
MBTI typing


i'm going to type fictional characters, you could have other opinions about those typings, so you can share your opinions about them! If you have some request please let me know.

Will Byers, Stranger Things


Dominant function, Ni ( Introverted Intuition )

Wil lives in his own inner world, he loves to create imaginary games and situations. He likes roleplaying games so he can be the wise sorcerer. When he was younger he built a shack in the forest where he could retire himself and have alone time for playing inside his fanasy world. Will is more mature than his peers but at the same time, when the boys are grown in season three, he is still childlike, he still wants to play fantasy games while his friends don’t anymore. Will prefers to express himself through images rather than words, in season two, when Joyce was trying to figure out what was happening with Will, he prefered to explain what was happening through drawings of the mindfleyers.  

Auxiliary fuction, Fe ( Extraverted Feeling )

Will is very kind and he loves his friends and their company. He sees his group of friends as a pack, a family. In season three when his friends where too caught up in their lives and forgot about their group, Will is the one who suffers the most beacause of it. He feels like Mike and Lucas betrayed the group, preferring the girls instead. Fe users often creates a group of friends that becomes extremly important to them. In addition Will is very direct about his feelings ( Not like a Fi user would ) as when he directly confronts Mike about his “betrayal” and he opens up about how this situation makes him feel. 

Tertiary function, Ti ( Introverted Thinking )

Even though Will is a very sensitive guy, he can come as very rational too. he spends many time inside his mind. It is also stated in season one that Will is very good at school and as it can be seen in his shack, it seems like he enjoys lerning.

Inferior function, Se ( Extraverted sensing )

Will is detached, and he doesn’t live in the present. He prefers to live in his fantasy world. Unlike the other boys, Will is not acting on his life, he seems like he is still innocent while his firends are starting to have “teen” problems. He does’t like to “live” in the real world. Will is not experimenting, or living his life as a teenager, he prefers to stay at home and play with his friends roleplaying (Ni+Se). 


Margaery Tyrell, Game of thrones


Extraverted Feeling, Fe ( Dominant function )

Margaery is a true leader. She is charismatic, kind and passionate. She was defined the most loved queen, that is because of her capability to understand what her population need, to be present and to appear in public among her people. When she was about to marry king Jeoffry, she helps poor kids; she is surely altruistic but it was because she needed to show herself as a kind new queen, better than the old one. Margaery knows very well how to get to the heart of people and how to minipulate them for whatever she wants. She wants to be the queen of Westeros so she marries every men that is going to be king, and she manipulates them especially with Tommen, who doesn’t know how to act as king so she takes this as an advantage to control everything with her own. If we compare Margaery to Cercei, whose dominat function is Extraverted thinking: both of them are very ambitious and know how to play the game of thrones, but Margaery prefers to get things through people and from their acceptance; Cercei instead achieves her goals without any approval form others and gets what she wants with every possible way.

Introverted Intuition, Ni ( Auxiliary function)

Margaery has a clear view of what she needs to get the Iron Throne. Margaery knows quite well what to do in order to accomplish her goals, she has a detailed project for everything: she doesn’t just plan to be queen, she creates a relation with Jeoffry, she tries to befriend Sansa, she convince people to be kind but she is prepared to every sudden situation too (Ni+Se). When Renly dies she doesn’t lose hope and she finds a way to become queen, in the same way when Jeoffry dies she takes that situation to her advantage. When the High sparrow imprison Margaery,Loras and Cercei, she is the only one who get to be released thanks to her cunningness. High Ni users sometimes have intuitions that other people doesn’t get, in effect during Loras’s redemption, Margery is the only one that understands that something bad is going to happen.

Extraverted Sensing, Se ( Tertiary function )

Margery is future oriented and always ready with a new plan, however she is in tune with the present and action oriented. She knows how to act in an unexpected situation quite well. She is aware of her surroundings, even thoug king’s landing is a new place for her, it hadn’t be difficult to adapte herself to this new environment ,and actually she doesn’t waste time and starts to carry out her plan very quickly ( unlike Sansa - Si dom - who finds difficult to adapt herself in this harsh environment ). Se is so developed in Margery that she could be even mistaken as a se dom, she is capable of turning every situation as an advantage, she acts every time in the best way even in dangerous situations as when Jeoffrey asks her if she could kill someone: Margery doesn’t hesitate to take the weapon, showing that she would do everything for the king (Fe+Se). Margery is very competitive and she would do everything in order to win.

Introverted Thinking, Ti ( Inferior function )

Margaery doesn’t spend too much time over analyzing things, she prefers to act according what society expects from her (Fe), she doesn’t analyze her behavior. Margery is also very good as creating connections with people and get them to like her.


Piper Chapman, Orange is the new black


Extraverted Intuition, Ne ( Dominant function )

Piper is guided by her intuitions, ideas and her abstract view of the world. She sees the world as a storm of new possibilities and opportunities to change things and improve herself. Piper gets bored very easily that’s why in prison she is always seeking for a new exprience and adventure that can make her satisfyed as when she starts the prison’s journal or during the riot, when she could stay away from it because she wanted to be part of it and part of the changing. Piper has always searched for thrill and that lead her to prison: She met Alex, fell in love with her and immediately started the money laundering with her but after a while she wanted to change and broke with Alex for staring a new life. Piper is also very creative, in prison she ran a business of underpants to sell outside.

Introverted Feeling, Fi ( Auxilirary function )

Piper follows her emotions and feelings. She is sometimes perceived as selfish as when she leaves Alex, the same day her mother died, just because she decided that she wanted to change her life ( Piper often uses her Te over her Fi ). However Piper always needs to be involved in something she believes and something she considers to be wrong and something test needs to be change. She stands for what she believes and she is very rigid when it comes to her moral code. Piper helps people even when she doesn’t know them very well as when she wants to help Linda during the riot or when she supports Brooke for Poussey’s memorial library, her Fi makes her being empathetic and makes her want to help people in need. However Piper is also very vindictive and prepotent when someone tries to step on her, when Stella stoles the money of her business she doesn’t hesitate to punish her (Fi+Te).

Extraverted Thinking, Te ( Teritary function )

Piper often uses Ne+Te, skipping her auxiliary function. She tries to get done every idea that comes from her extraverted intuition, she tries to get herself busy all the times in prison, she finds a new goals to reach everytime and she does reach it. Piper needs to be in control of everything and everyone: with her relationship with Alex, when she becomes the boss of the underpants’ business, when she becomes the captain of the ball game. She can be seen as very bossy, or that’s what she wants to be, but because her Te is teritary she fails and nobody really take her seriously. Piper is good at working and making people work together as when she makes some inmates collaborate in the prison journal or when she is voted as the coach of the ball game. Anyway Piper makes enemies very easily because of her insensitivity like Maria Ruiz, or Red during the first season.

Introverted Sensing, Si ( Inferior function )

When Piper jumps in new experiences, that sometimes are risky too, she decides to step back to a more settled life: when she dated Alex before going to prison, she felt the need to give up and turn back to a normal life so she ended up breaking with Alex and started a more relaxed and daily life. Piper in prison fell in love again with Alex, she prefers to create stories that brings her comfort, in fact she knew Alex very well and it was easy for her to recreate the bond that had with her in the past ignoring the fact that the relationship didn’t work well before.


Game of thrones

Quick typing

  • Catelyn Tully: ISFJ
  • Ned Stark: ISTJ
  • Cercei Lannister: ESTJ
  • Oberyn Martell: ESFP
  • Robb Stark: ISTJ
  • Olenna Tyrell: ESTJ
  • Daenerys Targaryen: INFJ
  • Lord Varys: INTP
  • Tyrion Lannister: ENTP
  • Stannis Baratheon: ISTJ
  • Jaimie Lannister: ESTP
  • Jon Snow: ISFJ
  • Loras Tyrell: ISFP
  • Arya Stark: ISTP
  • Margaery Tyrell: ENFJ
  • Tywin Lannister: ESTJ
  • Petyr Baelish: INTJ
  • Sansa Stark: ISFJ
  • Brandon Stark: INTJ
  • Theon Greyjoy: ESTP
  • Joffrey Lannister: ESTP

Eva mohn, skam


Extraverted sensing, Se ( Dominant function )

Eva is the typical party person, she loves going to parties. She recharges her energy by being surrounded by people. During first season she is sad because she hadn’t had any friend or people to go out with, for this reason she seems to be introverted but in season two, after having new friends and breaking with her boyfriend, Eva is seen as an outgoing girl. Eva is sometimes impulsive as when she jumps out form her bed and goes to the school-party alone in fact she understands that it was a terrible idea or when she searches a guy to meet on Internet and hookup with him the same night. Se users sometimes acts without thinking too much about the consequences of their actions and because of this Eva during the first season struggles a lot especially with her boyfriend Jonas due to the fact that she cheats on him.

Introverted Feeling, Fi ( Auxiliary function )

Eva during season one tries to understand who she is and where she belongs in the world. She struggles with her identity because she thinks that everyone know who they are and she can’t understand who she really is. Her relationship with Jonas makes her insecure and paranoid, she thinks that Jonas is cheating her with Ingrid even though she has not any evidence about that. At the end of the first season Eva decides to break up with Jonas because she wants to find herself without him telling who she is and how she should act.

Extraverted Thinking, Te ( Tertiary function )

Eva is still a teenager, her tertiary function is not well developed. Eva doesn’t really relies on real facts, when she starts to be suspicious about her boyfriend she doesn’t search for real evidences about that, she just believe her thoughts to be true because she feels that way. She asks Ingrid if she had been seeing Jonas, she belived her without questioting if Ingrid was saying the truth or not even though she knew that she could have lied ( Fi over Te ).

Introverted Intuition, Ni ( Inferior function )

Eva has a lack of Introverted intuition and that makes her lose her sense of personal meaning. She prefers to seek response form the external world rather than her inner world. She doesn’t think too much about the consequences of her actions and she struggles understanding her inner values and she doesn’t over analyze things she just acts, that’s because her Introverted feeling is not completely able to find answers about herself.


Jiro Horikoshi, The wind rises


Introverted Intuition, Ni ( Dominant function )

Jiro is absorbed in his own world. He is constantly dreaming about becoming a plane constructor and he knows exactly what to do in order to accomplish his dream. He sometimes forget about what is happening around him because he is too concentrated on his inner world. He is extremely introspective: he has a clearly view of what he wants, of his identity, his desires and his projects. When working on airplanes he tries to find the immediate and best solution on the building because he has a detailed imagine of what his projects should be. Beacuse his Intuition is introverted Jiro prefers to concentrate and spend all of his energies only on his biggest passion.

Extraverted Thinking, Te ( Auxiliary function )

Jiro has a strong desire to become a plane constructor and he does not only daydream about his ambition but he makes everything in order to make his dream real. Te users are driven to achieve their goals and they uses all their energy to make an impact and a change in the real world. Actually Jiro becomes successfully a plane constructor, a very good one. He works hard on his works, Jiro wants to concentrate only in that and instead of staying with Naoko , even though he know she is ill, he wants to finish his project and his work ( he prefers using Te over Fi ). Jiro is an objective person sometimes he can also be seen as cold even though he isn’t. Jiro is seen to be also a good leader and instructor when he leads a lesson about his project.

Introverted Feeling, Fi ( Tertiary function )

Even though Jiro prefers using Extraverted thinking over Introverted feeling, he is very in touch with this function and this makes Jiro being a highly introverted person. Jiro is in touch with his own feelings, although he seems to be a cold person on the surface, he is very kind and tries to help people as when he stands up for the boy bullied or when he offers food to the kids in the street even though he does not know them. Fi users are able to be empathetic with individuals who are in need of help. Jiro has also a strong sense of morality and strong values. Because feeling is introverted it is difficult to see Jiro’s face-expressions and emotions.

Extraverted Sensing, Se ( Inferior function )

Extraverted sensing is Jiro’s less used function. Because Jiro uses Introverted intuition as dominant, he sometimes is absent: often when his friend Tatsuo talked with him, Jiro was too busy daydreaming in his inner world forgetting about the external world. Anyway Jiro knows how to live in the present and he is action oriented. He uses Extraverted sensing for observing the airplanes that has been constructed and he tries to gather all the informations that his Introverted intuition process for the future projects so that he can improve them.

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