


Sorry everyone, this is primarily a Critical Role blog now! Also supernatural, nature in general, and BIRBS

Ianto Jones sass appreciation post

OMG @theriverscribe YESSSSSS! *waves hand in the air* I volunteer to cheerlead!

LISTEN!!! I did a whole Chuck-damned reply to this and it DISAPPEARED!

I’ve been sitting here for two days waiting eagerly for your response before I realized my post must have ended up in the ether. UGH!!!

THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! I love Janto with the fierce burning of all the suns in existence. When “Children of Earth” aired, I was fucking lost. I sobbed. I screamed. I ranted to the walls and cats. Fans built a memorial to Ianto. RTD told fans to “go watch SPN” if they wanted characters to come back to life. I refused out of spite for years. I caved out of desperation.

And here I am.

I have an unfinished Janto story on FFN called “Broken Touch” that is kind of a rewrite to explore Ianto’s journey. I need to return to it one day, but it’s been a struggle.

I would LOVE to do a collaboration with you!!! 😍🤗🤓

AH NO TUMBLR STRIKES AGAIN! I too have been eagerly awaiting your response!

I’M SO GLAD YOU WOULD LIKE TO WRITE WITH ME!! I’ll say that Dr Who was my first ever real TV obsession, even if I never got involved in the fandom because of lack of internet. I like the later stuff, but it’s never really had me hooked since the RTD era. 

But as for Torchwood, I will have to do a serious rewatch now, because it has been *ahem* several years since I last watched them, so binge watching here we come! But YES! OMG Jack vs. Lucifer… He would be SO MAD when he couldn’t kill him… 

Maybe we could fit it in one of the more recent seasons? And incorporate the BMOL absolutely HATING torchwood! 


Did you two ever write a Torchwood Supernatural crossover?

maaan this is from a *while* back XD I'd almost forgotten!

We never did quite manage to get this into existence unfortunately, and we've both since moved on from SPN- there's a file somewhere in my google drive with our plotting ideas in it but the actual writing part never took off


The inherent fucking racism/xenophobia in the “Save Christmas” rhetoric????? They imposed lockdowns twice right before Eid, countless Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and more holidays went by in lockdown and now that its Christmas it’s somehow more important? People out there telling all of us that our holidays and religions don’t matter and we have to step up for society (which we did btw) are now going “oh no not Christmas whatever will we do??” Now that it’s YOUR holiday you finally pay attention? Fuck off. We could have been careful and ended this months ago but y’all decided to play around until it came to Christmas. The government deciding to not give a shit about Eid but decide to “protect Christmas” tells you everything you need to know.

On Rosh Hashannah it is an OBLIGATION, not a tradition, but an OBLIGATION to pray in groups of ten or more. Any other year, we must pray in person because the use of electricity is not permitted on our holy days.

I had my Rosh Hashannah alone, in my basement, through streaming. It was the first and only time my cat has gone to synagogue with me.

Christians can fucking deal like everybody else


i love this destiel news i have zero investment in supernatural but you dont have big fandoms like this anymore. literally everyone on social media knows what youre talking about when you talk about it. this is the first time in so long ive seen the entire internet collectively lose its gourd over something that wasnt horrific tragedy and existentially horrific news. feels really good. 


Just want to say how proud of i am of america right now. Removing a dictator during a dictatorship is near impossible (typically it takes civil war or a death/ power vacuum) but for four years you’ve been fighting back and now you’re fighting a heavily rigged, horribly unfair election and not giving Trump that “landslide victory” dictators typically get. I want you to know that many of us across the world, see those 50/50 looking results and don’t see america as half and half but 30% cultists who were given an easy vote and 70% people who’s vote was very hard to get out (we saw the lines, we saw the fake ballotboxes) and often outright thrown away. We hear that more people voted for Biden than have ever voted for a candidate before. We see your judges fighting to have every vote counted and the diverse new congressfolks you’ve voted in. The narrative of a close race omits that one team had skates on a downhill road and the other had an obstacle couse littered with dirty needles, fences to break through, barbed wire to crawl under and rabid dogs blocking the way.


there was some science that got done that involved putting a camera on a humboldt squid and

all i can think about is how fucking weird this must be for the squid??? like??? squid do not wear clothes, when left to themselves so how is this one adapting to its new clothes-wearing paradigm, how does it feel about this situation where it is now the only squid in a t-shirt and bodycam


shit, what do the other squids think? are they jealous that they didn’t get free outfits, or are they all roasting their buddy because he looks like a total dork now


I’m reminded of the ornithologists who discovered that banding birds with brightly-colored bands actually disrupted the mating season because female birds were attracted to males with colorful bands

what if these scientists have plunged the normally staid squid community into a maelstrom of unbridled sexual desire because one of them is wearing a shirt

“I’ve done a science!” You’ve gone and ruined a perfectly good cephalopod is what you’ve done! Look at them - they’ve got LINGERIE!


if you think the squid community is typically NOT a maelstrom of unbridled sexual desire i strongly urge you to learn more about squid cuz HOO BOY


literally every sleep advice pamphlet and website: don’t do things before bedtime! no reading! no video games! don’t watch tv! nothing stimulating at all within two hours of going to bed! :)

me, an adhd: you fools. you buffoons. i can’t even manage one minute without stimulation. i will die before following this advice and that is a threat


the funniest reactions to this post are like “this is uruk-hai erasure” or “where’s the balrog” everyone just wants to whip out their weird boners like the Russians aren’t watching huh

This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen. You’re right and you should say it, but you must know Wormtongue would be getting his own fetish blog


“i do not dream of labor” yes u do. labor is fulfilling. u dream of a world where ur labor isnt exploited and its that or starvation. i guarantee u dream of labor. labor is a necessity and in and of itself is a good thing.

if u dream of having a garden, of painting murals, cooking or baking for people, researching in a lab, or writing stories, u dream of labor. which is good! we all jus hate having our labor exploited and being underpaid for the value of our work. nobody wants to just sit at home and do NOTHING as quarantine proved! in and of itself labor is fulfilling and contributes to the betterment and advancement of society, too many people are just barred by arbitrary divides (class, education) and unable to perform labor they’d be best suited for, or that type of labor (arts, service industry) is undervalued and underpaid.

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