

@relatablepicturesofkanan / relatablepicturesofkanan.tumblr.com

drop the bass mari-chan

It’s finally there, one year of Museqours! As all the mods have shared their thoughts already, there is not much to say anymore, except thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to make Museqours a possibility and reality. While the Love Live! Community is big, we’ve made our happy little family over here at Slack and we all benefit from it. We are glad that what we stand for is also what the other members feel, like Mar said, and we wish to carry on the way we’re doing it right now. Open, accepting, offering a place to call home and sharing our lives with one another. We hope we can keep growing bigger as a community while also staying true to our nature of Museqours and we hope you’ll of course be here to see our future!

In the days to come, you can expect some confessions and reflections of our members, so you do not only get the Mods’ perspective, but also theirs!

To those Love Livers out there who wish to join our ever-growing community, please click the following link: click. It’ll lead you to the Museqours application. Once reviewed, Mod Prin will send you a message on tumblr!

We hope you will join us! 


Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Hey guys! It’s been a while but I’d like to say thank you very much to all of you! Today is the 1 year anniversary of rpo Kanan! It’s been an amazing year and I’ve had a lot of fun. I hope that I can keep up with this blog for more days to come and maybe start posting relatables on time haha,, 

Anyway, thanks again and I hope that by tonight I’ll have a queue set up for the new pv! 



Hello everyone!

We would like to invite you to the Museqours Slack Network! We are an active and growing slack network that mainly focuses Love Live! and all things related to it. Our community isn’t limited to that. With people of many backgrounds and stories, we’re a diverse and open group that happily invites everyone to it. A link to the document to join can be found here, and what we do is found by clicking here.

As of recently, we have also opened up to the Twitter community and we reach out to them to join as well. Our Museqours Twitter can be found here. While it is currently not very active, we soon plan to display all the charms of our channel on it! Please look out for it.

Have a nice day and see you soon at Museqours!


Hello there everyone! Mod Riko here. We wish all of you a happy belated Valentines Day! 

First of all, we’d like to ask you again to join us at Museqours! The 13th of February marked our 6 month anniversary and we’ve nearly reached the 60-member mark! We kindly ask you to join us once again, the link to the form can be found by clicking here. Information on what we do can be found by clicking here

A first announcement is that @jungiesaur won our Museqours! Icon Contest!! which was held last month. The icon is now on display on our tumblr and our Slack network as well. Congratulations!

Other than that, there’s also something else! The current mods have decided to also have a µ’s title. We are Museqours after all. The new titles are as following:

  • Head Mod Hanamaru - Eli
  • Mod Kanan - Hanayo
  • Mod You - Rin
  • Mod Shiitake - Alpaca (Mari - Nozomi in the picture above)
  • Mod Riko - Maki

We hope to see you join! 


Hey nyall! I know it's been quite a while since I've been active on rpokanan, but since today is Kanan's birthday, I need to do something at least! So while I don't have much to give you, I hope you'll hear this out. Since I've started this blog, it's grown at an amazing rate. We've hit a thousand followers and yet we are still growing! I didn't nearly expect all the love and support you'd all give me and all the love I continue to get. This is my first time running a blog like this and it's been a wonderful experience and I truly hope you have enjoyed it too. Starting from a small fun thing and growing bigger than my main blog has shown me just how far we have all come. I'd like to thank you guys today, not just for following this blog, but for showing me how fun it is to have it.


Hello everyone, mod Riko here! First of all, I wish everyone a very happy new year in name of the Museqours mods and all their members! Museqours will of course keep growing together with all of you in this new year and we hope to see some of you join in the chat! For more information about what Slack is and what Museqours does, click here. A link to the application to join our slack network can be found here

In light of the new year, we’d like to do a little friendly competition! Our current Slack icon as well as our tumblr icon are slightly outdated. We’d like to invite every single one of you to try your hand at making one for us! Obviously, the winner’s icon will be featured on slack network and on here. 

We do not set any guidelines for a theme for the icon, but it has to be related to µ’s and Aqours! The icon has to be clear, so please be aware of the size and the way you make it! If you wish to draw on paper, you will need a way to send us a clear icon. This can be done by scanning it and then cropping it.  You are, however, entirely free in the way you make it. Editing, drawing, pixelart, everything is possible! 

Of course, we need a deadline. We’d like to receive your icons by 14th of January 11:59PM GMT-08 at the following e-mail: museqours@gmail.com.

Once again, a very happy new year and we hope to see you on Slack!


Hello everyone, mod Riko here! First of all, I wish everyone a very happy new year in name of the Museqours mods and all their members! Museqours will of course keep growing together with all of you in this new year and we hope to see some of you join in the chat! For more information about what Slack is and what Museqours does, click here. A link to the application to join our slack network can be found here

In light of the new year, we’d like to do a little friendly competition! Our current Slack icon as well as our tumblr icon are slightly outdated. We’d like to invite every single one of you to try your hand at making one for us! Obviously, the winner’s icon will be featured on slack network and on here. 

We do not set any guidelines for a theme for the icon, but it has to be related to µ’s and Aqours! The icon has to be clear, so please be aware of the size and the way you make it! If you wish to draw on paper, you will need a way to send us a clear icon. This can be done by scanning it and then cropping it.  You are, however, entirely free in the way you make it. Editing, drawing, pixelart, everything is possible! 

Of course, we need a deadline. We’d like to receive your icons by 14th of January 11:59PM GMT-08 at the following e-mail: museqours@gmail.com.

Once again, a very happy new year and we hope to see you on Slack!


What if the top braid part of Mari’s hair is just a headband and one day while the third years are relaxing in the student council room, Mari takes it off and puts it on the table. KanaDia just stare at it. They can barely believe their eyes. All these years they’ve known Mari, they just brushed off her hair as some strange American sense of style. But it’s a headband, a stupid headband that Mari picked out specifically to match her hair color. Kanan rubs her eyes a couple times to make sure she saw it right, and Dia is just flat out mad. Eventually Kanan gets salty too and Mari is like “what did I do???” but they give her the cold shoulder because they can’t accept that they’ve been played


Hey guys! One of the mods from Relatable Pictures of LLS made a group chat on a site called Slack! Please check this application out if you’re interested! We already are having a fun time just meeting each other! Slack is a lot like Discord, but gives the ability to add “Channels” which are kinda like subchats based on one idea. Ex. support, advice, spoilers, llsif, etc. It’ll be me and other mods from rpo blogs as well as whoever we pick up along the way, so feel free to apply! I’ll be tagging Museqours related things under “museqours” too.

Love to meet you! - Choco

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