
who's gonna make a set inspired by meg in the boa video


im not racist i just have made broad generalizations and assumptions about black people and art without bothering to even look into it first - but ill still present my assumptions as correct. im not racist its just that my opinions on black art coincide with antiblack opinions - that black people are misogynistic and violent and enjoy it. im not racist its just that when this is pointed out to me instead of examining it i double down on opinions ive never bothered to check against the culture ive made assumptions about - im not racist, i just have never interacted with black art before but simultaneously i am confident that it is all misogynistic, all vile. i am not racist. i just dont like rap


Because gay isn’t only 17 year old white kids that come from middle to upper class homes. And Black Love isn’t just straight couples that enforce gender roles and women with perfect bodies, a quiet tongue, and a womb always ready to create. This is also the face of Black Love. And its beautiful. -ShiShi


Whiskers Corner Update:

Dear kind souls and animal lovers, ♥️

As some of you know, my sister and I have been taking care of some homeless cats (25 cats and kittens as of today), and I arranged a small cat shelter/catio in an abandoned yard in my neighborhood for them. My sister has moved out and now has other responsibilities and can no longer help me, at least not every month.

I am now the sole caretaker of my sister's cats, our homeless ones and my own. I've managed to do this for over 3 months, but now I'm really struggling financially. I've spent all of my savings on the shelter and I'm drowning in debts, I can't do this alone anymore 😞

Please consider helping me take care of some of the most wonderful living beings on earth by sharing, donating once or by becoming a member at my ko-fi page:

Here are some of my beloved babies 🥰

Thanks a bunch ♥️🥰

Hey lovelies,

Please consider donating to my Cat shelter if you can 🙏🏽 I'm having some financial issues and some of my babies are sick and I'm running out of cat food.

I'd really appreciate any help. Thank you ❤️🙏🏽


i miss the pxelbox vibrancy & ever so lovely/vibrant era every day


watching these sl creators give up the fight against conversions and start letting ts4 creators pay them for "partnerships" because they finally realized how ready and willing the sims community is to pay big money for a crunchy, crusty non-functional object that looks like it's made of paper mâché because it has a higher poly count than the entire base game's build/buy catalog combined and isn't even tagged or tuned properly

and then the post gets over 300 notes (including 60+ reblogs) in a couple days because this community is its own worst enemy


watching these sl creators give up the fight against conversions and start letting ts4 creators pay them for "partnerships" because they finally realized how ready and willing the sims community is to pay big money for a crunchy, crusty non-functional object that looks like it's made of paper mâché because it has a higher poly count than the entire base game's build/buy catalog combined and isn't even tagged or tuned properly


one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become

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