
Dead in the ground

@billford-is-dead-blog / billford-is-dead-blog.tumblr.com

Nothing negative is directed at survivors; we understand.
Anonymous asked:

You point out a lot of things wonderfully in this blog. As an abuse survivor myself, I appreciate your efforts in trying to get others who try to normalize the ship (rather than those who use the ship as a way to cope) to realize that fiction not only affects reality, but that it's demeaning toward those who deal and have dealt with similar situations in real life. Thank you so much.

Honestly it’s a pleasure to do it and I’m glad I can change people’s minds about this. It hurts to see people normalizing these things and every person educated is another step in the right direction.

Anonymous asked:

I understand you dislike Bill x Ford quite a bit, but what about Pure Billford? It's true Will is not a canon character, but even though he's fan-made, it's still a fairly pure ship.


I get it that people wanna weasel their way out of being called out for that abuse-apologism bullshit, but I’m not buying it and “pure billford” is just another whack au so shippers can push their (not unfounded) guilt under the bed. 

It’s reaching, and it’s obvious reaching, so no.

Anonymous asked:

So I made a post saying "if you're not a survivor and you ship Billford, unfollow me." A 24 year old then replied with: bye bitch... I'm 13 years old. I get freaked out by adults because of the things that happened to me, so I panicked. Was I overreacting..?

No, that adult was being immature and made you uncomfortable. The audacity of some people on this site, I swear…you have every right to set that boundary and they laughed in your face. Adults think they can do whatever and say whatever they want on this site without judgement and frankly it’s horrendous.

A lot of the same people who say WE need to grow up-as children-are actually the ones who need to grow up.

I’m sorry that person was so rude to you, and I assure you that you did the right thing by setting your boundaries. Entitled adults like that shouldn’t be around children.

Adults are scary and creepy sometimes and you’re not alone in feeling that way.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! So mcguckt redirected me here from an ask. What I said was that if Ford was a girl and nothing else changed-even the chain scenes- nobody-Alex included - would hesitate to say Ford was in an abusive relationship with Bill. This is mostly due to the fact that men aren't recognized for being abuse victims as much as women.

Honestly as much as I hate to say it, you’re probably right. It’s especially telling when it’s straight women obsessing over a ship like this-fetishizing the relationship as another ‘yaoi’ thing they can lose their minds over, completely ignoring the blatant toxicity of it. 

Even if Ford’s relationship with Bill was never romantic, it was still extremely abusive and damaging, but a lot of people overlook this because they see it as desirable and even “sexy”. I saw people making disgusting jokes about Ford “having a bondage kink” when Weirdmageddon part three came out-despite the fact that Bill was torturing Ford in that scene. It made me want to throw up. 

I apologize for rambling-to cut this short, you’re most likely right about this seeing as I have seen men get turned away from abuse hotlines simply because they were men and therefore “couldn’t be abused”. 


*banging pots and pans together* mutual abuse is a falsehood created to make survivors of abuse feel bad for fighting back against their abusers and genuinely hating their abusers and enjoying them suffering *banging pots and pans louder* MUTUAL ABUSE AS A CONCEPT DOES NOTHING BUT TRIGGER A SURVIVORS CONSTANT FEAR OF INVALIDATION AND VALIDATES THEIR ABUSERS ACTIONS

Anonymous asked:

this isn't about billf/ord, but you seem to know your shit, and i'm not sure who else to ask: i don't know if i'm a survivor. my dad mentally abuses my mom and has my whole life, and being exposed to that takes its toll, and they both have some (1/2)

manipulative tendencies from time to time, but they both love me and i love them and i just don’t know because it’s all so confusing and it’s not obvious?? aah i’m sorry i just need some help here;; thanks (2/2)

I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking, but I’ll try my best?

I’d say based on your situation that your relationship with your parents isn’t exactly healthy. I can’t exactly judge for you, since you’re the one living in it, but if you can, talk to your parents about your concerns. If they love you they will be willing to hear you out and change the things they say and do. Fixing an unhealthy relationship/environment doesn’t happen in a day, but being willing to try and make a change is the first step in improving your relationship with your parents. 

My situation with my parents isn’t ideal, but I wouldn’t go so far to say it’s toxic. My parents are trying to better themselves and so am I, and putting the work in to make it better is what makes it better. My mother is clearly trying to understand and my father is trying to improve the way he handles elevated situations, and that is how things get better. 

If your relationship with your parents crosses into the “no-no zone”, or, for better understand, the toxic zone, then that would be abusive and damaging to you. If either of your parents direct the focus of the abuse to you, then that would be a very bad situation and yes, you would be considered a survivor of abuse. 

However, unhealthy relationships aren’t necessarily abusive. Your father’s relationship with your mother would be considered abusive, but if he isn’t abusive to you personally then you wouldn’t be subject to abuse. Yes, being around a toxic and abusive relationship is unhealthy and will certainly take its toll. It’s up to you to decide at what point is your relationship with your parents considered an abusive one-what you are describing to me seems more unhealthy than toxic and abusive. 

I have explained this as best as I can and I hope this helps you. 

Anonymous asked:

Erm, hello. I don't ship Billford romantically, but I really like it platonically. Like Bill annoying Ford or playing chess or something. I kinda feel bad shipping it though ???

I’m sorry, but Bill//Ford wouldn’t even be good platonically, because although they were canonically friends, their relationship was built on abuse and manipulation and lies. It wouldn’t be good no matter how you depicted it.

Like I said in my FAQ, friendships definitely have the capability of being abusive.


matt burnett (who works on steven universe) very fucking clearly stating that drawing child porn is equitable to making slash works?. i’m beyond disgusted? 

what the fuck is wrong w the Steven universe crew


yyyyyikes ok amidst all the vague weirdness about ian jq THIS is some genuine fucked-upness

slash is not equatable to child porn, that is easily one of the most homophobic things i have ever heard. one is often a creative outlet for LGBT+ fans (it sure as fuck is for me), the other is a creative outlet for child predators and their passive enablers. way creepy, matt burnett.


True friends dive into maths and physics to understand electrocution and see how much Ford is going to suffer from the aftermath of his torture

I really want to hear this conversation tho

it involves crying at realizations and frustrated groaning at maths

spoilers: weirdmageddon is doing all the maths I just cry and evaluate Bill’s personality

i’m doing the math

the only thing i’m given is that bill said “500 volts”, ford’s skin was smokey and that the electrocution lasted for 3.5 seconds. also the electric current was a direct current.

if it were 500 volts per second, the amp would be a horrifying 1.75.

I(A) = V(V) / R(Ω)

Ω stands for ohm, the resistance of electricity. the resistance of a human varies depending on the situation. if skin is dry, it’s about 20,000 to 30,000 ohms/cm². moist skin (and wounded skin) can go down to 1,000 ohms/cm² or less. i’d say with the damage ford has been put through beforehand (also ford was wearing a turtleneck and a trenchcoat in a room with a fire place so even if he wasnt sweating through his clothes from fear it was from actual circumstance), his bodily resistance is 1,000 ohms.

0.5(A) = 500(V) / 1,000(Ω)

0.5 amps is 500 milliamps (mA). multiplied by 3.5, this gives 1750 mA, or 1.75 amps in 3.5 seconds.

now the effects of this?

the higher the voltage and amperage, the more damage will results of the electrocution. it also depends on the pathway of the current. now this was all over his body, known as macroshock.

traveling through the entire body at 1.75 amps will surely have consequences. 1.75 doesn’t seem like much, right?

try churning your butter to that

Anonymous asked:

hey the link in your FAQ to the breakdown of the torture scene is broken, just FYI so you can link to a reblog or a webarchive of the post!

Oh my gosh!! Thanks for notifying me. I’ll fix it right away.

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