

@effervescience / effervescience.tumblr.com

I'm Leann. :) 28 years of madness. Stop by, have some tea, share a story with me. Let's go on an adventure.

One of the most life-changing things I ever learned came from Mythbusters, where they tested and proved (with cognitive testing puzzles and reaction time tests) that lying down and resting with the intention to sleep STILL provided significant mental benefits over just staying awake, even if a person couldnโ€™t fall asleep in the amount of time they had. 

It helps me to actually sleep to know that just lying down with my eyes closed is still doing me some good, and helps me to not freak out/beat myself up when I stay up later than intended. Any amount of rest is better than no rest!

So if you didnโ€™t know thatโ€ฆnow you do

do you know that i think of this post every time i canโ€™t sleep op. what mythbusters did for you, you have done for a great many others. 

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