
and there goes my social life

@friskycupcake / friskycupcake.tumblr.com

I´m not an addict of all my fandoms, I just know what I want : Sherlockian, Whovian, Supervillain, Jedi, sometimes SithLord, Gif-fetish, Slytherin, Rainbow puke, Zombie-Killer Lvl.5, eargasm-addict....

Hazbin Hotel - Angel Dust Prequel Comic (”Chapter 1: Dirty Healings”)

Mirroring from the main Hazbin Hotel website in case the site goes down for some reason, and also to keep track of what was posted when (and thus when it became canon). This copy is lower-definition than on the original site, so go read it on the actual site. First page here.

Pages originally posted 7 November 2019*:

(*at least as far as I can tell, according to when archive.org documented the site—note to self, fact check this later, it’ll definitely be on someone’s twitter)


Hazbin Hotel - Alastor Prequel Comic (”The Radio Demon”/”A Day in the After Life”)

Mirroring from the main Hazbin Hotel website in case the site goes down for some reason, and also to keep track of what was posted when (and thus when it became canon). Go read it on the original site. First page here.

Comic originally posted 19 October 2020.


Don't forget, his full name is Loki Stabbing People is the Only True Intimacy I've Ever Known Laufeyson.

Seb: What are you in the mood for?
Jim: World domination.
Seb: That's a bit ambitious.
Jim: You are my world.
Seb: Aww...
Jim: ...
Seb: ...
Jim: ...
Seb: OH.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis.

this is the oldest post on all of tumblr, posted in october 2006 before the website even launched publicly in 2007.

literal tumblr history


This was in Sioux Falls South Dakota! The green sky is caused by large hail stones within the storm refracting back green light to the observer.

More pics from that day

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