hustle harder

@llterature /

don't dream it, be it

20/02/17 • prepping for an upcoming chemistry test, the week has just started but im already exhausted, hopefully you’re having a way better day than i am :—-(


can we end this studyblr ideal that you should be eating fruit for every snack and revising on the bus and studying whilst you walk and learning whilst you eat lunch and staying home at weekends and using every single minute of the day to be productive ??? like ??? no !! eat that chocolate that you’ve been keeping in your kitchen !! listen to your favourite song whilst on the bus !! play games on your phone at lunch time !! meet your friends and have a hella fun adventure !! its obviously okay and good to have a balance between your chill time and your study time but please for the love of god do not let studying take over your life. studying is great and its awesome and you should definitely work hard but you need to remember that your life needs to be lived


January 23 2017 // Day 9 of 30 // a photo of your desk in use

I’ve been pretty busy for the past two weeks and its been a while since I’ve posted anything. Finally found some time to relax today and decided to make some changes to my study space, I guess I’m going for an autumn black/gold/white theme? ( special thanks to @emmastudies for the wall art!) 

I also really like this page of my hobonichi..I’ve been using it as a bullet journal/planner/sketchbook/journal and so far it’s been working out pretty well!


just some tips ive put together after a really hard week. in other news, im back!!! (if anyones noticed i’ve been gone) hope ure all doing well & that this post helps a lil.

  • declutter ur workspace. ive found this really helpful during the times where ive felt super overwhelmed. cleaning & organising have helped me get back on track & put things into perspective. it also made me feel like i was actually accomplishing something so plus points for motivation.
  • stay hydrated. esp if u havent been getting enough/good sleep. download a water tracker app & start tracking ur water intake. it’ll do miracles trust me.
  • sleep cycles. learn when the best time is to wake up. one sleep cycle is 90 minutes, do the math or use an app
  • wash ur face. after u’ve spent the past hour on that one math question you just couldnt get / after u’ve fallen asleep 6 consecutive times. washing ur face will help rid u of ur frustrations & help u feel so much more relaxed & ready 2 take on the world again.
  • breathing exercises. ive found this most helpful when ive had to do a presentation or go for an interview. i use breathing techniques a lot & they really help with coping with the stress and anxieties of life. here are some calming gifs to sync ur breathing with, but i mostly use the 4-7-8
  • cry it out. sometimes it helps to just let everything out. crying is vv therapeutic sometimes (most times). cry a little, take a bath, listen to some music & sleep it off. tomorrow is another day & ure gonna do just fine.
  • take naps. esp if u’ve been living off 3 hours of sleep the whole school week. u can use this to find out how long to nap for the best results or just sleep till u wake, which works too
  • make art. write, draw, whatever, just make art. it can be bad (tho it probably isnt) & it can be messy but it doesnt matter. just make art. its one of the most cathartic and healing things in the world. start a bullet journal or just grab a scrap of paper and make some art.
  • know when to stop. if u’ve had a rough day, know that it’s time to take a break & go to bed. its not the end of the world if u dont do your work for a night. work can wait, u need to rest.

This week I was bombarded by the gift that is Dear Evan Hansen, a new broadway musical that I’ve become quickly obsessed with (hence every quote on this spread being from the show’s lyrics). The songs are honestly soo good and although the score was written by the people who brought us the music of La La Land (another one of my faves) the music is soo different and catchy and meaningful and Ben Platt’s voice makes me cry every time. Even if you’re not a musical theatre nerd like me, I highly suggest giving the cast album a listen!


I love the washi tape I used at the bottom. It fits with the plants I’m working hard at keeping alive right now (my first attempt at growing vegetables).


- ̗̀ first spread of feb ̖́- Such harsh sunlight in winter ʕʘ-ʘʔ Highschool is so close to ending and i just felt emotional (which is so unusual?)

Line art on 1st pg inspired by @pacifistpadme


4 tips for getting ahead after falling behind

So ‘it’ happened. You got sick, you scheduled too much at once, you had a bad day (or week). We’ve all been there and it sucks. And now you’re behind and you’re feeling overwhelmed. These are just a few tips I have for getting back on track (and hopefully ahead) after falling behind.

  • If you are behind on homework it’s time to prioritize. You’re at a point where it might be worth it to let the tiny assignments that aren’t worth very much sit on the back burner until you’ve dealt with the important stuff. So what are your priorities?
  • Do you have work in a class that you’re doing really well in and you feel like you can set it aside and hand it in late, or you can afford to miss the assignment without screwing up your final grade? Great, set it aside and leave that stress for later.
  • Do you have work in a class you’re terrified of failing? Okay, focus in on that. If you don’t eliminate the chief point of stress first you’re going to find it very hard to focus on anything else.
  • Do you have exams coming up that you haven’t studied for? This is rough but you need to decide whether sleep or studying is better for you. There’s no wrong choice here; it’s different for everyone. I am a ‘needs sleep’ person but my roommate is a ‘stay up and get shit done’ person. If you know you can’t function without a decent amount of sleep then ixnay the idea of an all night all together.
  •  Now that you’ve figured that out it’s time to focus; what topics are you doing the worst in? Get started on figuring out what it is you don’t know. 
  • Also make sure to write down what you do know and keep looking over that constantly so you don’t lose the knowledge you already have. 
  • Now figure out what methods you actually have time for; if you’re in a crunch you may not have time for flashcards. I find that when it a crunch it’s helpful to essentially begin compiling a cheat sheet.
  • Write down everything you could possibly need for the exam as though you were going to be able to take it into the exam. Make it clear! Make it easy to glance at! Don’t waist time on making it look pretty!
  • As you go through creating the sheet make sure that you would know what kind of problem or topic that the concept/formula would go with and how you would use it to solve a problem.
  • The above means that you aren’t just copying over formulas, dates, quotes, etc.; You are committing the CONTEXT to your memory and if need be to your sheet.
  •  Is the problem reading? Heaven knows that’s been mine this week! First thing first: READ for the NEXT class. Don’t start with what you should’ve read last week; playing catch up is stressful and means that you may do a ton of work and still not be prepared for the next class.
  •  If you come across parts that don’t make sense because you haven’t read the earlier stuff skip back and skim those bits. 
  • Once you’ve read for the next class you can decide what the best option is for continuing. 
  • Either start at the back end of what you’re behind on or work your way backwards.
  • Is it an essay? Is it more than one? Okie doke. Break those kiddos down into the sections you think you need; intro, para 1, para 2, etc, conclusion. 
  • Alright, now give those sections titles and maybe like a brief summary. 
  • Okay now you’re ready; pick one section from one of your papers to start on. It doesn’t have to be the intro you just need to get started. I like to start with ones that require a bit of research on my part so that I can really get the ball rolling and start collecting articles. 
  • Then you should either set a timer for about thirty minutes and switch off every time the timer goes off, or (my preferred method) write until you finish the section before deciding which one to work on next. 
  • The real key is making sure that you change sections when you find yourself losing steam even if it’s in the middle of a sentence. Sometimes I start a sentence and then forget where I was going with it and it throws off the whole game so by changing sections you allow yourself to refresh and come back with new eyes.

That’s what I’ve got for now, I hope that some of this helps. I also want to remind you that you are not a bad person for getting behind whatever the reason was. Sometimes it happens even when you’re paying attention so try not to worry too much about it! If you find yourself getting overwhelmed and way too stressed out remember to let yourself breath and walk away for a few minutes. I wish you the best of luck and my ask/messenger is always open if you need anything.

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