


1989 tour Oct 21 gboro//red tour sept 12
Rep tour-Atl 1&2// Infj//theatre-community&justice major//Still waiting fo taylor to notice me since 2014🦋

When Ursula Le Guin said

"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."


never understood the whole showing up at your high school reunion revenge fantasy cause like really? high school?? I don’t want anyone from that time in my life to have any idea where I am or what I’m doing. do not perceive me I am dead to you and you are dead to me


hi please don’t leave jewish people out of your activism there were literally neonazis storming the capitol today and still the only people I see thinking about jewish people ARE jewish people. obviously bipoc are at a higher risk than (specifically white) jews bc they’re more visible targets and they need the bulk of our support and I absolutely do not intend to distract from that but I am fully bracing for more synagogue burnings and swastika grafiti and rates of antisemitism are on the rise globally and we still we get left out of conversations so please expand your activism a little and include jews. please. white supremacists and neo nazis go hand in hand and you CAN’T leave jewish people out of conversations about NAZIS so please include us in your activism. thanks

please include muslim people in your activism as well! as a jew I don’t speak from a personal perspective on this one but let’s not pretend this isn’t a religious issue as well as a racial one. I am almost POSITIVE most if not all of the terrorists storming the capital right now call themselves christians. a cross was raised. they talk about jesus. they’re weaponising their twisted version of christianity the same as they always have and islamophobia and antisemitism always, always come directly out of that. please don’t forget us. it’s a racial issue, yes. it’s also a religious issue. we can and should be having multiple conversations at once and we need to have each other’s backs


This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.

No you guys this post helped me find my cat. He was missing for almost a month and I’ve had him for over 12 years. After seeing this I put his favorite blanket he always slept on outside hoping he would smell mine or his scent and he was back the next fucking day asleep on it.

When my cat got out, we called and called for him, and then, later that night, I remembered similar advice to this, and so put his little scratching pad, which he adores, on the front porch. Not even half an hour later, I heard a thump, opened the door, and there was his big butt, meowing at me.

Important and vital

I don’t care that I reblogged this today I’m reblogging it again

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