
Fr. Benezet Aloysius


Man of the Light and Chaplain of The Order of the Holy Rose | Azerothian Human of Duskwood | US-RP Wyrmrest Accord |

From a Homily on Life’s Pilgrimage

    “There are those who don’t yet court because they don’t love themselves either. ‘How can you dare try to date another person?’ they ask themselves. It’s that person that, in their point of life, cannot allow themselves to love someone because they see themselves as at-best a work in progress. It’s there especially in young men, feeling the need to build their nest in hopes of attracting someone later. It’s tragic for them because they forgo meeting love along the way. They have an illusion that life is anything but a work in progress. There are those on the opposite end, too, that are expecting someone to have built the nest for them already only to wake up and discover they spent their entire adult life waiting.”


I’ve got a curse I can not lift..

Some of us are born with a curse you see,

Some call it a gift, these days I no longer believe,

I see it as a curse, a curse that is a part of me,

A curse that makes me desperately want to take the burdens of others,

And shoulder it for them,

So that they may live in peace,

But people take advantage of that you see,

And they all walk away with a small part of me,

Taking what they want and continuing,

Leaving me a little less.. me.

It took longer than it should have,

To realize we live in such a selfish world,

But that’s a part of the curse you see,

You’re blind to the true face behind their masks,

So you do anything for them,

Only to feel the knife sink in your back,

When you needed them the most.

These days I’ve learned to control my curse,

But it will never just go away,

These days I’m just a ghost watching others make the same mistakes I did,

I could help them,

But I know it wouldn’t help,

The curse makes you blind,

You just have to figure it all out on your own..

( 200 word challenge! Tagged by @salt-water-siren! Thank you so so much, I’m super rusty and this was a good way to get back into writing. )


Not Enough Coffins

“That’s the last of the soldiers. We’ll be calling up farmers next.”

--King Genn Greymane

There are not enough coffins yet, so we have him covered in a white blanket.

His Father was there. He held his wife as they moved to their son. He was strong for her.

His sister was too young to really know but she knew not to say anything. She laid the flowers.

His mother’s eyes were hidden but we could hear her sniffles. She smiled to tuck in her boy one last time.

I read the prayers. I blessed his head. Soon it was time to leave.

Not enough coffins yet.


Ironforge Autumn Craft Fest 2018

The seasonal Ironforge Craft Fest is back once again, and looking for vendors! So far this year, we have manged to fill the entire Great Forge! Let’s do it again and cap out a perfect year!!!

What:  The Dwarven clans of Khaz Modan, as well as other brothers and sisters of the Alliance, wish to host a crafter’s festival to honor centuries of fine craftsmanship! This will be the Spring installment in this seasonal event!

Not a Dwarf? No problem!  All are welcome to join!

When:  Saturday October 20th, 2018, 6-9 PST.  Opening ceremonies will take place outside the “Cask and Anvil” next to the flight path at 6pm.

Yes, this does line up with Hallow’s End, some come dressed festively!

Where:  The Great Forge of Ironforge, of course!

Want to sign up as a vendor, entertainer, or volunteer?  Feel free to do so >>>here<<<!

This is a Wyrmrest Accord event.

@the-royal-courier @thesteelpub @wraconnect @wowrpevents @warcraftisastage @the-azerothian-confidant

(<3 you for all of the boosts in the past, and we greatly appreciate all you all do!)

This weekend! 


I Remember Tenderness

I remember tenderness. I remember a warm touch. I remember how small you felt in my arms, and how tightly you held me in your clutch

I remember short hair, at your shoulders you had it cut. I remember hearing you coo, even as your eyes neared shut.

I remember when you told me you loved me, too early back then. I remember saying it back, afraid I’d lose you again.

Do you remember me walking away? It’s hard for me to forget. Do you remember the cold nights? Do you remember how we wept?

I remember how angry you were then, how you tried to forgive. I remember trying to make you understand, but I bore guilt for my motive.

I don’t remember if I loved you. I don’t remember if I could. I remember feeling something though, even if I wasn’t sure I should.

Maybe I miss you, though mostly I do not. But on nights when I sleep alone, it’s hard to remember how I ever forgot



From the Blue Recluse (Short Story)

I took a holiday to Stormwind for the Literary Conclave. In all, my weekend began with a blast. The storytelling about the Troll Wars complete with arcane sound effects and wondrous visual representations had me enamored. However, the following day had me much more fighting with myself. Or at least, fighting another as I watched a fight.

I took to the Blue Recluse earlier that day for lunch while I toured the academy. While I studied in Stormwind myself what feels like only weeks ago, we didn’t have much to do with our fellow academics beyond an occasional drinking parade. Young seminarians and young arcanist students milling together made us forget a while how old we really were even then. It was quiet at the time I went so later that evening after spending most of it trying to arrange a portal back home, I felt myself not really wanting to go back.

It’s quiet in Darkshire. Well, not really. It was curious with growls and chirps and hoots and footsteps but all of those were backdrops to the silence, not a voice to be heard. Living alone means alone. The fire cracks sound me to sleep as each burst punctuates between the sounds bumping in the night. Thump...thump...thump...CRACK...Thump...thump...such is every night. Growing up in a crowded cottage never was really all that quiet. A snore here, a patter there, the creak of a bed’s ropes as one turned over all kept even the quiet of the night feel comfortable and safe. Nowadays, Darkshire is far from safe (even if it hasn’t truly been for long) and more uncomfortable as the town itself seems dead with silence. Indeed, much of it is dead. For me now, the only comfort is in my prayers.

So I decided to stay another night for Stormwind never seems to sleep and that was close enough. I made my way back to the Blue Recluse and found it uproaring in life! Laughing, jeering, talking, and thumps on the table in guffaws. I knew nobody there so made my way to the bar. I ordered a mead, I forget the label, and made small talk to a roguish man beside me. He was slender, curvy, like a Draenei woman more than a man. When he spoke I could hear the lisp in his voice. A homosexual no doubt. But even a young priest learns fast to look over old prejudices. We took to talking about home.

He was a Gilnean he told me, I had to ask for I can’t tell them from a Kul Tiran nowadays. He said he was a peddler, living in Stormwind as if he were trapped. He mused to me about how he loathed King Greymane and how he longed for Orgrimmar. I answered with jokes about Orgrimmar’s infamous filth, but his persistence made clear how serious he was. I was perplexed but I had no time to explore with him before his words read treasonous to a table nearby.

A tall man wearing gnomish goggles and all assortment of gadgets confronted my new companion, calling him out for his love of the Horde and frustration at the Alliance. I attempted to calm them down, saying no need to draw swords (as they had by then). I thought it might be the liquor. More came in and a woman swooped in front of me, ordering me behind her. And so I did, watching a political feud fall before me. It was then I had time to muse.

Stormwind’s life reminds me of my home’s death. I have served my late King. I have preached in his Churches and I healed and ministered his soldiers. But it has been a long time since any soldier has risen a finger for Duskwood. We fell on ourselves and from ourselves, we still suffered. The Watch betrayed us so I came home. I followed orders for the Scarlets and discovered them a danger. So I invited my friends to stay and so they have and so hard has it been. So many dead. So many lost. I wonder why we bother to remain in a land even the Sun has forsaken.

So it was I felt conflicted, unwilling to protest his words of treason. Within me, I feel my own hot coals beginning to grow hotter with each jealous, selfish reminder Stormwind gifts me of its prosperity. I thought to myself, jokingly I hope, that the Horde might make better guardians. If not for how forsaken we feel, to at least get attention from this white-stone monolith. I feel like we are a bullied child, turning to everyone else for help or falling into ourselves because mommy and daddy won’t. And like that child, hating them for it.

It is no Sin to be angry at the Light. The Light has plans far beyond us and still cares when we cry in frustration, anguish, or hatred. But the King is a mere man. A mere boy. Is it treason to be angry at him? The child wants to respect his mother and father, but how can he when the suffering grows too great? What for the child beaten by his own mother and father? What of the child abandoned by his own mother and father? He must find a new parent, for sure. We are orphans in Duskwood. We have been raising ourselves too long. We are children left to die, dumped in the garbage by a mother unwilling to recognize our humanity. And like a hurt, abandoned child, tear ourselves apart in guilt and desperation. And like that anguished child, we must learn to forgive and move on. Or worse, we learn to extract justice before the time of the Light’s judgment. Still, however, we are left in our rotting cradle and I want to burn it before I burn all else. Wait.

Light grant me serenity and patience. I’ve had to endure it all my life. My family had to endure it. My people still endure it. My people? Stormwind is my people, no? We are all of the Lion’s brood for sure, but we are the runt of its litter.

I shouldn’t write anymore. I think I may regret it if I do.


Running of the Gnomes, year 9, Oct 13th!

The “Small” run will be held once again on October 13th, on Scarlet Crusade US at 7pm EST (That’s 4pm PST, 11pm GMT, 8am KST respectively.)

7pm is race start time, so show up early, get a guild invite to one of our many guilds, hang out with community for a good cause, and meet your fellow Gnomies! Be sure to bring your S.E.L.F.I.E camera!

Running of the Gnomes will benefit The Cleveland Clinic’s Tuohy Vaccine, a vaccine that can prevent Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, which is often hereditary and the most deadly form of breast cancer. The drug is currently only in stage 1 of clinical trials. Dr. Tuohy is working on other breast cancers, as well as a vaccine for ovarian cancer. The event is meant both to spread love to those suffering from or affected by Breast Cancer, and to remind everyone, regardless of gender, to take preventative breast health seriously.

Where can I donate?

What is this? Is it just the in game micro-holiday?

Running of the Gnomes is an event where the whole of the Warcraft community gathers on one singular server, Scarlet Crusade, and travels from the Gnome starting zone to Booty Bay to help raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer.

The yearly migration was so popular with players and the community that Blizzard honored the event with a Micro-Holiday called the Great Gnomeregan Race that occurs yearly on the same date worldwide. The micro holiday provides players with a race course, and NPCs to cheer them on.

While the Micro-Holiday occurs everywhere, the community and gathering of players is still held on only on Scarlet Crusade-US.

The community event benefits a charity we love, and gathers together people worldwide. At the start of the event in 2017, there were over 7,000 players online and $16,600+ raised.

How to participate:

Simply log in on the specificid day on Scarlet Crusade, before the run start time and join us for the run, we’ll have the invites, and you just need to bring yourself! Because the Gnome Run is very popular, I suggest showing up not 10 minutes before the run if you can help it, or joining our discord for days that we are pre-inviting people to guilds to snag an invite early.

There will be absolutely no Cross Realm invites for this.You must be on Scarlet Crusade or it’s connected realm Feathermoon. I’m unable to facilitate people who are off realm. Simply roll a new character on the specified server and join in the fun that way!

If you do not play World of Warcraft, or play in the EU/Asia regions, you can download and use a US trial account. If your account is currently not active, you can also do the same! Trial accounts cannot join guilds, but you can run along with us, and we do have some ways to count you all. You can also join our discord still!


Is there a Hashtag again?


A note about Racing Guilds:

We ask that even while it’s hectic, or there’s multiple guilds, we ask that you only join the guilds we’ve confirmed for a variety of reasons:

We use the guilds to give out directions during the run, we don’t want people to have unexpectedly negative experiences in a random guild, or be scammed with a false donation link, we do use them to have some idea of how many people are at the event.

So far we can confirm:

1.Gnomes Race for a Cure
2 Gnomes Race Too
3. Gnome Three Racers
4. Gnomes Race Four Us All
5. Gnome Run Strikes Back
6. Gnome and the Furious Six
7. All Gnomes go to Seven
8. The Last Gnome Run
9. War for the Gnome Run
10. Gnome with the Pink Run
11. Gnomes to Eleven

More guilds will be announced on our social media and discords.

Whispering those of us spamming chat with instructions to do so the exact word INVITE will auto trigger our addon (thanks to Ellypse for making it!) to get you a guild invite unless you have a trial account.

Why Gnomes?

Gnomes are one of the few races with pink hair, making it easy for everyone to coordinate. They also fit the idea of something “Small” together adding up to something big when together.

What about Tabards?

Tabards were made BoP in Legion. You can buy them in Ironforge for less than 1g or you can mail yourself an Heirloom tabard from your other characters.

After Party?

Yes! We always head to Orgrimmar afterwards to give out kisses and licks to current the head of the capitol! 

…We’ve licked a lot of Horde leaders over the last 9 years to be honest.

Why Breast Cancer, isn’t there a ton of attention for this already?

October is breast cancer awareness month. We understand we’re sugar coating something devastating for people with cute gnomes to open up a conversation, but for a good reason. Everyone’s been affected by cancer of some form. Plus, we really realize that breast cancer isn’t just a woman’s issue. It affects our moms, our sisters, but also our dads, our brothers, our friends, guildies, coworkers, and many other people in our lives. It’s affected people that we really love in our community.

We feel even if the pink hair and cute outfits or all these Gnomes remind just one single person to check themselves to get a mammogram or encourage that family member who hears to go in to the doctor who’s been putting it off we’ve done our job for the year.

Plus it’s really hard to miss thousands of Gnomes doing anything, let alone thousands of Gnomes with the same colored hair stampeding through half a continent. Even out of game it gets people talking for a day or two.

I want to help with the run!

Tell your friends! Reshare our information on various social media platforms, turn your guild’s tabards pink and tell people why. Force your friends to come with you.

Feel free to send a donation of the materials for a Pink Mageweave shirt to help clothe a brand new Gnome in need to Meiousei on Scarlet Crusade.

If you have another idea you can tweet at me @Dravvie, or leave me a message here. I’m open to ideas, as long as it doesn’t lead to complete chaos!



Come and join us tonight at 7PM server/pacific for our weekly Literary Conclave! Held at the gazebo right behind the Stormwind Cathedral, we’ll have stories, songs, jokes, and more. And as always, have our floor open to those with something to share themselves! Contact us in-game to sign up to perform, or send us a message here!


Welcome to the Violet Tap - New Location!

Managed by the Half-Orc, Olyviane Haldstan, the Violet Tap is a grand tavern located Unity Square in Kul’Tiras. For many in the surrounding region, this Tavern serves as a prime spout for drinking, eating and relaxation. From Dukes and Duchesses to average wanderers, all are welcome!

Open every day from 6am-12am, the Tap hosts a wide variety of drinks and foods, many imported from various spots across Azeroth, many more crafted right here in the Northlands, or by Miss Haldstan herself!

So come on by! Enjoy a drink, enjoy twelve! And gather around the warm hearth in a setting of comradarie and revelry!


Olyviane Haldstan

The Violet Tap is open to the public every Tuesday starting at 6pm Server Time (That’s PST!)

When?: Tuesdays, 6pm Server Time (PST)

Where?: Boralus – Kul’Tiras! Fireside Anchors in Unity Square!

Worry not! The boat to Boralus in Stormwind is available to everyone, regardless of level, so anyone will be able to come! Summons and ports will not be needed!

Want to RP with Olyviane at the Tap on a day other than Tuesday? Just hit me up and we can work it out!

Interested in adding your own drinks or food to the menu? Message me and we can discuss it all!

Looking to join our Discord with more up-to-date information? Or perhaps looking to just chill out with us! Click here and come on down!

And finally a big thank you to @theengraver for working on my menu! Check her out, her work is amazing!

Tonight at 6ST! Don’t see us there? Slip me a whisper (Olyviane in-game) or send me a message here on tumblr or on Discord for an invite to our shard!

Starting now!


Squire Wanted!

I’m looking for someone to play the Squire of Sir Danvers Caerow. If you’re wanting to make a Knight or Paladin toon, don’t know the lore that well, want a good lead-in or just want a dedicated RP partner, I am looking for a Squire for my man Dan and can help with any or all of those things!

If you’re at all interested, please reach out to me! I’m very Interested in this storyline and want to do some cool 1 on 1 events.

Thanks for reading! See you all in-game.


Booster seat


Join us for Trivia Night!

Order of the Holy Rose is doing a test run of our soon to be monthly Trivia Night! Join us at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire tonight at seven bells to test your knowledge of Azeroth! Since this is a test run to see how smoothly it goes, we will only be having fifteen questions. Future nights will have more, and they may have a more defined theme, but for tonight it is just general knowledge! There will be gold prizes for those with the most amount of points as well. We look forward to seeing you all there!


A Rose with No Thorns


It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I regret to say our parting ways have carried us too far divided. Know that with all distance and time between us, I have not forgotten the charity you have shown to me, even when I deserved none. 

It is with a heavy heart then that I write to you to call for a reunion, not out of the charity of my own soul- though I may contend that there is much- but instead a call again for your helping hand. I am ashamed of myself, for allowing our first correspondence in this long while to be only spurred by my groveling for your help, once again. If you receive this well, I promise again to be loyal to your word and follow your call- and of course, to entertain you in my home, for a home-cooked meal. 

That which I am asking of you is support; this time in my life has been harder than I could have ever imagined, and the Father Aloysius, whom you know well, is counting on me to offer his community of Darkshire support I fear I cannot accomplish alone. Many problems plague this place- if I am to do good, and not simply destroy myself, I know I will need you at my side. 

I have purchased a small farm just to the South of the shire, along the old road. From here, I would like to begin my, and if you will let it be, our long project. 

I pray these many months have found you will, and in good spirits- there is much to talk about, as I have long neglected our cherished friendship. 

Your old friend, if you’ll have him, 

Sir Danvers Caerow

[ @madame-miersae ]


A Light in Darkshire...

Danvers was never keen on moving- he was a man of habit, but perhaps most of all, he had already lost one home, and was hardly wanting to lose another. He knew, however, that his small apartment was slowly becoming too small, and that, as a nobleman, he ought to have a real title of land to his name. After much thought- and much pleading by the local Priest, Dan purchased one of the abandoned farmsteads just outside old Darkshire. 


“A Note on Home”

“Sometimes visitors neglect to ask why we called the local inn the ‘Scarlet Raven’ and indeed they wouldn’t always be welcome to an answer.

When I left Darkshire they told me the northerners always thought of us as a skittish country folk, spending too much time missing the sunlight and missing out on the comforts of Stormwind. ‘But you’re different,’ they would say. I always felt they made to compare me to my town and family as lesser, paranoid freaks that jump at an owl’s hoot. It made me want to hate them.

I once met a young Westfall woman while studying at Northshire. I remember she resented the Stormwind boys and girls for how safe they felt. They did not remember their entire community scrounging for food or falling to ‘rebels’ when the Guard wouldn’t lift a hand. Even after, they were denied charity and left shoeless on soil they could hardly till and cowering from dust storms--as if the land was as filled with as much rage towards men as they felt towards Elwynn.

I met a Redridge man when visiting my brother. He told me how they were desperate against the orcs, how people went missing in the night, how they got back fingers and toes demanding tribute. He had no tolerance for the Orcs. He remembers how they tried to set up their own patrols and to protect them, told stories to their children of the hulking menace that has been rampaging through the hills, stained with the ash of the many lands they burned. You could not see them in the night when the moon was shadow, only the fires from the camps afar: ever reminding them to not stray too far.

Those are the kind of people that are told why we calm our jitters in the ‘Scarlet Raven.’”

----Fr. Aloysius’ Journal

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