously she cared about him, otherwise she wouldn’t still be with him. They were like the school power couple!

“Hey, if you want to play that card! I’ve heard plenty of rumors of you flirting with other girls mister.” she replied, trying to turn his anger back on him. If he wanted to play games, she would play, and then he would fall back into her hands and it would all be good. Yup. That was her justification. “I have just been letting it slide because I like you so much.”


First Lantern Festival - Hiro and Elise

As Elise wrote her wish in elaborate writing, she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. Was this too childish of a wish? 
I wish that Hiro and I would remain happy, healthy and in love - always. <3 was written on the pink ribbon in her cursive hand, and as she tied the ribbon to the lantern, she peeked up at Hiro almost shyly. There was something about being around him that made her so much more soft and gentle, and she loved it, even if it did scare her a little bit.
When his eyes met hers, she felt her heart skip a beat and she lightly nodded her head at his suggestion. If his was a lot better than hers, she could always come up with some excuse to change hers. This was a better idea. 
“I would very much like to see what you wrote, Hiro. You may go first. Just promise you won’t laugh at mine, okay?”

“I would never laugh at you, Elise. You have my word.”

His eyes met hers and he swore his heart skipped a beat. He was so in love with her, he could hardly stand it. Everything she did was perfection. Every move she made, elegant. And her love for him? Truly a blessing.

After a moment of fiddling nervously with the blue strip of paper, he handed it over to Elise, but held her hands in his so she couldn't’ read what he wrote just yet.

“But you must promise me, as well, do not laugh at what I’ve written. Okay?”

Before he had her word, he let her hands go. He trusted her.

On tiny writing on the slip of paper was a short list of wishes:

I wish my parents well. Give them long and happy lives. The same to my coworkers and boss. And, most importantly, let me live my life by Elise’s side, ever in love and ever happy.

He smiled shyly at her after a few moments so she could read what he’d written.

“Well? What do you think?”


Even if Elise wasn’t sure what Hiro had written, she couldn’t imagine laughing at whatever he said. He was always so earnest and kind. It was impossible for her not to love whatever he said or did. 

As his hands joined with hers, she could feel that familiar warmth spread through her and it was hard not to smile up at him brightly. She was curious to see what he’d written. When he finally showed her, she paused for a moment, her heart fluttering in her chest and squeezing. It was so sweet that she could hardly respond at first until she finally decided not to reply in actual words.

Instead, she rose to her tip-toes and kissed him gently on the lips, letting it linger for a moment before she released him, her cheeks burning hot from such a bold action.


“I think we both had a similar idea in mind, although mine is not quite as eloquent as yours.” she chuckled softly at this before handing over her own ribbon for him to read. “I was a bit more selfish, I confess, but...”

But Hiro was the one at the forefront of her mind these days and she hoped he would understand that and not judge her too harshly. She was still learning to care more for others and treat them with the amount of love and respect they deserved.


send 💃 for your muse to teach mine how to dance (or any other activity that involves a lot of touching) 🔁 ( Allow Elise to teach him before the ball ;D )


Hiro had agreed when Elise requested she be allowed to teach him how to dance. How could he say no? He adored her. But now that they were actually here, in his apartment living room, he felt at a loss. Would this really be okay? What if he was to step on her toes or something? Would she forgive him for such foolish mistakes? She seemed like such a lady of well upbringing too. She must have known how to dance. And then there was Hiro, clumsy and nervous Hiro…

“A-are you sure this is alright, Elise?”


Elise had been surprised to hear Hiro had never had any dance lessons before, and considering the ball was coming up, she had offered to teach him. She didn’t want him to feel too worried about going with her, so this seemed like a better time to show him the ropes.

“Of course, you will be just fine. It just takes practice.” she took one of his hands and placed it on her waist, while she held his other hand gently. Being this close to him always made her heart race, but she had a feeling this was going to be so much fun. And worth it. 

“Now, I’m going to step back with this foot, and you’re going to step toward me with your opposite. Ready?”


In a fluid motion, she stepped back with her right, lightly leading him forward toward her.


Be Mine || Hiro and Elise

His usual smile was gone from his face, replaced by a look of unusual seriousness. He wanted to show Elise that he was truly paying attention and that he understood this was no light matter. He wanted to be the best boyfriend he could for her.
“I will never look at you in any way but with love, Elise. You have my word.”
He let her guide him to the couch, where he sat next to her, hands holding hers as gently as he could, thumb stroking her delicate hands.
“That is fine.”
He waited patiently for what she had to say. His eyes widened as he heard what she said.
“What…?” he asked. “But… Why? What did he do, Elise?”
Feeling Hiro’s gentle hands did much to relieve Elise’s anxieties and she was grateful she had such a kind person as a boyfriend. She only hoped her past wasn’t enough to frighten him away. He truly was her light. 

The frown on her face deepened as she looked away, thinking over how to explain things. There was so much Hiro didn’t know about her that it was hard to tell him without explaining a dozen other things.

“My family was a very rich family when I was growing up, my father running his own company... The reason for his jail time is because of money laundering and tax evasion... Apparently he was not as honest a businessman as I had been led to believe. He is currently in prison, and as for my mother and sister...” she had to let out a steadying breath before she continued. “Both of them were at least somewhat guilty, as far as I know, as they both turned tail and fled. I have not heard from either of them since father was imprisoned.”

Not that she minded in Danielle’s case, but that was an incredibly complicated story in and of itself. Her family dynamic was more than just a little sick and messed up. Thinking about it hurt her heart and she felt her lower lip tremble, a sheen of tears starting to fill up her eyes.


“The reason I live at the hotel is because Max agreed to take me in when my family lost everything and ran away. I was left with absolutely nothing and he offered me a helping hand... Far more than I deserved. I was not the nicest girl growing up...”


high school drama » alex&elise


Alex slammed his locker shut and laughed along with something one of his friends had said, leaning against the metal door he’d just closed. Their matching varsity jackets labelled them as the popular kids in school, the top of the food chain.

A small group of cheerleaders walked past them, and Alex tuned out of the conversation momentarily to admire them. Sure, he had a girlfriend, but there was nothing wrong with appreciating other girls, right? It wasn’t like Elise would ever find out as long as he didn’t act on it… But as they passed, his girlfriend’s name came up in the conversation, and his ears pricked up to listen.

“… Elise’s dad has set her up with another suitor…”

“Yeah, I hear he’s really rich!” 

“She’s soooo lucky!” 

“I hear she has to go on a date with him this weekend to see if it works out…”


Alex’s mouth dropped open as he continued to watch them despite them now being out of earshot. The gears in his head started turning. So Elise had neglected to tell him she’d been set up with another guy, huh? He wondered if she had ever planned to let him know. But he wasn’t about to wait to find out. Gritting his teeth, he pushed past his teammates without saying a word and stormed out of the corridor towards where he knew Elise spent her lunch break.

He headed outside to the courtyard and spotted her golden curls immediately. She was sat on top of a picnic bench with some of her friends, laughing about something. When she spotted him coming over, she smiled and waved, but her expression quickly changed when she registered the anger in his.

When he reached her, he crosses his large arms across his chest and glowered at her. “Did you ever plan to tell me you have a new boyfriend?” he spat, jumping straight into the accusations.

Elise had been having a grand old time, gossiping with some of her minions. She would call them friends, but let’s be real here. Elise hardly remembered their names some of the time. Popularity had always been this way for her. Lots of adorers, not so many actual friends. Who needed friends when one was worshiped? 

When she first saw Alex, she thought something even more fun might end up coming from it, but that was until she saw the look on his face.


“Boyfriend...? OH! Is that what’s got you all worked up?” the blonde sighed and gave a dramatic roll of her eyes, not wanting the group of girls to see how much she was actually panicking. As much as she liked to gossip about the guys she was set up with, she actually liked Alex and she didn’t want him to break up with her. “You know how things work when you’re in the upper class, Alex. It’s really not a big deal. It isn’t like I have to marry the guy or anything.” 

After all, every other guy her dad had tried to get her to marry she had ended up giving the X to. She was picky, and rightfully so. When you were as rich and beautiful as she was, it wasn’t as if there weren’t twenty more willing guys waiting for their turn. 

“Give us a minute, girls.”

She waved off the gasping and giggling group of girls dismissively before standing up, still comically small next to her athletic boyfriend. Her hands moved to her hips as she stared up at him, seemingly annoyed. 


“Seriously, I don’t know why you’re so mad, babe. It really isn’t a big deal. I go on a few dates with the guy, then tell my dad he’s a loser... Rinse, repeat. I didn’t think you’d care so much.”


First Lantern Festival - Hiro and Elise

Previous Total:  28,538G
-2,000G @jake-out-the-humans
New Total: 26,538G
It had been some time since Hiro had last visited Arcadia, but no occasion seemed quite as fitting to go as the Lantern Festival. And there was no one Hiro would rather go with than Elise.
Hiro had made his own, but his skills were rusty. His lantern, traditional as could be, probably looked about as good as Elise’s, if not worse. But, then again, Hiro was biased. He saw everything Elise made as beautiful, everything she did as talented, and even her mistakes as charming. Perhaps it  was wrong, but he was truly enamored with her.
He happily took the blue strip of paper and the Sharpie. He tapped the lidded side to his cheek a few times as he tried to think of good wishes to send to the Heavens. All he could think of was Elise and his family. Would that be enough? He hoped so…
He eventually wrote a few wishes on the blue paper and tied it to his lantern, before he heard Elise’s request.
He smiled gently at her. “That sounds like a fair deal, Elise.You may see mine first, if it makes you more comfortable.”
As Elise wrote her wish in elaborate writing, she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. Was this too childish of a wish? 

I wish that Hiro and I would remain happy, healthy and in love - always. <3 was written on the pink ribbon in her cursive hand, and as she tied the ribbon to the lantern, she peeked up at Hiro almost shyly. There was something about being around him that made her so much more soft and gentle, and she loved it, even if it did scare her a little bit.

When his eyes met hers, she felt her heart skip a beat and she lightly nodded her head at his suggestion. If his was a lot better than hers, she could always come up with some excuse to change hers. This was a better idea. 


“I would very much like to see what you wrote, Hiro. You may go first. Just promise you won’t laugh at mine, okay?”


First Lantern Festival - Hiro and Elise

It had most certainly been worth the money for boat fare. As soon as Elise and Hiro had started toward the water, she caught a glimpse of all of the people of varying ages, putting finishing touches on their lanterns. Elise had made her own, but she didn’t feel like it was quite as good as a lot of the others. She had never participated before, so she was just sort of winging things.

Once they had found a good spot, Elise gave Hiro’s hand a squeeze before releasing it and fishing in her purse until she pulled out two ribbons - one pink and one blue. She held the blue one out to Hiro and then produced two Sharpies, which she wiggled back and forth in her fingers before handing one to Hiro.

“Forgive me, I thought we could add our wishes to the lanterns before setting them adrift. It seems everyone is still getting ready to set the lanterns free anyway, so...” That meant they had a few minutes at least. 

She lowered herself to the ground, setting her lantern in front of her before she stared intently at the ribbon. What did she really have to wish for? Truthfully, she was pretty happy these days. She had the job she wanted, great friends, and a boyfriend that she loved.

A small flush crossed her pale cheeks as she thought it over, but she eventually sighed and scrawled something on the ribbon. Before tying it off, she looked up at Hiro, looking embarrassed as she mumbled:


“You may see mine, but you have to show me what you wrote as well. Sound fair? We can do it on a count of three, if you like.”


Be Mine || Hiro and Elise

Hiro grinned widely as he held Elise in his arms. Goddess, did he love her. She was so beautiful and wonderful and mysterious. And yet she was about to solve one of the many mysteries surrounding her, it seemed. When she pulled away, he noticed the tears in her eyes and began to worry. She was happy, right? She had said she was, but perhaps… No, they had promised to always be blunt with each other. If Elise said she was happy, then she was happy.
“I cannot begin to express how happy you’ve made me, Elise,” he said gently. “But do not force yourself to tell me. I admit I still know nothing of your family, but I don’t want to force you to tell me anything you’re not ready to say yet.”
And if she was ready, well… Hiro would give the best listening ear he could. He would support her wholeheartedly, just as he had from the moment they first began dating casually, or even from the moment he had first laid eyes on his blonde beauty.
His cheeks flushed as her lips pressed against his knuckles. Goddess, he truly did love her.

“You have made me so happy as well, Hiro.” Elise said gently, her heart feeling full to the brim as she gazed up at him lovingly. She shook her head slowly, her mane of long hair tickling her shoulders with the movement. “I am not forcing myself in this case. I trust you, and I want you to know the truth about my family. I only pray that you will not look at me any different when you hear it.”

She had to have faith that he would not judge her for the sins of her family - or even of her own past. Hiro had been such a light in her life and she truly felt like a different woman these days. It was only fair that he understood where she was coming from. 

Lacing her fingers with his, she slowly moved to get up, bringing him over to sit on the couch with her. Best let him get comfortable anyway.


“I will tell you the worst of it first and then explain it to you, is that all right? You can stop me to ask questions at any time. So, here I go...” she took a deep breath, lightly squeezing his hands to match with the squeezing her heart was doing. “Hiro, my... Father is currently in prison...”


Pay day


[-1,600G] For living in the Bell Hotel and working there


[+1,500G] For your first (main) job. [+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job. [+2,000G] For being the boss of a business. [+1,000G] For being an owner of a business. [+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc. [+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall)

Total: 8,340G

New Balance: 66,160G


Friends in Higher Places || Leon & Elise

Leon couldn’t help but smirk at the forced formalities that the job entitled.
He simply stared for a second and then looked around. “Awh. Why, though? There’s nobody around. And even if there was, I’m sure anything the mayor has to say could certainly be for all ears to hear, don’t you?” He said, and then simply shrugged and smiled. “But ah, yes. I suppose you must maintain a formal meeting as possible. If you insist.” He said, walking towards her and making his way towards the office- which she assumed was the direction she was facing at the moment.
“So? How  is it being Queen, Marie Antoi- I mean, Mayor, Elise?” He said with a mischievous smile. Elise Was always rather a fun one to torment- she was one of those people that honestly wasn’t very hard to get under her skin.

There was something about Leon that always managed to get under her skin and the blonde was practically flailing as she tried to get him to move along to her office. As soon as he was behind the door, she shut it and locked it, hoping that none of her co-workers would notice. She didn’t exactly want them to see her lose her cool when she was still so new at this.

After drawing a breath, Elise finally turned on her high heels to face the giant fox-man. “Leon! What are you doing here, at my work?” she asked a little too quickly, once again giving away just how flustered she was. She took a second to clear her throat and let out another deep breath, trying to regain composure. “I apologize, you caught me off guard.... As usual.” she mumbled the last bit before she crossed the room, taking a seat behind her desk and motioning to the chair in front of it, in case he might like to take a seat. “In case you really want to know, it has been... A lot of work... I worry about whether or not I am making the right choices often, but...” a small smile finally curled her lips. “I am actually rather happy with the job. It feels like I am getting a second chance for the Beauchene name.”


Be Mine || Hiro and Elise

Honestly, Elise could keep her past to herself as long as she wanted to. It didn’t bother Hiro too much. I mean, it bothered him a little. He wanted to help Elise with everything, but there was still one side of her - if not more - that he knew nothing about. It worried him. He worried about her.
Still, maybe she’d feel more comfortable telling him after they took this next step in the relationship… He hoped so. He hoped she wouldn’t reject him. He didn’t know what he’d do if she did.
He followed her over to the love seat, but he didn’t sit down. 
Instead, he got down on one knee and pulled the dating ring out of his pocket. 
“ Elise Margot Beauchene, will you be my girlfriend?”

You could have knocked Elise over with a feather with how surprised she was. She had been hoping they would have this conversation soon, but she definitely hadn’t expected him to go all out like this. She felt tears spring into her eyes as she launched herself at him, meeting him on her knees and throwing her arms around him tightly. 

“Hiro... Of course, I will. Since we first met, you have always made me nothing but happy!” she pulled away to look at him, wiping a tear from beneath one of her eyes. “I... Do feel that I should tell you about my family, though... If you have not already heard, I feel that it would be best that you know - and hear it from me.”

She captured his hand between hers and brought it to her lips and kissed it gently. If he was going to commit to her, it seemed only fair that he know that one of her parents was still in jail. She knew she had to trust him to love her despite that.


Congratulatory Sweets || Max & Elise

[♫] — “Why, thank you.” He says as he steps into the office, opting to set the box of cake down on the nearest and cleanest counter top he could find before turning to envelop his old friend in a warm, friendly hug. “Ahhh, how are you? How goes your first day of mayorship?”
As he asks this, his emerald eyes scan the room. It was the same office as the previous mayor’s, though it definitely had a few more personal touches added to it to reflect on Elise’s personality and preferences. But even with all the changes, the stacks of paperwork seemed to remain the same, and Max smiles slightly at the sight. Ah, yes… he knew the joys of paperwork rather well, himself.
“I see you’ve already been hard at work.” He comments, pulling away from her and giving the stack of forms on her desk a pointed glance. 

Elise was more than happy to accept the hug from her friend, practically melting into it after such a long day. It was so nice to see a familiar face! She couldn’t help but chuckle at the nickname as she was released. Max truly was such a special friend to her, she didn’t know how she could have come this far without all of his help. She was truly lucky.

“Truthfully, I am a bit worn out. I confess, I did not anticipate having everything thrown at me so quickly, but...” she didn’t want to complain either. This was what she had wanted, and even if she was tired, she felt... Accomplished. “I am really pleased that everyone put their trust in me, so that I was able to take this job.”

As Max headed over to the desk to peruse her day’s work, she felt herself chuckle once again. She hadn’t done this much paperwork in her life, but she did recall seeing large amounts in Max’s office as well. He was one person who could at least appreciate the mountainous task ahead of her.

“Paperwork does seem to be never ending. I can understand why so many people have secretaries now.” she replied, tearing herself away from her desk and over to the counter where she had seen him take the cake. Something sweet seemed like it was definitely in order. Too bad she didn’t have any champagne to go with it. “Would you care to sit and eat this with me? If you aren’t too busy? I could use a break actually.”


Be Mine || Hiro and Elise

Hiro was so relieved that Elise liked the flowers he got her. He couldn’t offer much, but he wanted to give her all that he could. Because she was worth it - completely and totally worth it. Hiro adored her - her smile, her flushed cheeks, her straightforward and blunt attitude, everything - wholly and completely.
His cheeks flushed scarlet when she pecked his cheek. It was a small sign of affection, but one Hiro didn’t think he would ever get used to. It wasn’t bad. No, certainly not. He loved even these small signs of affection from the girl who captured his heart. But getting used to them? That would take a lot, lot longer, if he ever got used to it.
“I’d…. Well…” He cleared his throat and tried again. “I would like to come in, i-if just for a bit. There is something I must tell you, Elise, and it is best said in private.”

Elise couldn’t help the warmth that seemed to spread through her whenever she was around Hiro. He was such a kind, gentle person, and she truly loved being in his company. She still felt a little bad for not telling him the story of her life yet, but she couldn’t help but love that he only knew her this way. She knew she was going to have to confide in him soon, but... She also worried that in divulging her secrets, she might lose that adoring look he had whenever he looked at her. 

“Oh, of course!” she responded quickly, wondering if perhaps he was wanting to know what she was just thinking of. She had said she would tell him about her past soon, but she had been putting it off for a while. If that was what he was about to request, she knew she would have to tell him. He had waited long enough. Yet her heart was still unsteadily racing at the thought.

Stepping back into her hotel room, she motioned for him to follow her inside. 

“Please, do come in. Make yourself at home.” she shut the door behind him and then moved toward the loveseat nearest to where they were standing. “Would you like something to drink?”


Be Mine || Hiro and Elise

Of course Hiro was there for Elise every step of the way. He adored her. He loved her smile, her eyes, the way she styled her hair, her clothes in various shades of pink, her bluntness - everything, really. There were few things he wasn’t fond of about Elise, though he supposed he would find more as time went by. Not that he would grow dissatisfied by her. He wouldn’t. He’d learn to love more and more about her as time went on, but he would also learn more about her. If she wanted things to be that way anyways.
He thought again of the rings in his pocket and of his intention to give them to Elise, if only he was able to work up the courage to do so. It had taken courage enough just to bring them with him. He was so afraid of letting Elise down…
But there she was, happy to see him. Of course she was. They were dating, weren’t they? Not officially, of course. But they were definitely dating at least.
“I have something for you as well, Elise. I hope these flowers are enough to convey my feelings for you, strong as they are.”
Elise didn’t know why she was so happy with the simple flower exchanging gesture, but she felt a warmth flow through her as she accepted the offered flowers. Sure, they had been seeing each other for a while, but participating in a couple-y exchange really did make them seem official. Her heart skipped a beat as she took a sniff of the flowers, committing the scent to memory. 

“They’re wonderful, I love them!” 

Her green eyes finally met with his again and she rose to her tip-toes to plant a gentle kiss to his cheek. She could feel her cheeks burning, but she didn’t pay it any mind. She really was happy. Things were working out so well these days. 

“Would you like to come inside? Or would you prefer to go out?”

Truthfully, she didn’t mind either way, so long as she got more time with him. 


Activity (May 27)


[-1,600G] For living in the Bell Hotel and working there


[+1,500G] For your first (main) job. [+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job. [+2,000G] For being the boss of a business. [+1,000G] For being an owner of a business. [+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc. [+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall)

Total: 8,340G

New Balance: 57,820G

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