
genderqueer positivity

@genderqueerpositivity / genderqueerpositivity.tumblr.com

A blog intended to bring positive and affirming messages to the genderqueer community everyday. | "We're here, we're queer, get used to it." | genderqueer.positivity on Instagram.

Pride, Awareness, Acceptance, Remembrance, and Visibility Events Calendar

(This is an incomplete list and will be updated as needed.)


Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Thyroid Awareness Month

World Braille Day (Jan 4th)

Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity (Jan 22nd)

International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan 27th)


LGBTQ+ History Month (UK)

Black History Month (USA/Canada)

Polyamory Week (Canada, week of Valentine's Day)

Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (first full week after 14th.)

Chosen Family Day (Feb 22)

Rare Disease Day (February 28th)


Women's History Month

National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Bisexual Health Awareness Month (#BiHealthMonth)

Disability Day of Mourning (March 1st)

Zero Discrimination Day (March 1st)

Dyscalculia Day (March 3rd)

International Women's Day (March 8th)

National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day (March 10th)

World Down Syndrome Day (March 21st)

Neurodiversity Celebration Week (March 21st-27th)

Atheist Day (March 23rd)

World Bipolar Day (March 30th)

Trans Week of Visibility (week of March 31st)

International Transgender Day of Visibility (#TDOV, March 31st).


Autism Acceptance Month

Queer & Trans Kink Month

Arab American Heritage Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

World Autism Acceptance Day (April 2nd)

International Asexuality Day (April 6th, may change yearly)

National Deaf LGBTQ+ Awareness Week (second or third week, alternates yearly)

Day of Silence (date varies)

National Transgender HIV Testing Day (April 18th)

Nonbinary Parents Day (third Sunday)

Anniversary of "Genderqueer" being added to the dictionary (April 20th, 2016)

Lesbian Visibility Day (April 26th)


Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Jewish American Heritage Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

EDS and HSD Awareness Month

National Day of Reason (first Thursday)

International Family Equality Day (first Sunday)

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (third Thursday)

National Honor Our LGBT+ Elders Day (May 16th)

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (May 17th)

Agender Pride Day (May 19th)

Harvey Milk Day (May 22nd)

Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day (May 24th)

World Thyroid Day (May 25th)

Menstrual Heath Day (May 28th)

World Multiple Sclerosis Day (May 30th)


LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

Global Day of Parents (June 1st)

National Gun Violence Awareness Day (first Friday)

Pulse Night of Remembrance (June 12th)

Neurodivergent Pride Day (June 12th)

Learning Disability Week (third week)

Autistic Pride Day (June 18th)

Anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges (June 26th)

National HIV Testing Day (June 27th)

Stonewall Riots Anniversary (June 28th)


Disability Pride Month

Abrosexual Awareness Day (July 2nd)

International Femme Appreciation Day (First Saturday of July)

Queerplatonic Relationships Day (#QPRDay, third Saturday)

International Nonbinary People's Day (July 14th)

Nonbinary Awareness Week (week of 14th)

International Drag Day (July 16th)

National Parents' Day (USA, fourth Sunday)

International Self Care Day (July 24th)


International Childfree Day (August 1st)

Autistic Dignity Day (August 8th)

Gay Uncles Day (second Sunday)

Polyamorous Awareness Week (third week)

International Butch Appreciation Day (August 18th)

Transgender Flag Day (August 19th)

Wear It Purple Day (Australia, last Friday)

International Day of Protest Against ABA (August 31st)


Bi Pride Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15th-Oct 15th)

Bisexual Awareness Week (week of Sept 23)

Celebrate Bisexuality Day (Sept 23)

International Day of Sign Languages (Sept 23)

International Safe Abortion Day (Sept 28)

National Day For Truth and Reconciliation (Sept 30th, Canada)


LGBTQ+ History Month (USA/Canada)

National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15th-Oct 15th)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month

National Kink Month (USA)

Black History Month (UK)

International Lesbian Day (Oct 8th)

World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th)

National Coming Out Day (Oct 11th)

National Freethought Day (Oct 12th)

OCD Awareness Week (second full week of October)

Trans Cake Day/Cake For Trans Friends Day (October 14th)

International Pronouns Day (third Wednesday)

Spirit Day (third Thursday)

LGBTQ+ Center Awareness Day (October 19th)

Intersex Awareness Day (Oct 26th)

Asexual Awareness Week (last full week of October)


Native American Heritage Month

Autistics Speaking Day (Nov 1st)

Intersex Day of Remembrance/Intersex Solidarity Day (Nov 8th)

Transgender Rite of Ancestor Elevation (Nov 12th-20th)

Trans Parent Day (first Sunday)

Transgender Awareness Week (Nov 13th-19th)

Nonbinary Children's Day (Nov 13th)

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR, Nov 20th)

National Polyamory Day (Canada, Nov 23rd)


World AIDS Day (Dec 1st)

International Day of People With Disabilities (Dec 3rd)

Bisexual Pride Flag Day (Dec 5th)

Gender Expansive Parents Day (Dec 6th)

Pansexual Pride Day (Dec 8th)

Human Rights Day (Dec 10th)


There are three days left in this legislative session.

Instead of taking up any real issues--such as the fact that South Carolina is one of only three states without state laws against hate crimes--the legislature is aggressively trying to pass an anti-trans healthcare bill that would also require schools to out trans kids to their parents.

The changes made in the Senate today mean that the bill goes back to the House for approval before it can land on the Governor's desk.

It's a game of trying to run down the clock now.

“There are some things in the nature of creation — male and female is one of them — that gets beyond what you believe and I believe,” Republican Sen. Richard Cash said on the Senate floor before debate began Thursday. “It’s rooted in creation; it’s rooted in the creator and those who opposed that are opposing in some sense the nature of creation itself.”

This bill is Christofascism in action.

Republican Sen. Danny Verdin said polls show voters in South Carolina back the ban. With all senators up for reelection this year, that idea could get tested at the ballot box. “If you put it alongside taxes, if you put it alongside infrastructure, if you put it alongside paying our school teachers or paying our law enforcement officers, this is up there. It’s above them all,” Verdin said.

Actually, as much as 71% of people in SC believe that the government should not ban trans healthcare, and that includes 67% of Republicans.

And you can take it from someone who lives here, we do not need a law specifically targeting the healthcare of the less than 3,000 trans kids in this state. We DO need things like higher pay for teachers, road, bridge, and dam repairs, and greater internet access for rural communities.

But it doesn't even matter, because our Republican legislators are not here to serve the people of this state, they are here to advance an agenda. And unless the clock runs out, they will.


Our state Senate will likely vote on a gender affirming care ban this morning, intending to get the bill on the governers desk with only days left in the legislative session. Depending on how today goes, the ban could be signed into law as early as tomorrow.

The bill isn't just a gender affirming care ban for minors:

  • It prevents Medicaid coverage for gender affirming care for anyone under 26
  • It forcibly medically detransitions all minors
  • It creates a legal definition of male and female
  • Has explicit exceptions to allow for nonconsensual procedures on intersex youth
  • And requires public school staff to out trans children

So it's bad here and I'm nervous for the future of our trans community.


Yeah yeah religious trauma and internalized homophobia suck but sometimes I get these moments of overwhelming joy at the fact that I am queer and proud I am not religious anymore I have a life ahead of me where I can celebrate pleasure and love and intellectual freedom without constraint like fuck yeah this is what I'm sticking around for!!!!!!!


Apparently, when you start making pin designs, it's really hard to stop 😳

Today is a perfect day to share this secret collection! 🏳️‍🌈

There will be a tiny experimental first run, preorder starts on April 3rd in my Kofi shop ❤️

And then we'll see, may be this lighthouses collection will grow ✨

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility! 🏳️‍⚧️


I did a thing with some transphobic comments that I had the misfortune of seeing with my own two eyes on TDoV.

There are screenshots below, the usernames and profile pictures have been covered up with colorful scribbles, as well as most of the text of the comment, leaving behind only a few words with a very different meaning than the original intent of the comments.

(you are not your DNA You can be transgender)

(Respect and love means affirming someone's truth)

(Biological sex is a mistake.)


(Two images with striped backgrounds in the colors of the transgender and genderqueer pride flags, both images have identical text that says "Happy Transgender Day of Visibility" with the date "March 31st" below).

Happy TDOV! 💜

In these times visibility is more powerful and more dangerous than ever. Today is a day for showing up in the ways that feel most empowering to us, and for being visible for those who can't yet be. Trans lives are precious. There has never been a world without trans people and there never will be. Every day we survive is a win.

As we all know, this year the date of Easter falls on TDOV, so I'm sending an extra shout out to the trans Ex-Christian community today. Take care of yourselves today. Whether you still take part in the secular traditions of Easter or today will simply be another Sunday, know that you are a whole, complete, and beautiful person.


QUEERS READ THIS | A leaflet distributed at pride march in NY | Published anonymously by Queers | June, 1990

"Everyday you wake up alive, relatively happy, and a functioning human being, you are committing a rebellious act. You as an alive and functioning queer are a revolutionary."
"Being queer is not about a right to privacy; it is about the freedom to be public, to just be who we are. It means everyday fighting oppression; homophobia, racism, misogyny, the bigotry of religious hypocrites and our own self-hatred."
"Being queer means leading a different sort of life. It's not about the mainstream, profit-margins, patriotism, patriarchy or being assimilated. It's not about executive directors, privilege and elitism. It's about being on the margins, defining ourselves; it's about gender-fuck and secrets, what's beneath the belt and deep inside the heart; it's about the night."

nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."

i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.

so yeah. pride is for you. pride is for all of us.


I’m actually serious about this, if at all possible, right now is a very good time to request queer books from your local library. Whether they get them or not is not in your control, but it is so important to show that there is a desire for queer books. I will also say getting more queer books in libraries and supporting queer authors are pretty fantastic byproducts of any action.

This isn’t something everyone can do, but please do see if you are one of the people who has the privilege to engage in this form of activism, and if you are, leverage that privilege for all you’re worth.

For anyone who can’t think of a queer book to request, here is a little list of some queer books that I think are underrated and might not be in circulation even at larger libraries:

IRL by Tommy Pico        

Passing Strange by Ellen Klages             

Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow              

Protect Queer and Trans Kids ⚡️
Digital art of a queer nonbinary teen with glasses and a beanie wearing a rainbow shirt with their back to us. They have a striped long sleeve on and red pants with a star patch. Text reads, ‘schools should be a safe place for queer and trans kids.’

Today is the Republican primary in South Carolina. Here's your reminder that South Carolina is an open primary state and any registered voter can choose to vote in either primary (but never both!)

If you did not vote in the Democratic primary earlier this month, you are eligible to vote in the Republican primary today. I encourage you to get out and go vote for someone other than Donald fucking Trump.

I voted for Nikki Haley this morning (this being the first time I have voted for a Republican for anything in my life) and yes it felt gross (especially in light of her ridiculous embryo/IVF comments and then her weak immediate attempt at flip-flopping). But we live in a society or something like that so go out and vote I guess. We are living in the season finale of American democracy yippeeee.


On February 7, 2024, an indigenous nonbinary teenager named Nex Benedict was beaten to death in a US high school bathroom.

The news has been spreading across social media over the past few days, with several news outlets misgendering and deadnaming the victim. I have seen a small handful of posts about the entire thing, but only a couple with any sources about what happened.

I spent the morning combing through articles. This is a list of publications reporting on the story that don't deadname Nex:


(Image description: six images with blue, black, and pink gradient backgrounds and white text; the text in the images reads 1) "Supporting trans youth is suicide prevention not child abuse", 2) "Supporting your trans child is good and respectful parenting", 3) "Access to gender affirming health care saves lives", 4) "Trans youth need supportive communities in order to survive", 5) "Support parents and caregivers who support their trans children", 6) "Support teachers who support their trans students".)

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