
Banning Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer? OFFENSIVE? And Charlie Brown Too?!

There's a war on Christmas and all our holiday classics are at risk but what does this all really mean and what can be learned from this? Is society telling us something?  I am seeing a rising trend in all things being offensive and I am really just without words on the whole thing. 

One can only wonder if things keep going in this direction should we just give up and lock ourselves in the house? I mean where does this agenda take us and what will they tell us isn’t safe next? As interesting as this is, there is always something more interesting to me that's right you guessed it! I want to know what you think.


I can’t wait to hear your feedback!

Please post your feedback with he appropriate tags so I can find it! I will answer all that is proper and true.



...putting up walls is the way to go but that only fuels negativity, the better way to go about it is just continue being yourself, you could imagine how the world would be if everyone was just a pissed off person with emotional walls, just be what you were when that person hurt you because that person will need you later and you don't want to be needing as well when they look to you, stay you, emotionally strong and beautiful because that's what the world needs <3

Anonymous asked:

I went to see Poppy perform in Arizona with my boyfriend on Valentine's day, and just from my personal impression it didn't seem like the other shows online to me. I'm still a fan of her music, persoanlity and style and would be even if she ever went solo. However, we waited about 45 minutes for her to appear after the intro. When she started singing she was definitely lipsynching and both things made me disappointed. Someone yelled "where's Mars Argo" and...

I am sorry you were disappointed, my answer is continued below...

Anonymous asked:

(poppy in AZ part 2) ... She went "shall we end the show early?" Which is good she stood her groun, because I'm sure she hears it ALL thr time now which sucks. Anyways, I just felt like her stage presence gave off that vibe she was fed up before someone even yelled that. Honestly, I want to know the girl behind Poppy more and maybe she feels the same way. Maybe Mars felt like the same. Maybe that sort of artist relationship can have its downsides.

There has been a lot of disappointment with the tour, but I think that we should keep in mind it is the first poppy tour, maybe it will get better once they figure things out a bit, on the other hand they have been doing this type of things for years and I believe they should be a couple things, nicer to the fans, more respectful to the fact you paid to be there, and they should 100% definitely not block people for saying Mars Argo’s name or mine for that matter. 



I Mean she was off and on following Titanic Sinclair all this week so what the heck is going on here? If I am being honest I smell a conspiracy theory brewing boy I'll tell you what.

I’m not saying it’s a PR stunt but it sure is looking like it’s squaring up to be one and if Titanic Sinclair is doing all this to get a reaction I would say its working pretty well, might I do a video on Poppy’s new video tomorrow? ahh I would rather just hear what you guys think here on the new blog, I don’t really know if I feel up to such a Poppy overload this week. whatever you do don’t mention Repzilla or Mars Argo - Rep


Poppy did Unfollow Titanic Sinclair & Blocks Anyone That Mentions Repzilla or Mars Argo?

You guys flooded in telling me that Poppy had unfollowed Titanic Sinclair which was absolutely strange considering that Poppy specifically started unfollowing and blocking anyone that said anything about Repzilla or Mars Argo.

I gotta say I feel like I got a bully here haha and I think if they have a problem with me or Mars Argo they shouldn't take it out on the fans, I am interested in your guys opinions on this. 

You will be here a lot more of my thought as I love writing and now I got this blog thing going HYPE! Although, it does kinda suck as soon as I made the dang video she followed Titanic back on those accounts, but could this be a foreshadowing of some kind of underlining trouble? are we going to see another repeat of Mars Argo? let me know what you think by letting my know on tumblr or watch the video below.



Anonymous asked:

How are you so handsome?

Thank my mom.


A considerable amount of thought is considerable.

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