


I am a person of many fandoms
Musicals, Books, YouTubers, Anime
I'm awkward and have no friends
I'm also very gay
Slytherin and Hades Cabin

Extremely offensive triggering asshole

This guy was being so rude. He was being TRANSPHOBIC towards his car. Referring to it as ā€œsheā€. How offensive!!! He doesnā€™t know its pronouns!!! He assumed itā€™s gender! Iā€™m so triggered. How dare he. Iā€™m gonna report him and block him. This is a terrible offense.


Donā€™t scroll past this.

Reblog to let your followers know that they should never start cutting.

I know this website makes it seem like that shit is normal but trust me, itā€™s not. And once you start, youā€™ll never really start and it will haunt you for life.

It never gets easier, it never stops hurting, it isnā€™t (and will never be) ā€œcoolā€ or ā€œthe only way outā€

Please donā€™t start. If you already are cutting, tell sometime and get help, itā€™s not as scary as it seems and you will be better off by it.

If even one person reads thisā€¦ Please. You matter.

Donā€™t start.


not to be totally correct,, but percabeth is the most well paced, healthy, non problematic hetero relationships in the whole we-grew-up-together/enemies-to-friends-to-lovers tropes. Like, usually in these kind of relationships, especially in kids books, itā€™s rushed, not helpful to the girlsā€™ story line as sheā€™s just used as a romantic plot device, and itā€™s just heteronormative and uninteresting. But with percabeth, their crushes on each other were well established (and not just out of the blue @ the end of the story), it was well paced, Annabeth obviously had her own characteristics and plot and her character didnā€™t revolve around her romantic life,Ā and if anything, percabeth only made annabethsā€™ complex storyline more wholesome (she lost luke, she lost thalia, and she grew up not happy in her home. She was used to having the people she love disappear or turn their backs on her, and that created trust issues evident throughout the story. her and percy getting together shows that she moved past this and she now has a stable person she can put her trust in). At this point im rambling but yeah. percabeth is non problematic, very healthy, beneficial to both Annabeth and Percyā€™s storylines, and rick made it cannon in a way that did not enforce heteronormaty. thanks for coming to my TED talk.


real talk tho, if you think percy would EVER get drunk youā€™re completely wrong.

after spending his childhood in the home of an abusive and drunk man, percy would never pick up a drink.

character developmentĀ 
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