

@catallarii / catallarii.tumblr.com

this loser came back from twitter @catallarii https://riiiiiiiiii.carrd.co/

reblog to save a liFE


Up to now, I have been drawing random generic suit jackets.

Never again.


I don’t think it’s accidental that the English Cut suit seems to be worn by Mr Bond. ;->

And, though not shown on the infographic, don’t forget suits with double-breasted jackets, which have been in style for decades: here are examples from the 1920s to the 1970s.

After the ‘70s, that style faded away until it made a return in the mid-2010s when IIRC “Kingsman” caused a real-world uptick in suits for everyday wear.


Also NB that the Tuxedo drawing doesn’t actually show a Tuxedo, unless it’s an American terminology with which I’m not familiar. That’s a tailcoat, which has tails, is a coat and is worn with white tie.

A Tuxedo (over here, a dinner-jacket) is in the next panel, Black vs White Tie, and doesn’t have tails, is a jacket and is worn with black tie.

Wearing the wrong thing can lead to confusion, whether accidental or snarkily deliberate.

(The link to YouTube keeps dropping off this post. If it goes away again, the clip is here. A longer version with a fuller development of what’s going on, is here.)

Interesting side-note, the tuxedo / dinner-jacket was a development of the old smoking jacket, and its name in many Continental European languages - French, German, Italian, Spanish - is still “der / le / lo / el smoking”…


Downton Abbey” and “Jeeves and Wooster” are good sources of info for how these looked when worn regularly at their set times of day, rather than just on special occasions as nowadays.

Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster gets excellent mileage from his tailoring, wearing it properly as clothing not costume, and looks at ease in formal attire even when his only (IIRC) white-tie appearance is in the dock of a magistrate’s court.

Even so, he seems much more comfortable (and hangover-free, mostly) in everyday suits which, though somewhat dated in details, would still look good today.


learn you some menswear


"Stop saying 15 year olds with weird interests are cringe, they're 15" this is true however you should also stop saying adults with weird interests are cringe because who gives a shit

To wit:

I want to share some wisdom from my high school art teacher.

In my AP Art class, there was a girl who was just starting to experiment with mixed media. At this point she was still playing around, trying to decide what direction she wanted to go with her portfolio. So one critique day, she brought in an abstract canvas with some rhinestone highlights and painted and real peacock feathers. She loved sparkles and peacock feathers so she thought she’d try introducing them a *little*. And after everyone had given some input, the teacher gave her his advice, VERY roughly paraphrased here:

“So here’s the thing… I do not like this style. These are just elements that do not speak to me personally, but I see that you like them, and you’re doing interesting things with them.

“My biggest critique is, I only merely *dislike* this piece. I want you to make me HATE it. Go crazy with the things that you like. Don’t hold back trying to make it palatable to people like me. Because I am NEVER going to like it. And if the audience does not like it, it should drive them crazy seeing how much YOU love it.”

Her portfolio was chock full of neon colors and glitter and rhinestones and splashes of peacock feathers and it was a delight. Our teacher despised every piece lol, but she got great marks and I think even won some awards. And more importantly, she was happy and proud of the results. Because she didn’t limit herself by trying to appeal to people who were never going to enjoy what she enjoyed.

Takeaway here: be as cringe as you want. Don’t limit yourself based on other ppl’s tastes. They’re not you, and you are incredible 💕


Here is a very simple little app I wrote in AutoHotkey for Windows to help productivity. The artists I’ve attempted to give this to were horrified and sickened by the idea of it.

It floats in the corner of your screen. You tell it what programs you use for work/productivity. Whenever you’re using those programs, it turns a pleasing shade of blue and times you. If you alt-tab over to something that is not one of those programs, like Chrome or Spotify or 3D Pinball, or if you zone out and don’t move the mouse for too long, it turns red and stops the timer until you resume proper grown-up behavior.

This way, you have a constant peripheral reminder of how little of your day has actually been spent on important things like “doing what you’re supposed to” and “not having fun.”

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