
Rachel Ray Griffith and Ben Solo

@rachel-ray-griffith / rachel-ray-griffith.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

I just don't understand why they would add Rey Palpatine and why Luke & Leia was so focused on her and not Ben. There has to be more to it. Nothing adds up. There feels like there is missing pieces and the score doesn't lineup right. I am on the bandwagon of he is still alive out there somewhere and old man Jedi Bridger where help Rey because clearly he's back and Ahsoka died because Rey heard her. But Ben should had been the one to hear the Jedi tell him rise and defeat Palpatine.

I think a lot of stuff was taken out last minute. I don’t even think I heard “But I do” but Rey did say “I do” though. We have to remember that even with TFA and TLJ, some things that they show in the trailer isn’t always in the movie. You’ll find them in the deleted scenes where I am hoping the multiple endings will be.

But yes, I think Ben is going to be okay somehow.


The directors or producers were wrong to bring back Palpatine because Anakin fulfilled his destiny by destroying the sith.  WTF!  “The Rise of Skywalker” should have shown the throne room scene with Snoke being cut in half by the Skywalker light saber.  Then Rey and Ben Solo fight the Praetorian guards.  Then Ben Solo leaving that throne room in his awesome command shuttle to join the Resistance.  The End.


The Final Steps

The Force is stirring in the wake of the Final Order’s collapse. It has sparked hope…and unleashed untold destruction. Can Rey bring balance to the galaxy before it’s too late?

A canon-compliant Episode IX epilogue webcomic with a happy ending. Launching May 4, 2020!


The Red String of Fate - Rey’s Force Vision

( So as I promised here’s my Episode IX re-make, part 1 💙) ( TROS does not exist, my epIX re-creation is not related to that garbage movie at all )

Rey goes for a walk in the forest, to find peace…to find answers within herself….Then suddenly she feels something in the Force…a figure of a small boy runs across the path in front of her. He feels somehow familiar…

As she watches the child, the trees begin to thin and transform into tall white pillars…

 A tall figure appears in the distance, the little boy happily runs to him…the man holds out its arms, swinging the laughing child into the air..she could recognize “him” anywhere…Ben. And their child. Her family.

When she opened her teary eyes again…the force vision was gone.

She was alone with her thoughts again…but was she tho?


I won’t lie, I wasn’t prepared for Rey and Ben’s kiss to be so sweet and innocent. Their connection is so emotional and raw and charged that part of me was honestly expecting them to practically crash their faces together when they finally kissed.

But no, it’s so TENDER and SOFT and SWEET. Words I’d never think to use to describe their relationship. And they just sort of don’t let go of it–of each other.

It just makes me even more sad, tbh. They didn’t kiss like the powerfully charged Dyad they are–they kissed like two lonely kids who finally found something light in a lifetime of darkness.

Ben and Rey (Solo) deserve to be together.  


I totally need all of your Reylo theories in light of the new footage? Like, did Palpatine try to possess Ben, fail, then go for Rey? Do you think Snoke was actually Palpatine all along? I have so many questions!!!! ( Also happy belated birthday!)


Okay so let’s start. That poster though! Palps is obviously going to be driving the conflict of this story, not Kylo or the FO against the resistance. That conflict will more or less be background noise. What does Palps want? Power AND to fuck with the Skywalkers in some capacity. He wants Ben end of story. Ben is the Skywalker and Palpatine is back on his bullshit.

Palpatine, I believe, was behind Snoke and his manipulation of Ben in some sense, either through actually being Snoke (through possesion) OR Snoke was simply his pawn in grooming Ben for Palpatine to use later. Now that his pawn or meat vessel was taken out by Ben he needs a new strategy in turning him. I think he already started playing the long game by strengthening the bond between Rey and Ben when he noted that Ben had “compassion” for her. He’s used love as a tool successfully once before with Anakin to turn him and so far Ben has been resistant to fully turning otherwise.

The only other option is (if Ben doesn’t already know about palpatine) he rolls up and just offers Ben an apprenticeship with his “amazingly powerful” self. Do I think Ben would be into that? Hell no. Not after killing/becoming free from his old “master” (finally!) and proceeding to give a stirring speech about “letting old things die” INCLUDING the Sith. Ben is firmly over the dogma and I think he’s already trudging (grumpily) towards a more “grey” outlook in the Force. Palpatine wouldn’t have anything to offer him that I could think of besides “saving” or “sparing” Rey which is why Palpatine’s sights will be set on her in this film. He wants to hold the trump card against Ben if Ben won’t join him outright.

Moving forward on the assumption that dark Rey is a true plot point and not just a vision, the movie will show Ben gradually finding his way towards the light while Rey falls to the darkness through Palpatine’s influence. Their relationship will become “desperate” as Ben tries to keep her from falling while (ironically) people at large still see him as the villain. I explained how I think Rey could be convinced to “turn” here and, additionally, made this post about the ring that Palps could be influencing her with.

This set up (with Rey falling) would, bonus, help the audience to better accept Bendemption as they see Ben working towards the light through the whole movie and ultimately having to help pull Rey back from the darkness which he knows first hand isn’t the right path (resulting in a sort of double redemption which is RAD! Couples redemption?) Through the compassion he’s had for her from the very first film he will (as the Skywalker) finally defeat the evil shadow that’s been cast over his family by saving his love from Palpatine.

I also think we could get a JUICY reverse Anidala scene where “dark” Rey is mortally wounded during their battle (I think by Palpatine intentionally because Ben would only be trying to subdue her) and Palpatine would offer to give him the power to save his love if he fully commits to the dark side and joins him. Ben will refuse knowing the false promises of the Sith and he will succeed where Anakin failed in seeking power to save Padme’s life (POETIC CINEMA!)

He will be UNHINGED at this point because Palps hurt/potentially killed Rey and he will kill him epically with the legacy saber because Anakin’s saber MUST be used to kill Palps while in Ben’s hands I’m sorry. Then he will go to Rey where some angst happens because she’s seemingly dying but the force is like “naw” because of their bond and love and Ben making the right choice etc magic happy ending.

I know this idea has been reversed in the past with Ben dying in this scenario BUT (imo) Ben needs to be THE CLEAR HERO at the end of the story not just some “redeemed villain” that was taken pity upon by our heroine. Anakin already more or less got the “pitied redeemed villain” ending (YAWN will not repeat). The Skywalker has to set things right at the end of the Skywalker Saga and he fucking will.


I really like this take. Let’s see what happens in the theatres!

Palpatine is dead.  I saw him die,

Anonymous asked:

The objective metric of redeemability for SW villains is as follows. General Hux - 100% redeemable, was never even in the same room as Han Solo. Snoke - 75%, ordered Kylo to kill Han Solo but was kind of vague about it. Darth Vader - 33%, put Han Solo in carbonite which could've killed him, and he was willing to take that risk. Kylo Ren - 0%, actually murdered Han Solo, the worst villain in the history of SW, complete monster.

I agree, but also consider: Darth Maul’s greatest crime? Stealing Han Solo’s girlfriend, thereby breaking his heart.



This is the reason that instead of releasing “The Last Jedi.”  There should have been a redone of “the Force Awakens.”  When I say that the movie should be redone, I mean to be redone from the beginning where they are on Jakku.  When Captain Phasma asks Kylo Ren, “What about the villagers?”  Kylo Ren responds, “We have no use for the villagers.  We have no time and we have to be going now.”  Whereas Han Solo redeems his son to come home with him.  


Rey’s words imply she is jealous Kylo had a family who cared about him, acting as foreshadowing to the reveal that her parents willingly gave her up. 

i love how rian wove this implication into these words because it just shows that rey knows the truth but just can’t face it. she subconsciously knows that her family truly abandoned her and it slips through in these moments

^^ exactly. It’s like she’s saying: You had a father who loved you. He gave a damn about you. Mine didn’t love me & didn’t give a damn about me. You should be grateful.

God, poor Rey. She’s so tragic. I’m all emotional.

Some people do not willingly give up their children, sometimes the children can be kidnapped away from their parents.  The parents believe that their child is dead and they do not bother looking for her.  In fact, the people who kidnap the girl are not her real parents and they sell her for drinking money.  That is not the fault of the parents.  Do you remember what Maz Kanata said in “The Force Awakens?”  “Child, I have seen your eyes in many different people.  You already know the truth.  Whomever you are waiting for on Jakku, they are never coming back.  But there is someone who still can.”  Maz Kanata was referring to Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) who came to look for the girl whom he has heard so much about.  


Hux: Send my love to Dameron in the form of two missiles from the ventral cannons.

Poe: What’s that..? Aww! It’s my favorite shade of blue, thanks babe! Wait… those are missiles.

Hux: I call it a weaponized blow kiss. Call me after you crash.

General Hux and the Resistance should join an alliance to destroy supreme leader Snoke and the First Order. 


Episode IX Theory

Poe and Hux will form an alliance of sorts behind closed doors for a mutually beneficial grab for more power/victory. Hux will feed the resistance information about the First Order to bring Ben down so that he and Poe can rule in a benevolent manner (or so Hux says). Hux will paint Kylo as the evil mastermind and himself as the victim forced to do his bidding. We also saw Poe’s desire for power with his disappointment when Holdo was made leader instead of him. I think this rift in ideology will also set the stage for Reylo. As force users, Ben and Rey will have to come together to fight this new alliance. And realize that they were never aligned with their respective factions to begin with.  “It’s all a machine, partner…”

I’m okay with this, as long as Poe does come around and realize his mistake. 

For me, Poe, just like Ben, yearns for a change, whereas Hux just wants power for power.

“The Last Jedi” was a big disappointment,  It would have been better if “The Force Awakens” should have been redone.  Kylo Ren does not kill Lor San Tekk, villagers, or any other innocent person.  He goes home together with his father, they both board the Millennium Falcon to be joined by the others.  The End.  

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