
@kafkahibino-a /


THEME TWO: 4ONLY by kwiyeom

introducing my second theme that i will be releasing since getting into theme making. this FREE theme is for multipurpose use ! i tried my best to make this as organized as possible, but if you still have any questions, please feel free to message me ! click on the source link to be directed to a pastebin with previews and link to the code.


  • 350px posts
  • two pngs in sidebar
  • two options for navigation layout ( either the sticker icon version or the png version )
  • four options for sticker icons in navigation
  • optional muse tab
  • optional extra link
  • six customizable links


base code is made by @gordonramsei​. fonts are abeezee, bakso sapi, and falling skye. icons by suiomi. feel free to edit this as much as you’d like. please DO NOT use if you have ever used / are currently using the krp tag. and please DO NOT recreate and / or grab parts of this code.
“You want to taste him, but instead you bite the inside of your cheek. You wonder if he’d taste like wanting him tastes like: blood and silence. Don’t you want to know? Daily prayers: God grant me the serenity to not destroy myself with want for this boy. God grant me the serenity to destroy everything but him. You know God has nothing to do with this, don’t you? You touch the place in your wrist where the thought of him kick-drums through your veins. You drown your blood in alcohol to dampen the pounding. It doesn’t work very well, does it? Touching him feel like a leap off a building, like a sinking ship. Touching him feels like kerosene-soaked organs and the match in his skin. Why does it hurt so much? When he’s close, passenger seat close or under the sheets close, your knuckles are perpetually drawn white, your neck pulled taut. When he’s close, there is nothing but controlling yourself. Aren’t you tired of not giving your body what it wants? He speaks, sticky sweet. Maybe he tastes how he sounds: honeyed and warm. Don’t you want to know? The best you’ve ever felt was flying, 100 mph in a sunset car. Maybe he tastes even better. Don’t you want to know? Tell your secret. You want to know, you want to know. Tell yourself your secret: I want to know.”

— questions for RL, excelsors (via blancapadlla)

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