
I'm just gonna leave this here


just a plain old reblog blog

Domestic sitcom about a were-whatsit whose inner-city apartment is declared a protected habitat after it turns out that – quite unbeknownst to them – the thing they turn into is a recognised endangered species.

Their next-door neighbour is a full conversion cyborg who keeps getting ticketed for walking on the sidewalk because legally their body is classified as a motor vehicle.


What if the confrontation between Oisin and Adaine is like Oisin going like “we’re two incredibly powerful wizards- let’s see who’s magic is the strongest” and then Adaine just shoots him with a gun


This is how hyperfixation works:

This is a three second scene. Maybe four if I'm being generous.

But Mycroft and Greg have an entire conversation through glances in those four seconds.

And those conversations? They only happen when you've been together for y e a r s.

This four seconds is all it took to shove me off a cliff of OTP obsession.

And the kicker?

Sherlock isn't even awake...


dan looks like he was a very well behaved mouse that got turned into a twink by an emo witch that favored him


curious bc i sometimes go to say things to people online before realising i sound literally evil

guys please 😭 this isn't about being overly blunt or not being able to take back your words in person or a lack of tone tags, its about telling your buddy he dresses like if wallace from wallace and gromit was a faggot


ping pong ball thing never would have happened if cathilda was home. another brennan crime by omission this season


Brennan has built such a strong, failsafe support system around the bad kids he had to send half of them into the fridge just to have a plot


snapping my homies out of being corrupted by the curse by firmly gripping their shoulders and telling them to "get real"

that didn't work. okay. time for plan b *gets down on my knees and starts tying my hair back*


Jesus is my copilot which sucks honestly because they didn't have cars back then, so he just spends the entire trip freaking the fuck out.


also. it's just a gag but i find this bit of laios putting a bib on marcille oddly adorable

like that's his friend and he knows she normally hates getting messy (even if her shirt is already stained with her own blood) and that she's likely to drop/spill something on herself in her current state. so he does what he can to care for her, even if it is silly

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