
@onyourmark-iplier / onyourmark-iplier.tumblr.com

Call me Gray, I'm an ogjonker. She/her. I'm proudly Graysexual, liberal, feminist. Also a Markiplier and CrankGameplays fan. Will talk to anyone; perpetually lonely.

i am shook by the finale. When Kiki/Rebecca gets reunited with her dad i like started bawling, i mean, a bit of a stretch he would be right there but i liked it

Kinda saw it coming but doesn’t mean tears weren’t streaming down my face the whole time


Guys the Handmaid’s Tale is so fucking relevant right now I cannot stress this enough. Also, I fucking bawled watching the season 3 finale and the fact that pretty much everything that happens is a parallel to things really happening right now in the United States is no accident. Watch it. Learn from it. Do something about it.


Do you... actually want an explanation of why "retard" isn't acceptable the way "queer" is?


I’d rather be called slow than a freak. But do tell me why calling LGBT people freaks is okay, while calling people slow to the point is wrong.


It’s about the expressed wishes of the group in question.

People who used to be medically diagnosed as “mentally retarded” are now generally called “developmentally disabled” or “intellectually disabled”. (Those are two groups that overlap frequently, but not all the time.)

Developmentally and intellectually disabled people have been VERY LOUD about not wanting to be called the R-word. Like, as a group they’re still having to fight to get their federal minimum wage raised from $1 an hour and to be able to live in homes they choose that don’t lock them in at night, and they are STILL committing time, money, and political capital to saying the R-word is never acceptable.

On the other hand, since 1990, LGBT+ people have been labelling themselves “queer”, as a deliberate effort to fight their erasure from the respectability politics that meant only the nicest, whitest, most monogamous cis gays and lesbians got any political power or airtime. When I say “queer people” and “queer identity”, there are hundreds of thousands of people who will go, “Yep! That’s us!”

The queer community, and the LGBT+ community, do not entirely overlap. “Queer” is about “anyone who deviates from society’s expected norms around sex and gender”, especially anyone who does so deliberately, visibly, or in the face of societal pushback. Therefore these days in many countries, a lot of cis gays, cis lesbians, and binary trans people do not consider themselves “queer”, because they’ve carved out a big enough social niche that they’re not going against societal pressure. “Queer” also includes a lot of groups and identities that get left behind by the LGBT movement, like asexual, aromantic, nonbinary, third gender, multisexual, polyamorous, and kinky people whose oppressions don’t get recognized by groups that have gained wider societal acceptance.

So you can be LGBT without being queer. Feel free to peel the word off if it ever gets stuck on you. “Yeah, I don’t consider myself queer.” But when someone says “queer people” or “the queer community”, we do exist, and will not go away just because you don’t like us.

There are some words the disability community has reclaimed and held up with pride, but it’s mostly in areas like physical disability and mental illness, not intellectual or developmental disability.

I recommend that anyone who doesn’t like the word “queer” quite simply add it to their Tumblr filters, or get Blacklist on New XKit and filter it out.


OP’s response to that ask is so deliberately malignant and disingenuous but this is a great answer.


Lewis’s law is an observation she made in 2012 that states “the comments on any article about feminism justify feminism.” Lewis has written frequently about misogynist hate directed at women online.[8]

Can we just repeat that a few more times, 

“The comments on any article about feminism justify feminism.”

“The comments on any article about feminism justify feminism.”

I can’t believe these people exist. I mean I actually have a hard time believing it is real. I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m just saying it makes me feel like I’m losing my mind when I see this junk. How can people really think this way? And then how can they think it’s okay to state those thoughts in a public venue? 


Girl (2018)

There are many resources online about the dangers of binding for FTM guys, but far fewer that address the dangers of tucking.

This film, based on the youth of trans dancer Nora Monsecour and made in collaboration with her, features a young trans girl character tucking with tape in order to pass as a young woman. It is good to see that a film is drawing attention to MTF struggles, and the daily practice of flattening your groin, which can sometimes be very painful.

As an alternative to tape or bandages, I would recommend LeoLines underwear, available through Etsy. There are many reviews by trans women who recommend LeoLines panties and padded bras, and the underwear is so cleverly designed that many women report not even needing to tuck beneath the panties. (Also, as the designer of these products is a trans woman, all the marketing is aimed at trans women, and not crossdressers.)


Please do not flag this post. It is an educational post, intended for transgender girls who may watch this film and be encouraged to tuck unsafely. It is not explicit.


From the perspective of a trans woman whose closet friend is a trans man, I found this post to be extremely valuable information to have.

Very glad you found this post helpful, friend! I’m a transgender man myself, and I have noticed that many online resources are directed at FTM guys like me, whereas information about tucking for trans women is pretty rare to see shared on trans blogs. I can’t speak from experience, but I do want to put in the effort to support my trans sisters :) 



We are in desperate need of money before we lose our house, so along with working my ass off this summer to get a job that pays enough, I’m also taking commissions! If you’re interested, please message me on here (use Tumblr Messenger) OR email me at emcommemail@gmail.com. And even if you’re not interested or can’t afford them, please reblog this to spread the word! I’d super appreciate it. <3 I’ll be reblogging this at least once a week myself.



stop adding quirky commentary to video subtitles challenge!

they’re not there for fun, they’re there to make the video more accessible to disabled people and hard of hearing folk!

using them as tools for fun takes away from their goddamn purpose and turns them into a toy instead of a tool.

abled people reblog this


I want to apologise to

- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown

- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world

- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music

- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever

- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 

- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 

- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much

- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.

- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 

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