

@pinkflash4627 / pinkflash4627.tumblr.com

This is now a (Rise) Turtle Stan blog
Vote Raph for best boy

We should talk about how fandom has become so violently dictated that most people don’t even have fun anymore because they fear being labeled something crazy if someone dislikes something they did.

Instead of just blocking them and moving on, people feel the need to make a call-out post that is 99% them being upset about someone doing something they don’t personally like.

Anonymous asked:

I was listening to Brutus and suddenly thought what if Kappa never reunited with his brothers, and then he "snaps" at some point and slices off Saki's head, and becomes leader of the clan? Then he'd like secretly keep the body and talk to it daily, like a diary, and spirals over time; Then he'd become more and more like him until there's hardly a difference, with a subconscious version of his master guiding him with a figurative leash. Kappa at some point goes through the shredder ritual, but he's saved by his brothers who jad reunited without him, then they cleanse him from Empyrean and Kappa goes through a dream where he has to let go of his master figure with an internal battle of simply needing to realize he's not actually controlled anymore and he has his own free will he needs to simply find?

Then again I thought of this in under two minutes so I doubt it's flawless. [☔]

Haha no, I’m kidding. That actually sounds very cool! Stop giving away your ideas! 😂

I’d love to see an AU like this! Just tweak it, and you’ve got a wild AU of your own!


The important thing is that Marcille did not learn to blaspheme against the natural order to save her girlfriend. She just happened to have studied the art of spitting in God's eye for wholly unrelated reasons, and when the opportunity by chance arose to employ that skill in service of girlfriend-saving, she was ready.


TMNT: Roots (might be a placeholder name for now)

I had decided to create my own iteration of the tmnt around a year ago for fun, so I’ll be posting a few of my works I have so far here and there.

The TMNT: The tmnt are a lot more directly connected to the Shredder than they realize... he’s their biological father 😱‼️ they were born human but got mutated when they were very young,

Shredder had them with the intention of making them into his superhuman weapons. I’ll go into detail about this in another post. The four of them are around 16-17 years old.

Splinter: I’ll drop his lore later,,,

April: April is part Kraang (similar to her 2012 ver,) and often times has to hide her Kraang features when they appear (ex: sometimes she gets pink splotches on her skin or her eyes get freaky-looking, etc). She’s around 17 years old.

Casey: Casey starts out as a member of the Foot Clan because his older brother (Ryan) convinced him to join. Ryan was promised a tempting paycheck from Shredder, the brothers needed to take care of their little sister (Angel) so they really didn’t question Shredder’s motives at the time. He’s around 17 years old.


Soft AU: Splinter and April

@harrygrim There's more. : D

Splinter would be so much more attached to the Bois after he lost his pancake son. They were right there in his arms with the others! He just had them where did they go! He refused to even let the others out of his sight for years. Taking extra care of them to make up for the one he lost.

Trying to make up for the emptiness he feared they had because he lost their sibling.

While not nearly as good as Donnie, even while feral, Splinter tries to learn to build things to help his sons. It takes him a couple years of borrowing books from the library, looking at tutorials on library computers, taking notes, and trial and error, but Splinter gets heating, electricity, and running water set up for him and his sons. He really builds an interest when he figures out he can fix up old toys he finds in the junkyard and give them as gifts to his boys.

Splinter is especially thankful for his efforts when he finds out Donnie likes to make things as well. He feels a little stupid at first because Donnie is so far ahead of him in skill, but Donnie seems so happy having someone to actually work with that the feeling doesn't last long.

Donnie used to constantly hiss when Splinter would do something wrong but now gives happy chirps whenever Splinter does it correctly. Splinter gives lots of praise to Donnie's work and teaching ability. He doesn't seem to fully understand what Splinter is saying yet but seems to really like Splinter's tone of approval.

At the beginning, April, more often than not, would play dead whenever he started getting too scared or aggressive. He would just be so confused because he didn't do anything and it just collapsed??? Is it unwell? He quickly gets over the fear because if it falls over so easily there's no way it can be a threat. Maybe that's why it doesn't spend much time with other skin creatures? It was seen as a liability and they rejected it?

After April gets Donnie to stop fearing her she works on the bonding. Bringing them food and bits of broken tech as treats and keeping her distance so they know she respects their boundaries and territory. They eventually start to approach and study her more closely. They let her gently push their face away when it gets too close to hers for comfort.

At one point her hand slips and gently scratches their cheek. They blink and gesture for her to do it again. After gently scratching around their face and neck for a while she finds a spot that, when gently scratched, makes Donnie go limp and make an almost purring sound. April is stuck for hours under a limp mutant turtle who whines whenever she stops scratching. She now can't get rid of them if she tries.


do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets

her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.

remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.

thank you, Marsha. we remember you.


Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.

Lesbians who became straight men

Gay men who became straight women

All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)

People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)

Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.

People with fluid orientations

Gnc people who find joy in their straightness

Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.

[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]

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