But Never Doubt I Love

@headass1998 / headass1998.tumblr.com

Lee + 21 + any pronouns + aesthetic, star trek, whatever tf im into "DOUBT THOU THE STARS ARE FIRE; DOUBT THAT THE SUN DOTH MOVE; DOUBT TRUTH TO BE A LIAR; BUT NEVER DOUBT I LOVE."

This is one of my favourite lines in the entire star trek series, and it often gets overlooked because of the awesomeness of old married spirk during the continuation of the scene. But it tells so much about how great of a teacher Spock must be.

Kirk goes for the usual, a little deprecatory “Ugh the ship is full of children, how well will they behave in a crisis?”

And Spock doesn’t say that they’re trained, professional or prepared or whatever. He just says that each of them will respond according to his gifts. He doesn’t say “personal traits”, he specifically uses the word “gifts”. 

This gives the idea that Spock doesn’t think there’s a “right” or “wrong” way of being a starfleet officer, aside from the basics of being loyal to the cause. He says, my cadets are all different. They’ll respond differently in time of crisis. And this will be good because all their differences will be useful and make us stronger. During a crisis, someone will be bold, and this is good because they’ll be able to react quickly. Someone else will be cautious, and this will enable them to assess the situation better and protect their peers. Some will be scared, and this will make them more alert. Etc.

He doesn’t let Jim underestimate his students just because they’re young or because they don’t behave like him. He thinks all of them have something special to offer, even if they don’t think so themselves.

Bottom line: I wish Spock was real.

That really gets at the heart of Spock’s character, doesn’t it? That the things that make us different are what make us as a whole, strong. Maybe I’m not physically strong, but you are. Maybe you’re not good at math, but I am (I’m actually not good at math but that’s not my point).

Spock was treated as a freak and a misfit when he was a child, being told he had no place. But he found his place—in Starfleet. And his friends don’t just value him for his intellect or talents—they love him just for being Spock.

Now he’s older and he appreciates himself, even the parts that make him different. Especially the parts that make him different.

What a wonderful bit of dialogue, that is sadly overlooked. Thank you for calling our attention to it!


Image Description:

Screen cap of a Facebook post, reading:

Something ironic that I’ve noticed from being in both autistic mom groups and NT mom groups. Let’s pretend a child cries every time they have to be buckled in the car seat..

NT mom group: “tell them to deal with it, it’s for their safety” “ignore the outbursts, they’ll get used to it” “maybe the straps are too tight? If not, and nothing seems to be wrong with the seat, let them cry it out, safety is most important.” “Sometimes, you just gotta deal with it, hugs mama, sorry this is happening.”

Autistic mom group: “is your child verbal enough to express or show why they’re in distress?” “is the fabric of the car seat scratchy?” “Are the windows tinted? If not the sun may hurt.” “Maybe he wants someone to hold his hand, can you reach back and hold it maybe? anxiety is a real bitch” “transitions can be hard, especially on little humans, maybe give advance notice that you will be leaving in the car at x time?” “Obviously something has him distressed, does he have a toy he’s attached too and can hold?”

And they say autistics do not experience empathy.

This is extremely fucking true. Our friends are always marveling at how attentive we are to what our toddler is trying to communicate. I’m like… that’s… how you communicate with someone who you don’t share enough language with… that’s how you communicate with someone who’s ~~“”“"nonverbal”“”“”“~~~

the intersection of ageism and ableism is awful, and it really shows up squared in the way that abled adults just assume that there’s no way to communicate with neurodiverse kids. and babies, tbh, who they think of in a similar way.


but soft, what brick through yonder window breaks

It is the East, and Juliet’s got a gun.


Have fun in the war dumbass I’ll be at home fucking military wives


Damn. Good way to get your fucking windows kicked in

shut the fuck up and raise my son bootlicker

All fun and games until someone with 3 confirmed kills shows up at your doorstep with a baseball bat

im not at my house tho, im at yours with your wife

But he’s got shooters all over the world 🌎 even when he’s away

just shot a load in his wife

You ungrateful asshole. My bf might be fighting for your freedom and you’re here mocking him for keeping your pathetic ass safe from the threats of the world. If a war comes to our country, we’re not saving you, you dumbass ungrateful fuck up of a human being.

Your bf is fighting for oil and killing civilians and probably cheating on you he’s a scumbag, which is why I just fucked his mom to make a better son

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