
October Night

@frokenkeke / frokenkeke.tumblr.com

Angular subjects with vibrant colors and vague motifs.
Anonymous asked:

hgrgh. ashes to ashley auughghghgghghAAAA too much. thoughts thinking thoughts. its humor is set up in the way of peanuts and big nate so it feels roughly and strangly nostalgic but its also raw and scrappy and bright so its there Now and not earlier and Ash is faded and silent and shadow of Ashley bcesause Ash will never stop existing in all of time because she is a apart of Ashley but Ashley is bright because she is no longer in the dark murky lucid state of Not Knowing and and and

I love making people ponder huge and complicated thoughts over my silly bunnies. To think that they could have such impact, wow! Shadow and light define each other. Could there even be an Ashley without an Ash? Perhaps to fully embrace our Ashley we must make peace with our Ash.


Making of Ashes to Ashley

Recently I posted my comic Ashes to Ashley, and got such a tremendously kind and loving response that I felt like sharing a little bit more about where it came from.

The story is about a transgender awakening, where the quiet and somber Ash explodes out of the closet as the loud and colorful Ashley. This was always the plan, however the details changed along the way. Quite quickly I realized that I was writing about myself and my own trans journey. I never played in a band and I don't imagine I'll ever grow bunny ears (sadly), but still Ashley is undoubtedly a reflection of myself. I just allowed life to become a stage and gender performance a rock concert.

Above are the first idea doodles I drew late at night in early April. I quite enjoyed giving Ashley lipstick and prominent eye shadow, since I hadn't ever done a character like that before. The idea was a bit of exaggerated femininity that accidentally becomes raw punk expression. One or two people have pointed out the Um Jammer Lammy similarities, and they are absolutely not coincidental. Initially I imagined Ashley would've been more reluctant about her transformation, which is why she looks a bit more annoyed in some of my sketches, but the story became more bright and funny if it was made immediately clear that this all happens off of her own volition.

Some method and color tests. My girlfriend suggested I instead go a lot more raw with it, which is why I ended up adamantly using an ugly sponge brush built into Photoshop. Sapphic Disaster are some form of punk-shoegaze band, so combining rough pencil linework with crunchy texture coloring felt like a fitting visual representation of them. This also side-stepped the biggest problems I've always had with drawing comics – dealing with inking is a boring waste of time, and working digitally always makes me fixate on perfection. By just using pencil on paper I had to stick with whatever errors couldn't be saved by a regular eraser, in fact I dedicated myself to only using an old worn down Bic mechanical pencil and embraced the idea that the comic would consistently look a bit off and amateurish. Of course I allowed myself the luxury of cleaning up my drawings digitally before coloring, but that can only take you so far. This way of working helped me make fast progress and kept each step engaging, I've never had as much fun drawing a comic as I had with Ashes to Ashley.

Here's a before and after from initial scan to finished panel. I often only tidy up around focal points like faces or hands, and allow the rest to remain as it is, usually parts like the legs or Ashley's ears.

Character references and my initial color picks, they went through small changes as I went along. I liked giving all the band members different sorts of rabbit ears to make them all look distinct from each other.

Here's some ideas for the Sapphic Disaster band logo and the comic's color palette, notice how Ashley is more vibrant than Ash.

While working I filled up numerous papers with doodles trying to workshop panels and layouts. It's too much to show all of them here, so I composed a few collages of my favorites.

It was pivotal for me that Ash would always look painfully cute. The sketch of the table scene with Floyd shows a rare out-of-character confident and laid-back Ash. In the presence of Floyd?! Never!

I was very concerned about the reader recognizing the old Ash when first seeing Ashley. She may be all excited about being a girl, but her nervous cluelessness remains. I ended up going back and redrawing two panels in Ashley's introduction to strengthen this impression.

For those not in the know, shoegaze is a rock subgenre that centers around noisey guitar textures, typically achieved through heavy use of effect pedals at the musicians feet; hence the name. When Ashley plays her guitar she produces a cacophony of strange sounds, the reader will have to imagine what they actually sound like, but I always imagined their opening number "I Wanna Be a Girl" to sound like a couple of amateurs trying to recreate Lush's Blackout.

The page where the band go around looking for Ashley while she's receiving her makeover was shoehorned in at a later stage for pacing purposes. That's why Gabriel is suddenly back to pulling cords after previously claiming they're all set, oops!

One of the core rules to this story is that everyone is always overly supportive of Ashley's transition no matter what. This is what makes the otherwise stern and serious Floyd especially funny, my girlfriend was pivotal in sprucing up his dialogue, adding bits like "have you seen the health care waiting lists?, "I know an endocrinologist who owes me a favor or two" and "give me 35% more danger"

Towards the end I discovered that Ashley and Debbie dancing was apparently the most important panel in the entire comic, judging by how much I tried to perfect it. (For the record, my favorite panel is when Ashley screams into the microphone that she wants to be a girl.) Maybe Ashley and Debbie dancing should've replaced the final full-page panel? Well, we got a lot of cute doodles out of it regardless. Just kiss already!

Initially I imagined Ashley to be standing alone in the "could this be the real me" final panel, but I realized her odd family of friends was equally a part of the real her. She was always right where she needed to be, she just needed to find herself within that place. (I ended up giving Ashley a cigarette because otherwise it looked like she was praying.)

Here are some ideas for the cover illustration, of course in 1:1 format to look like an album cover. Up until last minute I planned for the comic to have You Made Me Realize as its subtitle to distinguish it from eventual follow-ups, which is why the You Made Me Realize EP cover art is paraphrased in the top-middle. I ended up just going with Ashes to Ashley to keep it clean and simple. The title Ashes to Ashley was blurted out immediately by my girlfriend when I first showed her my concepts for the story. It's perfect, she's perfect.

I drew two Ashes and two Ashleys for the cover art and let my fingers smudge all over the latter. While most obviously riffing on the cover for My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, it's equally taking from the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa's Pigment.

And there you have it.

However I never intended this to be the full extent of Ashley's story, just a satisfying and complete end of a chapter. I've already finished writing the next story, Today Forever, and I hope I can get it out to you all soon enough. Your love for Ashley keeps me going.


Anonymous asked:

I cant stop thinking about ashes to ashley. (Im sorry if this gets too personal)

I know i am not a man , i've known that ever since i came out as non binary, yet i ask myself, am i a woman? and i just can come up with a clear answer. im not a girly girl,but at the same time, yes? but a girl in a boy way? boy in a girl way? until i just end up asking myself

What the fuck is a woman?????

There are periods where im just happy with being a masculine presenting "thing", there are times when im just indifferent, and there are times when i enter full gender panic and feel so uncomfortable with myself, and ashes to ashley made me feel like that. Don take that the wrong way (PLEASE!!)Its just, seeing Ashley just say it so nonchalantly without thinking that much about it, getting on that stage and fucking nailing it, can it really be that easy? and consequently i ask myself, if i just try, can that be me? Ashley demolished the cracked shell that was my egg, writing this has made me feel better, i wanted to just say Thank you Ashley and thank you for existing

I'm glad Ashes to Ashley was able to resonate with people in this way. For inspiration, contemplation, introspection, understanding.

Of course, Ashley works on a bit of efficient cartoon logic, stumbling through a wacky and snappy situation that spits her out the other end in a fulfilled and content state. I've been fully out as trans for numerous years at this point, yet I too find Ashley aspirational. She expresses a form of liberation I would want to capture every day. In ways she has helped me reinvigorate my self-confidence in just this past month I've known her.

Still, Ashley is undoubtedly a reflection of myself. Ash is a blatant portrait of pre-transition me, while Ashley is an extravagant exaggeration of how I am now (I have the haircut and the eye shadow, but not the lipstick and the red dress). Years ago there was this moment in my transition where I felt like a light flicked on and I was no longer driven by a longing desire to escape myself, but an inherent need to outwardly express and celebrate what is me. The story is about that moment. It is real and, for me, replicable.

The idea that this comic has helped even one person is huge to me. I am relieved and invigorated by the response so far. You are all the best!


I've been hard at work the last month making Ashes to Ashley, a cute comic about shoegaze and gender.

Thank you for reading Ashes to Ashley, hope you liked it! Special shout out to my girlfriend Alicia for her invaluable comedic input.


Throwback to when I worked on a comic about these two. Never became anything.


2015 piece, never posted this back then, apparently.


I can finally post these odd creations Alicia requested.


This is the worst tradition I’ve accidentally created. (I will block anyone who says 2014 is best because it absolutely is not.)


On this day three years ago, we uploaded our first video to the world. Three years later we have become the coolest channel on the internet and we're only getting started!

Here's to at least three more. 🧡


Alicia was like “draw us on the Sonic 3 cover“ this morning and I spent the entire day drawing this.

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