

@melohdrama / melohdrama.tumblr.com

jo · 24 · they/them · usa i lost it all with my eyes wide open

all i want is to have one of those ghibli moments where the protag is just lying in a breezy field with wildflowers and big puffy clouds overhead. that’s the goal here.


Watched a kid in line ahead of me at the store get rung up and the cashier said “your total is 18.41” and without missing a beat the kid said “ah, the year I was born” and the cashier stopped and was like “I’m... sorry???”


better to lose people not meant for you than to exhaust yourself trying to impress, love, help, and grow with people who never will be.


If i ever spell something wrong I did it for comedic purposes. I know everything don't forget that


when hozier said "i should've worshipped her sooner" and when hozier said "i'll crawl home to her" and when hozier said "your love is sunlight" and when hozier said "yeah girl ahahaha"


Idk how to explain to people that the US isn't declining into fascism, it's been a fascist state since the moment it started with genocide and slavery.

People on this post keep insisting that it's not fascism because of lack of authoritarianism and not realizing that that's the fucking point.

There was a lack of authoritarianism for most people, most notably white people.

But what about the Native people who were forced into reservations that they weren't allowed to leave without permission? Who weren't allowed to speak their languages or sing their songs or dance their dances?

What about the black people who were forced into slavery and then into segregation? Who were separated from their families and weren't allowed to read or write?

What about the brown immigrants who were paid next to nothing for backbreaking work building a country that they weren't considered a part of? Who were forced to live in controlled housing where their every movement was monitored in case they tried to leave?

The US is and has always been a fascist state. Some people just have the privilege to ignore it.


Good morning only to ppl who wear their face masks over their noses


wearing the mask with the nose poking out is the wildest thing to me... like... what are you doing? it's like using a condom but poking a hole in the tip... it's like wearing a seat belt, but perforating it so it tears of at the slightest impact... it's like putting on a high-vis vest under your shirt... as if those people are only interested in the inconvenience not the protection

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