

@phoebe-does / phoebe-does.tumblr.com

Dedicated to study, self care and motivation for a balanced and healthy lifestyle |Tracking #phoebe-does | youtube | spotify : plop2000 | 21 | 2nd year undergrad | Arab-Australian | original content tagged #mine

Hey! Sorry I've been MIA for ages, but I've come on here to share that I've started up an instagram account https://www.instagram.com/phoebe_triestobefit/

So if you've wanted to see/hear more of me, please check that out!


Edmund Burke wrote on the 'sublime'. He was the first to put into words the experience we all have in a moment which makes us realise how small and insignificant we are. For some it's standing at the edge of a great cliff and seeing a horizon span across kilometres. For some it's staring at a sky with infinitesimal stars and possible life out there and realising we are just one speck in a big, big world. The feeling of the 'sublime' is something Burke suggests we should feel often and as much as we can. It's a psychological experience unlike any other. What causes you to feel the 'sublime'?


Made it to my uni's Deans list! (top 5% of results)

I've got the ceremony today 🥲🥲 So good to see hard work pay off


The humanities are dying

As someone studying philosophy to go into academia, I definitely see the value and importance in studying the humanities. I tutor high school students part time and the absolute disinterest from one of my students in studying humanities really shocked me. It seems to me there's a shift in attitudes coming out of high schools, a focus on STEM where students think there can be right and wrong answers.

I'm interested to hear what you guys think about the humanities? Do you see the value in them?


Saw this on the way to work yesterday, what a kind and important message.


I ran an 11k on the weekend! It's the race that made me start running 3 months ago when I signed up on a whim. It's such a wonderful feeling that I can't quite describe, having everything, all the preparation, hard work and set backs lead up to the one moment ... how are you all doing? what goals are you working towards at the moment?


phoebe!!! it’s been FOREVER how are you?? sending you lots of love and good wishes <3


AW! Helen! It's been ages <3 <3 I'm great, just studying, working and living life! I got a cat, so that's new! How are you?? Here's a pic of him with his fav toy koala xx


it's such a humbling moment when I was almost fluent in French as a child but as an adult, I go to French markets, speak to the vendors in French ... and they reply in English. Like bro! I'm trying here 😭😭

“To make a difference in someone’s life, you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care.”

Mandy Hale


forgot I had this space to clear my head! was feeling all those nasty feelings and icky about myself but it's okay- shifting the mindset to seeing the POSITIVE and deciding that EACH DAY is a FRESH START! Choosing to love myself the best way I know how, know tomorrow is a new day, going to take care of my mind and body. Who else is with me!?

Me, I support you

<3 luv u!


Some news, I've gotten into running ... When I got C*vid in April I signed up for an 11k run coming up in a few weeks (I was not a runner). So I put on my big girl leggings and decided to show up to a run club so they could motivate me to go speedy and put one foot in front of another. Little did I know ... the people who go to this run club are ULTRAMARATHON RUNNERS so the first run they take me on (again I was not a runner) was the longest distance I have ever run, 7km. This may not seem like a lot to some of you, but it was to me! But do I give up and join a probably more suitable run club? NO! I get sucked in to the supposed 'runner's high' and the atmosphere of following some of these guys running 100Km+ and triathlons and things only insanely fit (and probably crazy) people do! So next minute, they have me signed up to a half-marathon in September and a full-marathon next year! Because I'm impressionable and running is a cuLT~!


forgot I had this space to clear my head! was feeling all those nasty feelings and icky about myself but it's okay- shifting the mindset to seeing the POSITIVE and deciding that EACH DAY is a FRESH START! Choosing to love myself the best way I know how, know tomorrow is a new day, going to take care of my mind and body. Who else is with me!?

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