
Twilight, But Not Quite

@notquitetwilight / notquitetwilight.tumblr.com

donate to the quileute nation's move to higher ground project at mthg.org

the reason my avatar is bella holding the camera up is bc every time u see my posts I want u to look at that little icon and hear kris jenner’s voice saying “you’re doing amazing, sweetie” bc 2020 has been an absolute hellhole of a year and yet here u still are, surviving!!!! be gentle with and proud of urself!!!!!!


hello its ur friendly neighbourhood disabled bitch im hungry can u spare some dollars thank u


TW racism, anti-blackness, and ableism

I didn’t wanna post this and trigger people (especially my black followers) bc there’s enough racist weirdos online but since this person is still floating around I wanna warn you. When I say I’ve been getting harassed and/or tagged in racist shit (I’m not black but they’ve started doing this because I said black people deserve better than their fave racist character) THIS is the worst example of what I mean. Can you all please report this disgusting troll account; I tried blocking but it didn’t initially work as it only blocked them from my main (I’ve since logged in on desktop to block them on here). I think the Applebee’s post is gone from their account bc I reported it for racism when they first tagged me in it last week but I held onto the screenshot in case this account reared its ugly head again and low and behold, it has. Tonight they’ve sent a message telling me that bringing up neurodivergency while I explain to people why I might misinterpret/have trouble understanding them through the internet is “a bit troubling” (but trolling and being a racist online isn’t??). This is obviously upsetting bc the reason I’ve done so is because I’ve felt misunderstood and wanted people to know where I was coming from, and they’re purposely trying to upset/anger/provoke me by implying I’m weaponising neurodivergency. I’m not posting this so yous get into fights or target them bc I promise that’s exactly what they want (one glance at their page will tell you that) so please just straight-up report & block them/spread the word!!!!! I’m gonna delete the app again and take another break but tbh I feel like this is the type of weirdo who’d make more accounts if one gets deleted and that makes me feel so gross and anxious about being on here. Now yous can see why I’ve refused to share my real name and/or other socials (I’ve also deleted all photo and video evidence of myself from this blog) bc there are such creepy weirdos on here and I’m glad they know as little of me as possible. Please stay safe in your interactions and/or with what you share on here (especially if you’re a minor!!!), you just never know what weirdos are keeping tabs on you 😕


Uhhhhhh so turns out the hateful asks and negative reblogs/memes about me stopped bc @/volturialice asked some of the accounts involved to pack it in. While I’m grateful to her for calling them off I’m kinda shocked that people in their 20s and 30s need to be told that sending hate and piling on one person isn’t okay. The fact that some of those ppl are raising kids—

Anyway thank you to everyone sending in kind messages, I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone it’s just taking me a while to get through bc there are a lot of DMs and asks and I’m trying to limit my time on here bc logging on still makes me really anxious!!! But I really appreciate it and hopefully will get to all of them eventually 🥺💗💕💘💞💓


just coming out of hiatus to say I don’t think I have that much power—all I did was join @flowerslut in reminding our own tiny circle of friends to be sure not to dogpile (and I hope and believe they weren’t the ones sending r*cist anon hate) and then pass along the message while she was at work. 

super glad it’s stopped happening! no one deserves to be harassed like that. definitely keep taking care of yourself however you need to!

Yes I caught up on some DMs since writing this earlier and saw @flowerslut/@hotmail called people off too which I really appreciate!!! The dogpiling was not her fault at all and the harassment/hate I’ve been referencing since her ask has nothing to do with her. I now know her original ask was not coming from a bad place and neither of us wanted things to spiral the way that they did. She also checked in on me when she saw I was getting shit even though she didn’t need to bc she’s not responsible for other people’s actions. I don’t wanna re-start anything but I just wanna update/make it clear that my posts dragging Jasper stans who were racist and/or harassing me were not directed at her (nor were they directed at any one person) because she was nothing of the sort. I’m clarifying bc since she sent the first tag ask it might seem like that’s what I was referencing, but it wasn’t. I was referencing the resulting hateful and/or racist tags and anons I wound up getting, most of which I just straight-up deleted bc they were overwhelming, gross, and I didn’t wanna publish them. I’m still confused as to why the tagging issue became such a huge deal — as I’ve explained since, the neurodivergency I’m waiting to be seen for has me regularly baffled by/struggling to understand what does and doesn’t matter to other people, especially when it differs to what does or doesn’t matter to me — but if I could go back in time I simply wouldn’t have answered her original ask and saved us both a lot of trouble tbh 😐

Anonymous asked:

Have you ever been to Brazil?

Nope, the furthest I’ve been from home has only been a 7 hour flight to North America! Before COVID there were a lot of Brazilian 20-somethings in Dublin so I’ve worked with a few who encouraged me to visit, and I made pals with a girl from São Paulo who I still keep in touch with even though she’s gone home now. Maybe when we’re in a pandemic-free world again I can go and visit her 🥺 Not to stereotype/tar everyone with the one brush but every single Brazilian I’ve met has been either lovely, hot, or both hehe 🇧🇷💚💛


Uhhhhhh so turns out the hateful asks and negative reblogs/memes about me stopped bc @/volturialice asked some of the accounts involved to pack it in. While I’m grateful to her for calling them off I’m kinda shocked that people in their 20s and 30s need to be told that sending hate and piling on one person isn’t okay. The fact that some of those ppl are raising kids—

Anyway thank you to everyone sending in kind messages, I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone it’s just taking me a while to get through bc there are a lot of DMs and asks and I’m trying to limit my time on here bc logging on still makes me really anxious!!! But I really appreciate it and hopefully will get to all of them eventually 🥺💗💕💘💞💓

Anonymous asked:

hi I just wanted to say that I'm so so glad that I got the chance to be here during the twilight renaissance and see your amazing posts!! more than that, you're such a beautiful and wonderful person, inside and out and in every way. I really hope that you find enjoyment in whatever grabs your interest next and that you have a lovely lovely day <3

you’re an angel and I love and appreciate u so so much 😭 hope you’re having a lovely day/easter if you’re celebrating 💞💖💕💗💘💓


jasper stans tonight apparently


FHGDGJKHGFFHKHCHGF STOPPPPPPPP this is it, this is the meme 😭 these grown ass people in their 20s and 30s are more worried about “good tumblr etiquette” pertaining to fictional characters than they are about racism or not harassing strangers online god you hate to see it!!!!!!! especially when they could just block me for free and not have to worry about it

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