
I’m Ariఌ Requests=CLOSED‼️

@ariisheresstuff / ariisheresstuff.tumblr.com


home this christmas | carmen berzatto x black reader smut

happy christmas! wrote this in a pinch, hope u love

also, all my steve rogers fic readers— what say i finish up girls on film over winter break? just for shits and giggles. enjoy!

the drive to your family’s heirloom brownstone in brooklyn was almost impossible as you and carmy took turns navigating the snowy roads and the panic attack that was new york traffic during the holidays. it would’ve been absolute agony if you weren’t right by your lover’s side and didn’t have tons of r&b christmas classics blasting through the entire time. at the first hotel, the two of you were too exhausted to even talk to each other, but carmen’s arm still found its way around your waist like something of an unconscious mechanism. you had to smuggle yourself free in the morning. by the morning, the two of you were determined to finish up the four-hour drive and make it home for christmas. 

no time for rest though. the minute you and carmy stepped in, you were bombarded with the sound of luther vandross belting christmas classics. the smell of good cooking — candied yams, sweet potatoes, collard greens, and glazed ham- overwhelmed your senses. any tension that had built up on the road was immediately released the moment you walked in, carmy holding a huge crate of ingredients that he would use to make chicken piccata.

“cuzzo!” squealed janae, your favorite girl cousin, and a recent howard u grad, as she ran up with her arms opened wide like a snow angel etched into the snow. 


Anonymous asked:

ahhhh your flu one shot is just what i need… i caught covid and now i need to be responsible and look after myself which is no fun but atleast i can read your writing and pretend I am being pampered and babied

Awww get well soon babe!!! 😘Hopefully you’re doing well and sending love for you <3 Hope my readings make you feel better and I’m glad you enjoyed my recent fic!!! Love you tons and get well soon!💜💜💜

Flu Season
Pairings: Carmen Berzatto x Fem!Reader
Summary: The flu has been going around, unfortunately, you ended up catching the flu. But, no worries! Doctor Carmy on the way! <3
Genre: Fluff + Comfort
Warnings: Sick Reader :(
A/N: Literally everyone has been getting the flu (not me tho!) hopefully everyone gets well if you have the flu! <3

You woke up feeling like absolute shit. Your head was just pounding like crazy, your nose was just clogged up, your throat was on fire, and you had nonstop sneezing. You groaned as you lifted your head up only for your eyes to close shut at the brightness coming from the curtains. You also whined at the empty spot next to you on the bed, however you did hear noises coming from downstairs meaning Carmy was home. You moaned as you laid your head back down only for you to slush your pillow over your head. That’s when you heard footsteps approaching the bedroom.

“Hey, baby, c’mon. It’s already 11:30 you never sleep in this late.” Carmy dragged the blanket off of you only for you to shiver and whine at him.

“Carmy, stop, I’m cold!” Your voice sounded strained and just not you. Carmen frowned.

“Babe, you okay? You don’t sound like yourself.” He said softly as he lifted the pillow off your head only for you to scrunch your eyes, Carmen softly cupped your face as he rubbed a thumb over your red cheeks. “Jesus baby, you’re burning up. You only whined. Small tears forming in your eyes as you looked up at Carmen’s eyes.

“I don’t feel good.” You said through the tears making Carmen frown at you, he quickly tucked the blanket back over you as he sat on the edge while rubbing your neck with his cooled hands.

“Shit, you might have the flue babe. It’s been going around recently. Did this just happen?” You nodded as you placed one of his hands on your burning face making him chuckle a bit.

“I guess it started last night.” Carmen hummed as he checked his phone for the time, he hummed again.

“Should probably get you to the doctors, get you some medication too.” Carmy ran his fingers through your hair as he helped you sit up slowly, you winced as your headache continued. You leaned on his chest, trying to hide from the sun to stop your pounding head from aching. Carmen rubbed your arms as he rested his chin on your head.

“Will you make me soup?” You said making Carmen’s heart swell, smiled.

“You know I will baby.” You smiled too as you wrapped your arms around him, you hummed feeling a bit at ease in your lovers arms. He then pecked your head a few times before helping you stand.

“Come on, let’s get ready for the doctor.” You whined making Carmy chuckle a bit. “C’mon, c’mon. I’ll even shower with you.”

“Oh?” You said as you smirked at him making roll his eyes at you.

“Don’t got time for that today baby, sorry.” Carmen said as he patted your bottom to get you moving towards the bathroom.

“Dang it.” You said with a dramatic sigh making Carmen chuckle through his nose.

You groaned as the two of you made it back home from the doctor. It was 100% the flu making you wanna fall into a hole, you took off your shoes only to whimper at how much your head was hurting you. Carmen took you in his arms.

“Let me do that babe, here.” He gently placed you on the bench next to the door as he carefully took off your shoes for you making you smile a bit.

“Thank you carmy, I love you.” You said through a sniffle, you took one of his hands as you placed little pecks on his tattoos.

“And I love you more baby.” Carmen leaned down to peck your forehead, before helping you stand as well as walking you over to the couch. You sighed as you were finally able to lay in peace. You immediately shivered. Carmen noticed.

“You want the fluffy blanket babe?” You nodded as you hugged yourself trying to warm up, which was impossible. Carmen quickly came back with the big fluffy blanket that you loved. You immediately smiled as you cuddled up the blanket. Carmen crossed his arms jokingly making you chuckle.

“I see how it is babe.” He said with a shake of his head making you roll your eyes.

“I’ll always cuddle you more Carm.”

“Yeah, yeah, anyway what soup you want?” He started looking through the cabinets.

“Chicken noodle, obviously.” You said as you took the remote and flicked through the channels to keep you occupied.

“Chicken noodle it is. You know you have to take the medicine after.” He said while getting the ingredients while you groaned like a toddler as you cuddled up more with the blanket.

“Literally the best soup in the world Carm.” You said as you enjoyed the warm soup, letting it clear your throat and sinus. Carm came by to sit with you only with the medicine making you glare at him.

“If looks can kill babe.” He said through a chuckle as he got the medicine ready for you, you pouted.

“I don’t wanna take it Carm, it’s gross.” You said between sniffles making Carmen frowned at you as he rubbed your back.

“I know baby, but I want my girl feeling better again. I get sad seeing you so down and not yourself. You finished the last of the soup before sighing as you took the tiny cup of the pink liquid, you sighed as you downed the medicine. You coughed before immediately taking the water you had and rinsing your mouth.

“Taste like shit.” You said with a scrunched up face making Carm snort before taking the cup from you and kissing your head as a reward. He took your empty bowl before placing them in the kitchen sink. You laid back down as you continued the movie you were watching. Carmen came back as he sat down next to you on the couch pulling you into his arms. You snuggled in his side, humming into his warmth. He placed an arm around you, securing you tightly as if you would disappear. You wrapped your arms around his torso, feeling your eyes get heavy.

“Thank you for taking care of me Carmy, I don’t know what I would do without you.” You said softly as you yawned, Carmen looked down at you with a smile.

“No need to thank me baby. It’s my job to look after you.” He placed a loving kiss on your forehead as he ran a hand through your hair in a comfort manner. You sighed as you gave him a smile. You yawned again making him pull you in closer to him.

“Get some rest baby, you need it. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He placed kisses on your head as he continued to rub your back soothingly immediately putting you to sleep.

You mumbled a very light “I love you.”

Of course Carmen heard because he leaned down to whisper lightly “I love you more baby.” Before continuing the movie on the TV.

The night ended with the two of you asleep in each others embrace <3

Anonymous asked:


I just read you’re dad!carmy blurb and I think you’re writing is incredible, the story was so cute it, Kennedy is definitely a daddy’s girl. It brought me so much joy mid final. Please keep it up, I would love to read more dad!carmen from you!

Sending love 🫶🫶

Thank you so much!!!🫶🏻 I appreciate you loving my content, really brought a smile on my face 💜😭 really glad you like my recent fic, thanks for enjoying!!!! 💜😘


I really don’t care what someone has to say about my fanfic and I honesty don’t care how many likes or followers I get, I write fanfic for fun! And I’m not gonna let someone that has nothing better to do ruin that for me. Some people may hate my writing, and there’s people who love my writing. I write fan fiction for fun nothing serious, it’s fun and I enjoy it!

Anonymous asked:

i won’t be reading anymore because honestly your writing is literally shit and you should quit while you’re ahead. this blog is sucky and shouldn’t even exist. it’s a disgrace for someone like you to be writing carmy with you horrible garbage writing.

Um, okay? I don’t care honestly and I’m not gonna argue with someone anonymous over something that’s complete bs to argue with… if you think my writing is shit, then thanks. That’s what you think, and I don’t care! I’m not gonna stop writing fanfic for you because you think it’s shit…so thanks for your bs complaint bcs I don’t care enjoy your day, thank you!

Anonymous asked:

i hate that in your dad! carmy blurbs you completely prioritize carmy over the mom. like all Kennedy wants his her dad and it’s kind of annoying, make the mom feel wanted and included too.

Ok, well it’s my creative writing it’s just what I thought was cute honestly… keep your thoughts to yourself bcs honesty this is a stupid ass complain. Everyone has different ideas for their fanfics, if you have a problem then just don’t read my fics 💀 smh

Falls and Puddles
Pairings: Dad!Carmy x Mom!Reader
Summary: You and Carmy are watching your 5 year old daughter Kennedy ride her bike in the rain and through the big puddles, however, she ends up losing her balance and falling into a massive puddle crying.
Genre: Fluff + Comfort
Warnings: Crying, mentions of cuts, injuries
A/N: My requests are open, have a good day!

You were standing outside of your porch with Carmy watching Kennedy ride her bike in the puddles while it was raining, she had on her pretty pink rain coat with her pink boots. You leaned into Carmen’s side as he wrapped an arm around you to bring you closer.

“She’s getting better at riding her bike babe.” You said as you looked up at Carmen who had a smile on his face watching Kennedy giggle as the water splashed on her.

“She is, Richie and Ava have been helping her actually.” He said making you smile more

“You never told me.” You said with a tease making Carmen chuckle before placing a kiss on your forehead.

“It’s a secret babe.” You rolled your eyes before lightly laughing as you continued to watch Kennedy.

Kennedy rode her bike through a large puddle before she lost her balance and fell off her bike, straight into the massive puddle. You gasped.

“Shit.” Carmy muttered before quickly going down the steps of the porch and running across the street to Kennedy. You followed him quickly. That’s when you heard the heartbreaking wail of your daughter.

“Daddy!!!” She called out through her sobs as she sat in the puddle all drenched.

“Oh,Kenzie girl c’mere, did you fall?” Carmen cooed as he helped Kennedy up only she raised her arms up wanting to be carried by her dad, Carm quickly picked her up not caring she was getting his clothes drenched.

“Oh honey, are you okay?” You cooed to the crying girl as you picked up her bike following Carm back to the house.

“I-I fell.” Kennedy said through hiccups making your heart break. Carmen frowned as he placed kissed on his little girls head while rubbing her back.

“We’re gonna get you cleaned up okay? I’m sure you don’t have any boo boos though.”

Kennedy wrapped her arms around Carm’s neck as she snuggled into his neck just wanting her dad’s presence. Carmen hummed as he pecked her head.

“You’re okay baby, I promise. It wasn’t your fault, it’s slippery out there yeah?” He cooed as you followed him up the stairs placing her bike on the porch before Carmen placed Kennedy down making her whine.

“Can you sit for me princess? Right here on the step, I’m gonna get the water out of your boots.” Kennedy only shook her head as she whimpered. You frowned.

“Please baby? Daddy is only gonna take the water out of your boots, promise. Please?” You asked her making her whine before she slowly sat down. “Good girl.” You ran a hand through her hair soothing the poor girl.

Carmen room off her boot before placing it upside down as a puddle of water came out her boots. He placed them by the door before picking up Kennedy again. “We’re gonna get you some fresh pair of clothes okay?” Kennedy nodded as Carm went upstairs to her room.

You waited in the living room with a first aid kit just in case she had any cuts. You heard Carmen’s footsteps down the stairs, he was still carrying Kennedy who had a pair of fresh new clothes. Carmen sat by you with Kennedy on his lap who snuggled into his chest still hiccuping. You gave him a sad frown before looking at the little girl.

“Any boo boos?” You asked softly as Carmen rubbed her back as he pecked her head a few times.

“Small cuts on her knee, nothing serious.” Carm said as he pulled her pajama pants up to show you her knee. A minor red cut.

“Which bandaid you want baby?” You said as you pulled out a little box of Barbie and Disney Princess bandaids, Kennedy sniffled before pointing to the Barbie ones. You smiled before taking a bandaid and placing it on the small cut, you kissed her knee before gently rubbing it. “All better.” You sighed making Kennedy smile a bit.

“You smiling?” Carmen said in a teasing tone making the little girl smile more, he tickled her making her squeal making you smile at the moment.

Carmen then stood up, picking up Kennedy before looking down at you. “I’m gonna start dinner, Kenzie is deciding what we eat tonight. Aren’t we princess?” Carmen cooed making Kennedy hide her face in his neck making you chuckle a bit.

“So, what’s for dinner chef?” You said as you both looked a the little girl who then looked down at the floor shyly.

“Ice cream and waffles.” She said softly with a smile, you looked at Carmen who had a smirk on his face. You shook your head.

“You heard the chef babe.” You crossed you arms before smiling at the two.

“Ice cream and waffles it is.” You placed a kiss on the girls head making her giggle before you cupped Carmen’s face and placed a loving kiss on the corner of his lips making Kennedy turn away in disgust. You and Carmen just laughed as you continued to tease the little girl by placing loving pecks on each other.

So to ask someone else how they're feeling, that seems, uh... I don't know, insane?

THE BEAR 1.06: Ceres

Sleepless Nights
Pairings: Dad!Carmy x Mom!Reader
Summary: The few days with a two week old baby was stressful, you were going through postpartum depression and it’s killing you. Carmy wakes up to the sounds of whimpers and cries from Kennedy, only to find you crying while comforting her.
Genre: Comfort, slight angst
Warnings: Postpartum Depression, crying, baby crying, stressed reader
A/N: My requests are open, have a good day! <3

It was only 1:20 AM and Carmen groaned to the sound of your newborn daughter crying, Carmen turned to your side of the bed only to find you standing next to Kennedy’s crib gently bouncing the small infant. Carmen rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he stood up and walked over to you. He yawned as he rubbed a hand on your lower back, he paused his movements only to feel your body shaking. He gently turned your shoulder only to frown. You were crying.

“Hey, baby, what’s the matter?” Carmy softly whispered to you, he tried cupping your face but you only shook your head looking down at Kennedy to hide your tears.

“I-it’s nothing Carm, g-go back to bed.” You said through hiccups, you softly shushed Kennedy’s cries but only for them to get louder. You were two seconds away from screaming.

“Here, gimme Kennedy baby. Go sit for me.” Carmen quickly took Kennedy out of your arms as he comforted the small child with soft hums and kisses. You sat on the bed hiding your face as you let the tears silently fall. Carmen walked around with the baby to get her fall back asleep.

“There ya go Kenzie, giving mommy such a hard time hm? I know it’s so hard living in a new world, but you gotta be nice to mommy. She’s done so much for you hm?” He said quietly as the small girl started to hiccup dozing back into sleep. Carmen smiled softly before pecking her head before walking over to her crib and placing her slowly down before rocking the crib slowly. After a few minutes he sighed before looking at you, he felt his heart shatter. He walked over to you as he ran his hands down your back in a comforting matter, that only made you sob more.

“Shh, baby. I know, it’s okay. Here, C’mere. Let’s go to the living room okay?” You looked up at him with a cloudy vision and a trembling lib before nodding. Carmen helped you up before taking your hand as he lead you to the quiet living room. He sat you down next to him as he wrapped his arms around you. You both stood there for a few minutes in silence only your sniffled and small whimpers being heard.

“You’re not alone in this, y’know that babe?” He said softly making you wrap your arms around his torso and hugging him tightly. Carmen didn’t hesitate to hug you back. He felt your body shake again.

“I-I’m sorry. I-It’s just too m-much for me, I-i don’t know what t-to do anymore.” You said through sobs, Carmen frowned he cupped your face out of his chest to make you look at him. He wiped away your tears with his thumb before giving you a stern look.

“Look at me Y/N.”

You hesitated before softly opening your red eyes with your eyebrows furrowed. Your bottom lip between your teeth to stop yourself from crying. Carmen pulled your face closer to his as he laid a loving kiss on your lips, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment forgetting about everything. Carmy pulled away as he rested his forehead on yours for a moment before pulling away to look at you.

“Don’t ever say sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for, you’re going through a lot baby. A first born isn’t easy, I’ve seen Sugar and Richie deal with it. It’s okay to feel like this Y/N. Don’t think you’re alone on this, I’m here with you, that’s what husbands are for. I love you with all my heart baby, and it kills me to see you go through this stage. But I’m here for you and Kennedy. Please, don’t feel afraid about opening up to me about this.”

More tears fell only for Carmen to quickly wipe them away and bring you head to rest on his shoulder as he hugged you like you would disappear. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you let your emotions fall out.

“Let it out baby, it’s okay.” He whispered as he rubbed your back while kissing your head.

“I-I love you Carmy.” You said into his neck making Carmen smile, you pulled away to face him before giving him another kiss making you both sigh lovingly. You both stayed in each others arms for a few minutes, just enjoying the silence in each others embrace.

“You ready to go back to bed baby?” Carmen said softly into your shoulder, you sniffled before softly nodding. Carmy grunted as he got off the couch and reaching down with his hand gesturing for you to grab it. You grabbed his large hand as he lead you to the bedroom where Kennedy was sleeping. You two quietly entered the room and walked over to her crib on the side of the bed. You both looked down at the sleeping girl, you smiled as you ran a finger on her chubby cheek. You sighed as Carmen kissed the side of your head, you yawned quietly.

“Get some sleep baby, I’ll watch over her.” Carmen whispered making you frown at him.

“But, you have to get up in a few hours for work Bear. It’s fine I’ll stay-

“No babe, you need more sleep than I do. I’m fine baby, really, just please relax. You deserve it. I promise I got it, okay?” He cupped your face as he pecked your forehead clearly telling you to sleep. You sighed before nodding and leaning up to peck his nose. You grabbed his hand on your cheek and placing a kiss on his open palm.

“Thank you Carmy. I love you.” You said with a smile making Carmy smile back.

“And I love you more Y/N, always.” He brought you closer for one more kiss for the night before letting you go to bed.

He sighed as he felt a wave of proudness wash over him, he felt proud of taking care of you. His wife, who needed the comfort. Knowing he’ll always be there for his wife~

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