
i will probally be moving to another blog bye

mlm is just wlw upside down and wlw is just mlm upside down. idk what this means. i think it means we’re friends


Singapore’s prime minister is the highest-paid leader of a country. This was instituted on the idea that a highly-paid prime minister will be less tempted to be corrupt. It had been $2.8 million from 2008 to 2012, and was then decreased to $1.7 million due to “public unhappiness.”

Note that the next-highest-paid country leader is the US President at $400,000.


Avatar Rarepair Exchange Masterpost: F/F Part Two

june/jiang, 5.5k, rated T. for sunnymygal

June the bounty hunter is tasked with finding some cargo that the Fire Nation has lost while retreating. Surprise, surprise!  It is stolen by the pirates led by an awesome lady captain, Jiang. The plot ensues.
The prompt was to have adventure and sword-fights, and I love adventures and sword fights, so that’s what I tried to do here.

mai/ty lee, 2.7k, rated G. for fleurmione_trash_01

All that is to say, from everything she knows about her, Ty Lee doesn’t really seem like the type of person to come into Hot Topic. But apparently today she’s chosen to do so, looking completely out of place in her pink sweatshirt and leggings surrounded by racks and racks of dark clothes. “Hi, Mai!” she says brightly, coming up to the counter and grinning at her. Huh. Mai didn’t know Ty Lee knew her name.
or: mai works at hot topic. ty lee keeps going to the mall after school.

jin/azula, art. for unfried_mouth_wheat

mai/ty lee, 3.1k, rated G. for citrina

Mai tries not to think about how nice it was to feel Ty Lee’s hand against her own, tries not to think about how it would feel to have her press kisses against her palms or feel her eyelashes fluttering against her cheek. In some ways she feels nostalgic for when they were kids when Ty Lee was equally as touchy but before she learned to respect Mai’s boundaries. What a fool she was, to establish such firm boundaries in such harsh fashions. Mai hopes that Ty Lee will trip up, hug her for too long or too tight, press a kiss against her cheek in greeting as she does for so many others.
Of course, Ty Lee never does. She’s too good, cares too much about Mai’s comfort, and tries so hard to make sure that she is never the cause of distress. Mai has never been described as touchy, and she made sure that everyone knew it.
She wishes she could think of a way to tell Ty Lee that she might be the only exception.
– OR; Intricate Rituals Constructed To Allow Mai To Touch The Skin of Another Woman

jin/azula, 3.5k, rated G. for freckledkatara

She had met Jin one singular time before, and the only reason they had a date set up was due to Zuko’s overbearingness and Jin’s forwardness.
But she… she definitely liked Jin. She was pleasing to look at and hadn’t backed down when Azula had challenged her (Zuzu and Uncle thought that the challenge was unnecessary, but if this Earth Kingdom girl couldn’t handle a mere small challenge, how would she fair on an actual date with her?). That was an impressive feat, certainly. Not to mention enduring.
They had spoken for only a short period of time, but there was something about this girl that made Azula curious. And, on some level, excited. Perhaps her brother constantly talking Jin up before he introduced them had done something, because Azula found that she was a bit smitten after one conversation.
[or Jinzula first date]

mai/suki, 3.8k, rated G. for avrelia

Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors return to the Fire Nation in search of new recruits. Mai hadn’t realized how much she’d missed having Suki around until she’s back in Mai’s life, but now, Mai is beginning to see the other girl in a different light. 

short Zuko + short Azula that dont mind height jokes BUT will riot if you say they are the shorter sibling


short Zuko + short Azula that dont mind height jokes BUT will riot if you say they are the shorter sibling


Katara does the trust fall everytime Sokka says she is adopted and annoying, because he still has big brother reflexes and will catch her

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