
Final Fantasy XIV Writings

@finalfantasyxivwritings / finalfantasyxivwritings.tumblr.com

A side-blog for all of Darthsuki's Final Fantasy XIV writing, including headcanons, drabbles and other reader-centric content for the game.
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There is a re-occurring quest of sorts in Final Fantasy XIV called ‘Wondrous Tails’, and it is given to you in Idyllshire by a young Miqo’te named Khloe Aliapoh. Specifically, she gives you an empty journal and asks you to write down the stories of your past and future adventures so that she can share them with everyone she meets!

By re-completing past content, you can earn stickers in order to make lines across a card in a style similar to bingo, with each finished line netting all sorts of prizes once the journal is turned in. In much the same way, ‘Wondrous Tails of FFXIV’ is a multi-month event that utilizes a prompt-filled bingo card format in order to encourage participants to tell the stories in an environment with minimal restrictions and maximum possibilities.

This event is open to both visual and written media, and anyone that participates with at least one valid entry is entered for a raffle that takes place after the end of the event. However, participants do not need to worry about raffle entries or its few restrictions if all they'd like to do is take part and have fun!

> The next iteration of Wondrous Tails of FFXIV will start on March 15th and end on May 15th! <

For more information about the event, start/end dates and whatnot, please check out the links found below!

Less than two weeks before we kick off this year’s Wondrous Tails event!

I have updated the prompt list for the bingo card, so anyone interested in taking part is welcome to start putting their own card together — just remember, no creating or posting until the clock strikes midnight CST on March 15th! It will go for two months, so there’s absolutely no rush in getting things created; just focus on having fun with it!

I will also be putting out a survey/feedback form for anyone who may be able to donate towards the current prize pool. I am looking to do prizes the same way as the last event (everyone with entries has a chance to win, the winners are pulled a week after the event is over), so right now the current prizes are for 5 winners of $20 USD on a gift card to use however they like! It was originally supposed to be items from the Mog Station, but seeing as Square Enix changed how you could do those, we’re going with the next best option!

As always, if there are any questions, issues, or if one of the links to anything doesn’t work, please send me an ask here or at my main blog @darthsuki!


There is a re-occurring quest of sorts in Final Fantasy XIV called ‘Wondrous Tails’, and it is given to you in Idyllshire by a young Miqo’te named Khloe Aliapoh. Specifically, she gives you an empty journal and asks you to write down the stories of your past and future adventures so that she can share them with everyone she meets!

By re-completing past content, you can earn stickers in order to make lines across a card in a style similar to bingo, with each finished line netting all sorts of prizes once the journal is turned in. In much the same way, ‘Wondrous Tails of FFXIV’ is a multi-month event that utilizes a prompt-filled bingo card format in order to encourage participants to tell the stories of their OCs and self-inserts in an environment with minimal restrictions and maximum possibilities.

This event is open to both visual and written media, and anyone that participates with at least one valid entry is entered for a raffle that takes place after the end of the event. However, participants do not need to worry about raffle entries or its few restrictions if all they'd like to do is take part and have fun!

> The next iteration of Wondrous Tails of FFXIV will start on March 15th and end on May 15th! <

For more information about the event, start/end dates and whatnot, please check out the links found below!


Hello all! I am planning to have the next Wondrous Tails within the next several months (ideally before 7.0) and I’m trying to figure out when would be the best time to host it.

It would last about two months and largely have the same rules as the last event, though I would add and change up the prompt list—perhaps even having some prompts directly inspired by the upcoming Dawntrail expac! I will also be polling friends and fellow creators what they’d like to see, and combining that feedback with the last event’s survey to make the next one even better!

One last reblog for opinions on when to run the next WT event! This isn’t an end-all btw, I will be taking into consideration other things going on in the first half of next year to make sure as many people are able to take part comfortably as possible 👍


Hello all! I am planning to have the next Wondrous Tails within the next several months (ideally before 7.0) and I’m trying to figure out when would be the best time to host it.

It would last about two months and largely have the same rules as the last event, though I would add and change up the prompt list—perhaps even having some prompts directly inspired by the upcoming Dawntrail expac! I will also be polling friends and fellow creators what they’d like to see, and combining that feedback with the last event’s survey to make the next one even better!


Having binge read a pretty large chunk of your headcannons now, I am curious what you have to say about miqo'te and au ra heats with non-miqote or au ra partners (also miqote/au ra partnerships).


Friendo I am so sorry, but in trying to answer this post I have inadvertently caused an avalanche of world-building between myself and several friends who were in a discord call with me when I asked for their perspectives and headcanons in the direction of this ask—so unfortunately I’ll have to get back to you in a few days time, but fortunately it will be with a Google doc full of collaborated ideas about the various playable races of FFXIV and how their breeding cycles cause them to have very unique cultural and physiological differences from one another.

Highlights include au ra outside of the steppe being capable of going horny-feral anytime the weather is Ideal™️ and viera having colorful euphemisms along the lines of having their fur coat blown out (amongst other things).

So you will have your original questions answered and thensome, because somehow we had five or so avid writers and FFXIV lore enthusiasts passionately talking about this concept in depth, down to individual clan differences and whatnot. Keep an eye out for when we try to post that thesis of a document 🤣

Anonymous asked:

in not sure if youve seen it but on the topic of au ras ojiyaff on twitter did a series of sketches of all the steppe tribes called 51 scales!

I have looked at all their art—in fact, discovering the series of sketches was one of the things that made me fall in love with the Xaela and, by extension, the reason I made my Xaela WoL Khalja Kahkol!

Though a little silly, I even made a resource page on my main tumblr blog with all the available canon information alongside ojiyaff’s sketches just because I loved having it all available while I was still absorbing a lot of FFXIV’s overall lore several years ago; you can still find the page here!

(Admittedly it’s not perfectly formatted on mobile but still accessible!)


Ongoing projects/ideas in no particular order of business, now that I am once more submerged into the sea that is FFXIV:

  • Final chapter for ‘Tell me to stay (and I will)’
  • Rework/revamp SMiH twine project—the concept itself is very neat but far too large in size and scope for my ADHD brain to handle alone, so I’ll break into several smaller projects divided by expac so that each one is much more concise and can focus better on the characters featured in each storyline
  • Related to above, but instead a twine/visual novel project oriented around my own FFXIV OCs (Samilen, Khalja, R’avi, Kai and Rakuyo primarily)
  • Set up and organization for the next Wondrous Tails event? (@wondroustailsofffxiv)
  • Go through and answer asks that have been languishing in this blogs askbox for the last 573957 years

About the au ra shedding their scales thing - I'm pretty sure that is canon in the game. There is a tribe of Xaella au ra that make boats decorated with their shed scales.


After going back and refreshing myself with the Xaela tribes, you're correct! The description for the Orben specifically reads:

A tribe that rides up and down the great inner river on boats woven from reeds and reinforced with scales from their own skin.

I appreciate the little touches of background detail we get from the descriptions of all the Xaela tribes; it makes it all the more fun to build off of the canon information, especially for those that don't have an in-game appearance yet.

Since we already know there's at least one tribe of Xaela who use their scales as decoration/reinforcement for their boats, it makes me wonder what other cultural significance that scales and scale shedding hold in other groups across the steppe!

Anonymous asked:

I have a very indulgent story I'm writing with a friend and we've basically headcanoned that Au Ra scars turn into scales (with much confusion in the aesthetician menu- "WHERE ARE THE SCARS- IT'S JUST SCALES!!!") So a warrior Au Ra may have more scales along their body, while an Au Ra who has never fought would have the typical amount of scales

It would be especially interesting to see the overall process of wound -> scar tissues -> scales, since it wouldn't be far of a stretch to think that Au Ra might shed their scales to some degree as they grow into adults (and perhaps less often past that).

Over several sheds, scar tissue slowly hardens into a material that is either extremely similar or are outright scales proper--this doesn't take a long time in general, but generally is quicker to appear on younger adults since they tend to shed more often while they might still be growing.

This just gives me a mental image like yours: this grizzled older Au Ra fighter whose body is just *covered* with intricate lines of scales that don't seem to match up precisely with the rest--but it doesn't take long to realize that many of them are shaped like old wounds from an arrow, a sword, or magical damage.


Hello I would like to apologize in advance to anyone who sent requests/ideas/general asks in the last several months bc I’m finally catching up on msq since 6.2 (though I already completed Myths of the Realm and I have EMOTIONS) bc I’m going to try and go back and answer what I can over the next couple days. So uh. I’m so sorry for anything posted/answered in rapid succession though I’ll try to space it out

And also yes

I’m working on the final part to the G’raha fic I started when SHADOWBRINGERS came out

Summary: "There are only a handful of reasons why the two of you would ask to meet me privately," Aemyra says, tapping a finger on her chin while trying to stifle the heat across her face, "at an inn room, naked, and wearing a blindfold."
Alternately titled: In which G'raha and X'rhun decide to have a threesome with their partner, the warrior of light, for her nameday.
Rating: Explicit
Ship: G’raha/Aemyra(WoL)/X’rhun
Note: This fic was a commission for @crimsonsynastry​! I loved writing Aemyra and her chemistry with the Two Local Catboys(tm) was an absolute treat to explore UvU

It is hot in Sharlayan. The sun blazes down from on high, blanketing everything it touches with a sense of hot, listless exhaustion. The winds coming from the sea offer no mercy in the slightest; it is salty on the tongue and in the lungs, and only those native to the island are able to tolerate its sting.

About the only things truly protected from the weathering effects of the ocean and sun is the knowledge itself that the island holds. Tomes are kept safe and secure inside one of the multitudes of opulent buildings and libraries, else otherwise are kept close at hand against a student's chest while being borrowed for their meticulous studies.

X'rhun Tia is certainly no stranger to the heat.

His homeland was always scorched with the blazing sun, and he had long-considered a tolerance for the dry summers to be something in his heritage as a Seeker (whether that was true or not was another matter entirely). Though he was not accustomed to the humidity, dealing with the heat alone was something he felt fairly tolerant of.

Still, he couldn't ignore a slight sense of discomfort with the layers he wore; crimson garb covered all of him, just as much part of the man as his own name was. It offered protection from the sunlight itself (and had been woven specifically to ward off the burning rays), but not an ilm of comfort from the thick and sticky heat that clung to every bit of his skin. It made the man feel vaguely uncomfortable with every shift of his body, but X'rhun took the discomfort in stride as best as he could--both literally and figuratively, as he's decided to take another walk around much of the city's main plaza to try and get accustomed to the layout of where things were. He could hear calls of shopkeepers and the bustle of crowds, not unlike the other city states that he had visited in his years of travel.

Much of his partner's current business kept her on the island, so he figured that it was best to get used to the climate of Sharlayan as quickly as he could; perhaps he could procure some new variations of his current gear? Or maybe he could find ways to make them more suitable to the humidity, should it continue on for more than a few weeks. He so loathed the idea of being ill-prepared or worse, ill-dressed.

"Mr. X'rhun Tia!"

As the man was lost in thought, he neglected to hear the calls of someone a ways behind him on the busy walkway. It wasn't until the person had pushed through groups of students and nearly caught up to the Seeker that X'rhun finally snapped from his thoughts. He turned his gaze just in time to catch sight of G'raha Tia breaking free from the crowd, earning more than a few hard stares from several he'd less-than-carefully pushed past. The young seeker must have been chasing after him, as he stopped so abruptly to X'rhun's walking pace that he nearly toppled head over heels into the stonework below.

"Just the man I was hoping to find!" he says excitedly, righting himself and matching the other's walking pace.

X'rhun simply chuckles, mostly at the young man's honest enthusiasm. "Hopefully only for welcomed reasons. I've not a debt to my name and plan to keep it that way."

"No no, hardly anything like that," G'raha assures, "I've actually a question to ask instead." He peeks around for a moment, then lowers his voice to just above a whisper. "You know that Aemyra's nameday is coming up, right?"

X'rhun merely blinks at his fellow Seeker, simultaneously confused by the question and the reason that G'raha would need to ask it. It wasn't as if the young man wasn't allowed to inquire, as X'rhun was fully aware and happy for his partner to be in other relationships as long as she was treated well, but certainly G'raha would have put together enough information, even if he didn't yet realize they were wedded, to assume that X'rhun would well-know when her nameday fell?

"Of course I do," he says, raising a brow even as his tone falls evenly upon his tongue. "But I assume there's a question behind that, if you're asking something so obvious. Pray tell me what's on your mind?"

G'raha nods, then peeks around again. X'rhun notices that the other Seeker's tail is lashing just a tad too quickly for his liking, betraying the younger man's sense of nervousness in the act. What would he have to be nervous about...?

"Could we," G'raha says lowly face almost as red as his hair, "Perhaps speak in private about it?"

Anonymous asked:

its v hard to find content that fits me/my wol (whys there so little content for they/them wols..... esp for zenos content... smh) so the smih is already making me lose my mind. thank u so much ur doing amazing. also can i just say how already well written it is? *chefs kiss*

Thank you so much! ;w; Projects like that take a lot of time and effort since a huge chunk of the work is coding ontop of the actual written bits, so that means a lot!

I'm also really happy that all the work and coding I learned to implement a functional pronoun system in the demo is being appreciated TwT that alone took several hours to figure out when I was first learning how to use twine as a program!


With Apologies to LadyRamora

@blood–hunter got a lovely ficlet from LadyRamora which has been an endless source of inside jokes to our FC and I thought I should post my incredibly silly follow up fic to Tumblr.
To @ladyramora, apologies, and please know we all thought your fic was incredible. For anyone looking for it, please look no further, here you go.
Our cast is as follows Nijoh’ir being mine Samilen belongs to @heroesofhydaelyn Adehn belongs to @blood–hunter Amasar belongs to @amasarbulqasar

It was a quiet day in the Quills’ FC house, a welcome change of pace from the chaos that typically surrounded them, and anyone who associated with the Scions really.

Sprawled in the first room of the house was Nijoh'ir, draped over a chair in a way one was not meant to sit in chairs but the man was gay so he sat like it. Equally sprawled, across from him, was Samilen, the Viera on his tomestone as he spoke to his companion.

“So for the next questions-”

“Samilen,” Nijoh'ir cut in, his tail swaying behind him, “how many of these quizzes have you taken?”


Out of curiosity, if I were to start a patreon / ko-fi page specifically for my various twine projects, who might be interested in being even a 1 USD patron? Does anyone have any suggestions on which one might be better in the current web environment?

I'm accepting the fact that these projects are rather enormous undertakings even at their simplest, and I was advised that using patreon as a way to help poll and direct my energies to specific characters/projects at a time would help a lot.

If it sounds like something you would like to support, please like or comment on this post! Knowing people enjoy these twine projects really helps to motivate me to keep learning how to make them better!


Have you ever wanted to read a 'seven minutes in heaven' inspired fic for FFXIV? And have you ever wanted to read a fic in a way that merges the reader-insert genre and the interactive fiction format?

If you answered 'yes' to both of those questions (or you're still curious enough to be interested in such a thing) then you should check out the demo for that very project I'm working on right now!

*bangs pots and pans together*

I just figured out how to host my twine games on itch.io and it's like, the coolest feeling ever--anyone interested in playing them no longer has to download any files at all, simply go to the link and play the game! :D

(Unfortunately I haven't made any substantial progress on the content since I last released it, but if you haven't checked it out yet, then it's now even easier to do so!)

Anonymous asked:

I would love a director's cut for Days of Future Past.

The Future Past - Ao3

Writing this--or at least the first chapter of it, if someone is reading this in the future where I've updated it--was surprisingly quite easy to write, at least in terms of pacing, action and dialogue. That tends to happen when I'm building off of an existing scene, so I'm able to re-watch it over and over to make sure I'm describing it accurately even though, technically, it's diverged from canon.

Being able to listen to all the characters in that same scene was suuuuper helpful too, because I think being able to replicate a character's 'voice' in terms of pacing, rhythm, vocabulary and such are very important, and can help boost the quality of someone's work spectacularly even if the non-dialogue is dull.

I think it was really interesting as well because it started from a super simple drabble that came from a very simple request, so I didn't feel beholden to a lot of details or pre-existing plotpoints.

Even better, this is the fic that I started making heavy use of text-to-speech software like NaturalReaders, which helps a lot with 'over critical-ness'. As a writer, we will stare at our work for HOURS...so over time, we become so desensitized to it, its hard to be objective when it comes to how it reads. I find listening to it helps a ton in this respect!

Oh! Also, writing the whole section with Kairos and the commands was probably my favorite bit to write, if only because I was very proud with how logical the commands and Hermes’ usage of them they sounded!

Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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