
The LostSouls

@lostsouls-house / lostsouls-house.tumblr.com

32 - Canadian - System

aaand, here we go with our first actual negative post! more of a scream into the void than anything, frankly.

still discussing sas, yep. don't harass them, for fucks sake. harassment is the last thing they need, and no one deserves it, no matter how shit they are. especially it's inappropriate in the case of sas, when they've already dug a hole deep enough for themselves.

This is inference to the same screenshots I’ve posted and words everything amazingly.

You’ve taken a perfectly good dog and you’ve thrown it into a corner.

For some of you that may know what I’m referring to, SAS is now the fighting dog and AEV is the bait. You have watched this adult go after someone for one mistake and then go to every other person that disagrees because they’re being held accountable for the actions that got them into this mess in the first place.

If you’re believing someone who is saying things like this and then wanting to believe that they’re in the right and just defending themselves, please understand that there is a line between defense and harming others.

If you cannot be kind to someone in means of defending yourself, that isn’t defending. You’re going on the offense. Some people can’t help that, but if you’re going to start calling people things because of one mistake, that’s not defending either.

A simple “hey, this is wrong and Id like you go correct this” is FINE. This is a tantrum Id expect my toddler to throw because they didn’t get ice cream and barreled someone at the playground.

SAS isn’t in the right either. Maybe no one is in the right, eh? But if you’re going to say that SAS is defending and then get pissy when someone retaliates and sticks up for their friend, you’re part of the problem imo

I do not care for the moral high ground. I give a shit about my friend and my fuckin family. I’m also the type of person to drop you from my family if you do something wrong. Point blank.

For SAS to defend and have people doing the same fuckin thing of going after people that are showing what they’ve done wrong and then get upset when the opposite side is sticking up for someone that was doing what they always do of answering asks and not knowing who the fuck SAS was? Yeah, you don’t have room to talk.

This whole situation keeps getting thrown around like a dead horse. I’m tired of seeing it and I’m tired of people trying to take the morality side and defend someone who knows better than to be an angry adult.

The more everyone stays on this, the larger the dumpster fire becomes. You don’t have to pick a side, but stop causing internet drama because you want to worship the ground someone walks on to be seen.

If you support SAS or are SAS (genuinely cuz if anons are doing your bidding, they aren’t doing well), get off of my page. You do not have to side with me.

I don’t give a shit about the social construct my reputation is. I give a shit about my friend that did nothing wrong and was being called a fucking blemish by a 30 year old. SAS is the adult and could be much more mature, but no.

Anonymous asked:

I dont mean to talk about SAS considering what theyve done to you and your friends but I went to go block them and just saw a post they rebloged screenshotting asks of DID systems expressing their frustration with misinformed doctors who are possibly becoming dangerous for them and they were celebrating over it. It just...god it makes our stomach hurt and mouth taste like copper. Weve been medically abused and neglected our hole life because of misinformed doctors and therapists. Why would a person ever feel joy of any kind over someone feeling unsafe around their doctors? Just because what they incorrectly believe the same dogshit ideology as you? Because it proves that "your winning" and the spread of misinfo that systems keep warning about it finally reaching doctors and negatively impacting our community? A community of a bunch of severely traumatized individuals who desperately need help but now are having a much harder time doing that? Like...thats just evil dude. I want to just get off the internet and move on. I want to not care and be "systemcorse neutral" and "be a real system" who isnt affected by what other people are doing in their lives (in reference to the people who always say "real systems" shouldnt bother or care about endos and what people do and say and feel and express cause it "dosnt affect you") but I honestly cant. This shit IS spreading into real life, it IS affecting people now and it needs to fucking stop. At this point I dont even care if endos want to call themselves systems. Cool okay good for you. Stay the fuck out of doctors and therapists mouths then dude. Your making it hard to even be seen as a serious ligament trauma survivor. Im not even scared to tell therapist about our DID anymore im just down right EMBERESSED. I have to always say "but I swear not like a trend online or something, we have trauma" cause when we mention DID now its no longer confusion but just eyerolls and skeptical looks.

The main reason I despise the system community is because of the misinformation and the constant shit endos do to make it harder for genuine survivors to get things that they need.

Endos don’t exist. Endos are not valid.

Celebrating people being hurt and harmed by their doctors? That’s fucking vile and disgusting behavior.

I have no other words.


It's so funny to me seeing SAS finally being seen for the person they are. Because, and this is true, I told you so.

Attacking minors after emotionally abusing and manipulating us? Wow. You really have no standards left.


Having friends that are minors can be so scary if you have ocd. Like you DM them "Good morning" and Ur ocd is like "Did you just groom them on accident!?"


If you live in the US and you have a phone you need to keep secret for any reason, make sure that it is turned off at this time.

Yes, I'm doing this months in advance, and yes, my blog has very little reach, but I figure better to post about it more than less.

Please reblog and add better tags than mine, I'm bad at tags.

OCTOBER 4, 2023



OCTOBER 4, 2023



OCTOBER 4, 2023

If this doesn't make sense, then good news it's not for or about you but still reblog it because you never know who may need to know this.

Reblog and add more tags.



For some reason I am blocked by @sysboxes. Not sure what I did aside from tell the truth about someone they might like? I was able to request a box a few weeks ago, so this must be recent. This was my request and I'm posting it as we wanted it for our System. We are giving credit, we did not make this. The hard working mods at @sysboxes did.


Got this from seirai-collective ASK GAME!

🌫️- How many people are in your system

🌊- What's everyone's favorite colors?

☂️- Most common fronters?

☔- Collective pronouns?

💦- Everyone's pronouns?

💧- Most common age group?

💨- Do you have any fictives?

❄️- Are there any romantic relationships in your system?

🌧️- Does anyone have a favorite number?

☁️- Are any of your alters neurodivergent?

🌤️- How many people are LGBTQIA+

☀️- Do you have any non-human alters (including hybrids)?

🌈- What are some common hobbies?

🌪️- What is the most liked food between everyone?

🔥- Current hyperfixations?

☄️- Do you guys have any collective interests?

⚡- What is your headspace like? (If you have one)

✨- Does anyone have a pet?

⭐- Does your system have a name?

💫- Does anyone wanna share something about their source? Feel free to ramble, anyone can answer too!

🪐- Most chaotic group?

🌎- Any demon/angel/god alters?

🌙- Who is the oldest?

🌓- What type of system are you?

🌗- (For traumagenic systems only) Are you diagnosed? If yes, was getting one difficult? If not, do you want one & why or why not?

🌕- What is your system dynamic (ex, family, friends, complete strangers, etc)

🌻- What's a normal day for you as a system?

🌸- How do you keep track of your system? (Members, switches, etc)

🥀- Any childhood things that should've tipped you off to being a system?

💐- Do you like being a system?

🐚- Do you know any systems IRL?

🍄- Do you prefer in-system dating or out-of-system dating?

🍁- What's the most annoying thing about being a system?

🎍- How bad is your amnesia?

🌿- Best quote from an alter?

🌳- Do alters have separate accounts for games or do you all share an account?


Screw it, ask away pals


Plural Culture is feeling off all day and not knowing why, and then a friend who knows about the system just looks at you, tilts their head, and calls you by your name

And then you realize you felt off all day because you thought you were the host when you're not


Non-white appearing alter in white body system plural culture is feeling shame for your existence.

I feel like I have to put a disclaimer on myself just because of how I appear in the inner world.

Every time someone sees my simply plural I feel like I have to say "I know I'm not really black, this is just how I look in the inner world" "I don't say slurs" "I dont do black face when im fronting" "im not an excuse for my system to be racist"

I feel like I have to apologize for something out of my control, and tell people what I'm not rather than who I am.

I want to be able to ignore how I look when meeting people. I try so hard to avoid bringing up my looks half the time, because once people know that's all they focus on.

I have pink hair! I have heterochromia! I love both those things about how I look! But nobody sees that.

I want people to get to know me

I'm really tired of having to repeat what I'm not just so people don't treat me like some horrible person for just exsiting 😕

I'm not ashamed of how I look, I think I'm beautiful. But so many people's reactions to me make me feel like I should be and I hate it


Plural fictive culture is wanting to do source calls but also feeling like that's really weird at the same time


I got very loudly deadnamed and misgendered multiple times at the doctors office today. This new receptionist ignored the preferred name on my profile to deadname and misgender me loudly, louder than she talked about anyone else in the waiting room. My birth certificate says "F" nex to sex, my medical documentation reflects this, and I was still deadnamed and misgendered.

And the saving grace was a woman and her child. I wear cat-ears and the child too young to speak loved them, and kept pointing and looking at me. I'm assuming her mother kept saying "yeah, she's wearing cat-ears", "yeah, that woman has cute cat-ears", and the like. Her child was enamoured with them, and that woman didn't misgender me once. And each time my very obviously masculine deadname name came up, she looked upset at the receptionist, but not once did she give me a bad look.

It doesn't have to be much. You don't need to be a knight in shining armour, or in someones face. Simply a quiet refusal to play along with someone elses bullshit is enough. It was enough to turn a trying and tiring moment into something that put a smile on my face and joy back into my life. It wasn't a lot but it mattered to me.

official anti terf post


being an introject is quite lonely. i know i am not alone in these feelings, though.

it's very jarring to suddenly have to adapt to a completely different life in a completely different body. i avoid looking in the mirror, because i would see the host's face, not mine.

i miss my kids and my wife. except, they're fictional characters, and that makes me so incredibly upset.

if anyone out there is feeling a similar way i do, i hope you can take some solace in knowing you are not alone in it.



Ok, so recently we’ve been trying to coin some terms that make sense to our brain and we finally figured it out so here! Have some terms!

(also disclaimer: these terms are specific to our system and the way our brain works. Use them if they work for you, don’t use them if they don’t, everyones brain is different!!)

Primary: used when co-fronting, the alter who has the most control over the body

Facilitator: An alter who can “facilitate” system meetings

Passive Primary: when an alter is letting another alter front “through” them but still has the most control over the body 

Intern: An alter who works under another alter but has the same job as them (ie we have two main gatekeepers and then a intern that is also a gatekeeper that works under them) 

Emergency Transfer: an alter that fronts immediately after an episode/stressful incident/flashback to help calm the body down and keep everything running smoothly


I dont even use this blog anymore and we are tempted to just move this blog over to our main but i guess i should still say this since theyve found my page


Thats the post <3 Endos please leave us tf alone!

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