
Thoughts From The Peacock Angel

@thepeacockangel / thepeacockangel.tumblr.com

Communist Barbie/Jean Genet Fan Blog

One thing I think is weird about a lot of leftists is how like… entrenched we often are in our particular branch of leftism. I consider myself an anarchist, but like… I’ll be honest, I wouldn't be mad at an ML revolution. Why would I?

Like anything left of socdems basically I’m like “sure, sounds better than this”

And like the only thing that gives me pause in that position is when online MLs are like “execute the anarchists”

Anonymous asked:

What is your political persuasion?



Democratic Socialist






Marxist (other)

Non-Marxist Communist (other)

I'm too Marxist for the Anarchists, and too Anarchist for the Marxists... I'm an especifist.


Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.

Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.

Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.


schools like ucla temporarily switching to remote instruction is twofold interesting because first, it is a transparent attempt to wait out the disruptive effects of protest by shifting the learning environment into the private space (a capitalist innovation!) of the student's room, which a protest cannot so easily impinge upon; but second, it is something that would not have been possible before the pandemic, before the mass adoption of technologies that could serve accessibility but are now being deployed by the reactionary project. an ongoing pandemic is not reason enough to let students participate remotely—the threat that truths about imperialism will spill into this environment of "higher education", however, is enough to force them to.


It's Been An Interesting Journey From "I Guess I Must Be Some Kind Of Lesbian"

To "Please just hate crime me rather than call me a lesbian"


Existing in Girl World As A Foreign National 

So even when people theoretically understand me to be a dude, there are a lot of them who kind of seem to still place me in the “girl” or “women and femmes” (ugh) box for certain forms of gendered interactions.  This seems to happen to me more with women than with other men.  At least with straight men, but it seems like most gay men I actually spend time with also put me (where I belong) in the man box.  Though admittedly, I may also just be being put in the ??? box, because I am a very gender non-conforming man and the social script for that is a little up in the air.

In any case, I’ve noticed that oftentimes when interacting with women there are kinds of-- it’s not that I think women are bitchy or competitive, but I do think there’s a weird sort of awareness of physical appearance and presentation and what not that’s part of what’s included in the *~*~*~*cultural model of woman/girlhood or whatever*~*~*~* and even if you’re countering it, and trying to undermine that norm, it’s a factor in your thinking I guess?  Like all women are sort of automatically entered in this big, horrible, eternal beauty contest, and you may or may not want to participate and may in fact be doing your best to sabotage the whole competition, but the whole world is constantly screaming your score at you, and so whether you want to be in or not, you kind of are in some way or another engaged with that system, whether you are ignoring it, participating, or undermining it or whatever, there’s an interaction happening. Anyway, so like I’m in the beauty contest, even though I have been entered by mistake, do not belong here, and am profoundly uncomfortable with and embarrassed by the whole thing.  And now I am also not saying I am the most stunningly beautiful creature on earth or anything, but I present a certain way, which is hyper-feminine and very “done” a lot of the time and because of the beauty contest that society has forced women and for some reason me (and presumably many other people who do not belong there) to participate in that does seem to lead to my presence having certain emotional ramifications for women in particular that feel deeply gendered and deeply weird because I’m just like “I’m not even supposed to be here.”

I feel like I still wanna talk more about this with people


Also One Thing I Think Is Really Funny About Having Realized I Am A Man

Is all the time I spent thinking "Wow all these women who have a hard time self-advocating or whatever, or feel uncomfortable in male-dominated spaces are such bad feminists. You're never going to get anywhere if you don't speak up, and join in."

And now I'm like "...of course, I fucking felt comfortable speaking up and joining in, the girl socialization didn't take."

Even I, with my fake boobs, and waist cincher, manage to have certain aspects of male privilege.


I Exist In a Really Weird Position Genderwise

Because I am 100% a dude, but I am mistaken for a lady throughout most of my public life, and like... in certain contexts don't correct people to keep things smooth.

I am a man who lives in drag. It feels odd.


“Surge in antisemitism”

I have worn my magen david and not had a single comment, from anyone— not Muslims, Christians, people wearing kufiyahs. I’ve been to protests and demonstrations, and never been more welcomed or felt so safe. Palestinians have hugged me, have shared food with me. Leftists have constantly held space to listen and to learn, to make room for changes and growth.

But you know what I have experienced? Jewish Zionists screaming at me, calling me shameful, Jewish Zionists on the internet debating the legitimacy of my Jewishness. I’ve been called kapo, k*ke and told I’d be r*ped by Hamas. I’ve had the most vitriol from ZIONISTS. I’ve faced the most antisemitism from Zionist Jews, and that makes me so inconceivably sad. I’ve been looked down upon and cursed at.

Zionism is not Judaism. Never will be.

rising antisemitism has been a problem since 2016, but it has basically nothing to do with Palestinians and everything to do with christofascism, but all anybody wants to do is act like the problem is Palestinians

of course, because if everyone’s looking at Palestinians when they think of ‘antisemitism’, then they won’t see the Christofascists rising in power behind them.


Also maybe I'm wrong but like... I've seen a lot of my Jewish friends get some serious bullshit for opposing Israel... and the fact that Germany has a 2% Jewish population and 32% of people arrested for Anti-Semitism (read: supporting Palestine) are Jewish is like...

I guess what I'm trying to say is like... I think using Palestinians as a scapegoat for anti-Semitism actually also serves as an excuse to allow for anti-Semitism... like Germany is like "What if we arrested a bunch of Jews... but we accused them of being anti-Semitic?"

Also, the more I read about the Zionist project the more I get a queasy sense of something that is hostile to everything the Jewish people I love value about Jewishness.

My best friend is a staunch Jewish anti-Zionist, and hearing him rage about the way Israel uses the memory of his ancestors who were murdered to bolster their national ideology just... affects me deeply. He talks about how so many of the people the Nazis murdered were Jewish people who opposed the Zionist project, because they were leftist internationalists, Anarchists, communists, anti-Imperialists who had stayed specifically to fight against fascism.


Bourgeois Feminism Is A Feminism That Demands Nothing Of Men

Did you know that as more married upper class and upper middle class women became employed during the 70s there was a dramatic uptick in demand for domestic labor?

They do not demand their husbands pick up the slack when they enter the workforce, instead building their “liberation” on the backs of working class women, usually working class WOC.

As well 19th century Bourgeois feminists were only horrified by working class sex workers because sex work was easier and paid better than being a scullery maid, thus making it harder and more expensive to get domestic labor.  They set up caring courses (read: Training and recruitment courses for domestic laborers) and crusaded against sex workers to make sure their supply of domestic labor was unthreatened.  

You’ll note bourgeois feminists never demonize or rail against domestic labor the way they rail against sexual labor.  This is because they have no use for sex workers and all the use in the world for domestic workers.

Here’s a source on the growth of domestic labor demand

Instead of…paying…their…domestic…workers…more they campaigned against them having other options.

The thing is it’s not even a ethical issue, it’s the nature of capitalism


An article that lumps prostitutes and brothel-owners together under the term ‘sex workers’ is honestly the most blatantly bourgeois thing I’ve ever seen. Are we really supposed to celebrate bosses getting filthy rich off the labour of their employees just because sex is involved?

No, I'm simply saying that bourgeois feminism's campaigning against sex work is self-interested and not humanitarian. Also brothel owners are not sex workers, they're bosses.


Them: Communism only works on paper

Me: I’m on it.

I saw someone on FB using a different version of this amazing meme I made so I just want to remind everyone that I’m the funny one and I invented this



Look, as someone who bathes every day... I think people can be pretty shitty about the way we treat people who despite being perfectly clean don't follow our culture's arbitrary rules about bathing.


So After Googling To Find More Chinese Detective Novels To Read

I have noticed something REALLY weird. There are all these articles like "THE CCP HATES DETECTIVE STORIES BECAUSE THEY'RE CAPITALIST OR WHATEVER" and then like looking at Chinese TV programming and it's like "Detective show! Detective show! Detective show!" and I'm like... why the fuck would you lie about that?

Like you know I am no apologist for auth-coms but what the fuck? Why would you lie about that?

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