
Secret Life Of A Bored Chick


Sarah | 21 Highly sarcastic | Expert in procrastinating
Avatar: credit to @ummmmandy

Do every retail employee a favor this Thanksgiving/black friday: stay home.

Just want to remind you that there’s a fucking pandemic and I mean this post 100x harder this time. If you show up you die.


the sheer amount of artistic talent put into these panels to portray the right feeling on clark’s face is amazing

None of the images in the notes look like eachother but they all look like Clark wtf

Every time this graces my dash I can’t help but laugh until I’m on the verge of tears


The joker one nearly killed me!


Y/N: Is that vodka…?

Loki : *slurring* yeah...

Y/N: Straight?

Loki: No, Bi…

Y/N: the Vodka not YoU… (ಡ_ಡ)


This is a map of the range of all giraffe species. By my count that puts them in just 16 countries out of the 54 in Africa (of which 5 are island countries with no territory on the continental mainland). That's 30%, quite a long way shy of all, and as you can see many of those countries that do have giraffes only have a tiny portion of their territory within giraffes' habitats


Wow, I knew they weren't in "every African country", but I didn't realize just how restricted their range was


Good teachers don't mind saying "I don't know" or that they need to look it up and will get back to you.


Not only that but giraffes in different areas have different patterns and it's so cool


Masai giraffes look cool af

The Masai giraffes are stuntin’ on the heauxs!

Masai Giraffe:

Reticulated Giraffe:


I do counted cross stitch, so I think that this building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is amazing.  The creator’s name is Raquel Rodrigo, an artist, and designer from Valencia, Spain.

It looks like graffiti from a distance, but close up, you can see that it’s actually a cross-stitch pattern affixed to this Philadelphia Naval Yard property building.

Take a look at the detail here. It must’ve taken such a long time to achieve this stunning final effect. She covered it with wire mesh like a giant cross stitch canvas.

What a brilliant idea. 

According to the artist, she wanted to bring feminine art that has dressed homes around the world to the street. However, her idea was to use a cross-stitch pattern to do so instead of graffiti.

She now travels around the world, beautifying buildings and making various street art.

She prepares her detailed designs in advance. Then she unrolls them at the chosen location. Her desire is to bring a dash of color and creativity to the surrounding area. I wonder how long it holds up in the weather. I can’t even see where they attached the mesh. So pretty.


I love when straight cis women try to make fun of my partners “childish”/“unmanly” hobbies like collecting lego and collectible figures, meanwhile their husbands literally collect assault rifles and weapons and tactical gear they’re too stupid to use properly and I could out shoot their sedentary clumsy goofy asses despite not having stepped in a shooting range in nearly a decade

NOT TO MENTION my partner’s hobbies are actually safe and fun and fucking awesome, and he tries to make me feel included in them but doesn’t pressure me, and his face is cute as fuck when he’s happy and watching him patiently interact with children in the Lego store gives me baby fever 🤒 but have fun with your gun swinging paranoid prepper white boy who can’t cook an egg

My husband was belittled and bullied by all of his previous partners into quitting his favorite hobby, collecting hot wheels.

Shortly after we started dating a dear friend of mine who was a lifetime collector passed away, leaving me with his collection. When my now-husband helped me go through them he mentioned how he used to collect them with his father, and it broke my heart to hear the sadness in his voice as he talked about it.

I told him that my friend would have loved for his collection to go to someone who was just as passionate about them as he was rather than to an estate sale or on ebay.

The following Valentines day I bought him a hot wheels car with his other gift and he lit up like it was Christmas. From that point on it became just something we did together, digging through hot wheels bins and garage sales. I even have a small collection of Dino-themed hot wheels of my own!

Now he collects and customizes them, sells some to his friends in the hobby to support his "habit" as he calls it hahaha. He has over a thousand in his collection now, He even got into carpentry so that he could build display cases for them!

Anyway I love men, especially when they have hobbies that are "weird" or "childish"


If someone makes you ditch your “weird” or “childish” hobbies they don’t deserve to be in your life. Let them go back to their sad boring ways alone.


When will creators of famous and beloved franchises realise that no fan in the history of fandoms has wanted the sequel with the new generation to have higher stakes and more angsty drama than the original.

A Fan: Wow, can’t wait to see the heroes’ children living in a world that has been made better by the original heroes, having a loving and respectful relationship with the hero I loved and respected as a child, and dealing with their own adventure that might not be as high stake as saving the world, but is important for their own personal journey. 

A creator: How about the world is ending again, the new generation hates the heroes, who have become major assholes for no reason, and everything is bigger and goes more boom.  

Hobbit/Lord of the Rings is the SINGLE exception to higher stakes sequel

and you know why? it’s bc nothing in lotr undid what happened in the hobbit

the hobbit was a lower-stakes story about bilbo helping some dwarves reclaim their ancestral home, and in lotr (the book at least) tolkien goes out of his way to talk about how bilbo lived for a long time rich and famous and happy, and that erebor and dale are prosperous and successful. the threat is something that bilbo brought home with him, but if bilbo hadn’t found it, it would have fallen into worse hands. 

the reason why higher-stakes sequels are so often disappointing is bc it’s a betrayal of the original work, and undoes its premise and its victory. in the hobbit, they were never setting out to save the whole of middle earth, so the fact that the whole of middle earth ends up in peril during lotr doesn’t feel like a betrayal. terrible things happen in lotr, but they are better than they would have been in the hobbit hadn’t happened, and that’s why it works

This video talks about pretty much exactly this

I think Avatar: Legend of Korra was a pretty good sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender.


there is no final version of yourself. we never stop growing or changing, nor should we. stop beating yourself up for not being ‘there’ yet.

The final version of yourself is the one you die in I think

Oh, well I don’t know how it works with you mortals

fun fact! this quote has gotten popular on twitter, where no one has any idea it’s from a tumblr shitpost, or of the horrors that lurk in the original notes

twitter comments:

tumblr comments:


Twitter: This is so deep.

Tumblr: Only about six feet.

holy shit that last comment

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