
Smitten like a Kitten

@mcl-kittenina / mcl-kittenina.tumblr.com


I’m anxiously waiting to see images start appearing from Mikako’s erikae. I’m curious to see if she’s had her own kimono made for this occasion or if she’ll be using one from the okiya. 


October 19th, 2017: Congratulations to Umetae (梅たえ) of Umeno (梅乃) in Kamishichiken on the occasion of her misedashi! Hers is the second misedashi for Kamishichiken in the past month and shows just how lively their district really can be! Like most girls from her district she does not have an onesan. おめでとうございます梅たえちゃん ^o^! Images courtesy of Adachi_Kyoto on Instagram.


You know how everyone has something they miss and they wish could have come back? I just realized there was an app I used to play during my high school days on myspace that I adored the heck out of.


what’s buddypoke? It was this app where you could create a cute little avatar

and you could interact with your friends avatars if they had one! There were so many different options of interactions from cutesy, to romantic, to silly, to sportsy. 

It was just this simple little app that everyone seemed to love back on myspace before the site went down the hole. I loved being able to check this daily and see if my friends and made any interactions with my little avatar. I wish they would bring this back online or to facebook. I remember hearing it was made into an actual app in the app store, but I also heard you have to buy it now which is unfortunate.

Anonymous asked:

I'm visiting Kyoto in October and would love to experience seeing a new Maiko debut. Will Minarai Umetae be having her Misedashi ceremony on 23rd October, and how and when would I be able to witness any part of this special day?


sadly I’m not completely up to date since I was on vacation for a week. I don’t know when it’s Umetae’s misedashi. I just know it’ll be after Kotobukikai.Does anyone of the followers know more about the date?

For your second question: On that specific date come to Kamishichiken and you can see her walking down the streets, visiting other okiya, ochaya and the Kaburenjo.


I haven’t heard a specific date for Umetae’s misedashi yet, though she should be definitely debuting after Kotobukikai, maybe not on the 23rd as there’s a very good possibility it could be overlooked with Mikako’s erikae being on the same day in Gion Kobu.

Anonymous asked:

On that recent picture of Yuriha and Tatsuha by Comi it looks like they're painting both lips but they debuted in January? Shouldn't they only be able to start doing that in January of 2018?

I think that I was wrong and the picture was taken back in April! They had probably painted both of their lips for the Miyako Odori.


I can help clear this up!

Yuriha and Tatsuha were allowed to paint both lips for Onshukai this year. I found the post the picture came from on instagram and there was another picture taken from the side where you can see Tatsuha’s kanzashi more clearly and it’s the motif used for October. Also Mamekinu is wearing a white collar with wareshinobu, I don’t know if she’s doing that for Onshukai or if she’s really progressing with her studies and is going to become a senior maiko.


To everyone that is in Las Vegas right now or is around the area you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay safe and stay inside!


Is it too early to start posting about what I’d like to see happen in ep 38? After that roller coaster of an episode we had it really got me thinking about a few things I’d like to see happen in the next episode.

- Candy opens up about her relationship to her mother. I mean we were finally able to tell her the truth about our plans in the last episode. I want the bond between these two to grow more so I want to see her open up to her mom.

- A well needed girls day out! Not just a trip to the mall, I’d love to see Candy, Rosa, Iris, and Alexy (lucy too? I miss this girl!) all meet up and have lunch together, go to a movie or treat themselves to some mani/pedis. Heck let them do all three as they say “treat yo self”

- An apology from a certain cookie monster turned asshole. We all know it’s going to come, but I really hope the writers make the scene where Kentin apologizes to Candy well worth it after how asshole-ish he was in the last episode.

- Perhaps a change in Evan? Maybe Candy giving him a piece of her mind at the club could’ve knocked something inside his head and made him think “hey this isn’t right” Highly doubt it would happen but hey you never know. Perhaps he could be the one to get Kentin to apologize after realizing the influence he’s had on him.

- Another event of some sort with the school. Wouldn’t it be cool to see something like a student fair go on at Sweet Amoris before or after finals? Imagine the cool illustrations we could get! 


Ok I hate Kentin right now just as much as ya’ll do but do yOU REALIZE THE POTENTIAL???

When Nath stopped being an ass he got a neat redesign and outfit change! Which means!!!

Kenny-kins can finally get rid of those ‘tough military guy’ clothes!!! I wanna see the sweetheart redesign he might get

Alexy is probably gonna burn his clothes and take him shopping

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