
Everyone Matters


| Lottie | she/they | 19 | Always stop to smell the roses

Hey, welcome!!

Just some stuff you should know, I’m a lesbian who uses she/they pronouns, this blog contains fandom content, and I occasionally repost activism things! I hope you like it here <3

I used to be activist-af!

I have like 6 new tags I don’t fully use but hey they exist

My 4 functioning tags at this moment are:

Lottie speaks (you can find pretty much any of my original posts under this)

Lottie loves dizzy (all of my interactions with dizzy on this blog!)

Lottie adores (pretty much anything I absolutely adore, this one is pretty new)

Lottie creates? (things I’ve made or said? 95% moodboards and other random things)

There’s like mild nsfw content reblogged but no images and there’s always a warning :))


This is monstrous. What she is proposing is a literal crime against humanity.

No exaggeration. No hyperbole. One of the justices of the Supreme Court is proposing that the country should violate human rights en masse.


so much rage for anyone who tells the story of the radium girls like “ohoho weren’t people in the 20s fucking stupid” and not like “corporate greed has always cost people’s lives and health”

History Lesson:

The Radium Girls were factory workers who painted glowing markers on watches. They pointed their paint brushes with their lips after being told do so and that it was safe for them to do so by their managers. The paint had radium in it to promote the glow.

Dentists became the first people aware of the medical complications happening amongst all the women working in this factory. Complaints of loose bones, teeth, ulcers, etc. began to circulate amongst the staff.

Eventually, the girls started to die. The first one’s jaw literally came off her skull before her death as a result of radiation poisoning.

Perhaps all of that you could say was “stupidity” on behalf of the workers and corporation.

But what came next wasn’t. The corporation, the U.S. Radium Corporation, originally called the Radium Luminous Material Corporation, lied to the public and said that their workers were dying from alternate causes such as syphilis. They continued to instruct their staff to work business as usual, perpetuating more deaths and illness amongst their staff so their product could continue to be made.

The Radium Corp offered to change the method of painting dials, but the alternative brushes slowed down work and they were paid by the dial. To continue earning the wages they needed, the girls were forced to continue to use the brushes that they had to wet with their mouths.

The girls eventually took the matter to court. They took it to court eight times because Radium Corp continued to appeal until 1939.

As a result of their win, which provided a settlement to each girl a lump sum, a yearly stipend, and medical expensed paid by the company, LABOR LAW changed to ensure that companies could be held accountable for not properly protecting their employees from disease. New health regulations and standards were put in place to keep workers safe and they stopped using the brushes after that point.

(I don’t have the data to say if there was a corresponding wage increase to factor for lost wages due to a slowing down after new regulations were made).

The point, though, is that this company willfully knew that its staff was geting sick and dying from the procedures they put in place, and lied to their staff and started a public smear campaign saying these women had sexually transmitted diseases instead.

That’s not on the “stupid” women, that’s corporate greed.


I hate that as Indigenous people, we have to slowly explain the concept of LandBack to basically every colonizer.

Like no we're not going to just throw you out, or put you in camps, or any of that shit. We just want to be able to take care of our ancestral land and be the ones in charge of protecting it.

Like I know these people were raised with a colonial mindset but after a while I just start to lose sympathy.

Like oh you're worried about having your home violently ripped out from under you?? What a fucking tragedy.


I wasn't gonna add to this, but like, no, I wanna add to this.

What will change for you, Whitey McWhiterson, if LandBack takes place?

Not a whole fucking lot.

You might be incentivized to switch to less-polluting modes of transportation, such as biking. Gas might be discouraged.

The environment might be prioritized.

You might become a citizen of, say, Mi'kma'ki instead of the USA.

Your kids might be taught an Indigenous language in schools.

History class would be a lot more up front.

But your day to day life? Very little will change. You're not gonna be kicked out if your house. You're not gonna be rounded up and put into a camp. You might be required to have the minimum basic decency towards the environment. It will be the Sovreign Peoples running the show.

But you, Joe Shmoe, will be left alone to live your life.

Which is more than we can say your people did for us.


btw a lot of harry styles looks hes been praised for being gnc are like. direct copies of juan gabriel's suits


Fun fact! the reason you associate colorful suits with being latino? The reason is him :)

He actively pushed the boundaries of how a male ranchera singer should look, behave and write.

Cantantes de ranchera usually use charro inspired outfits, but they were unchanged for decades until he started making music and innovating in the fashion industry :D just look at the comparisons. The Vicente Fernández picture is from around the same time as the picture next to it.

He didn't behave like the typical ranchera singer, which earned him quite a bit of following because ranchera singers are usually very "macho" while he was the entire opposite.


Today’s aesthetic: really enthusiastic historians talking about people who’ve been dead for centuries with disconcerting familiarity, like they personally knew the historical figure in question and possibly still owe them money.


I really think you’re a shitty person if you’re pro biden at this point

That is… certainly an interpretation of what happened. The executive order did prevent them from striking for a 60 day period. What it also did was create a board to help resolve the contract disputes in which, quote, “No member shall be pecuniarily or otherwise interested in any organization of railroad employees or any carrier.” It will “report to the President with respect to the disputes within 30 days of its creation.”

Unions, which have been in negotiations with employers for years, greeted Friday’s news with praise for the administration. “We commend President Biden for announcing a board of neutral arbitrators to investigate and report its findings and recommendations to help both parties work toward a resolution,” Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, said. “Quite simply, the facts are on our side and we look forward to the forthcoming recommendations of the presidentially-appointed arbitrators.”

Also per Politico:

Yet, labor experts and union leaders say the administration’s unilateral actions on labor policy have moved the needle on unions more than previously thought possible.
From installing former union official Marty Walsh as Labor secretary, to outfitting the National Labor Relations Board with union alums, to issuing a spate of union-friendly executive orders, the White House has taken significant steps toward expanding union membership despite the challenges presented by a narrowly divided Congress
….At the same time, Biden has issued a spate of union-friendly executive orders. In April 2021, he signed one creating a task force committed to studying how the federal government could act unilaterally to expand workers’ right to join a union. The group released its recommendations in February; agencies have since published the steps they are taking to comply.
….When it comes to legislation, the Biden administration has been able to squeeze piecemeal pro-union policy past lawmakers as parts of unrelated legislation despite a 50-50 Senate, where Vice President Kamala Harris holds the deciding vote.

There are more steps that could and should be taken (student loan forgiveness, etc) but acting like he’s out there unilaterally stomping on unions when he apparently cannot seem to breathe without talking about how much he supports unions is. Not a good faith take.


wow i wonder if that 300 year gap could be explained by any outside factors…….whoa! for some reason it lines up with the timeline of britain’s invasion and subsequent colonization of ireland! wild, huh? i wonder if the two are connected in some way? i guess the world will never know….

“why do the Irish hate the English so much? It couldn’t have been *that* bad!!”

This was in place till 1973.


Seeing non irish people reblogging this makes me happy

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