
pls; I beg of you, ask about my characters


@ikmei-salharis was my wonderful girl who drew my avatar. He is my OC Hunter.

may have found the funniest possible thing ever in this essay on medieval sex laws im reading hold on

From Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe by James A. Brundage


This is how tiktok users decide if you deserve to die or not

dates are from 2024 or 1200



just when you think it couldn’t be worse, you have to battle a creature

I’m choosing to believe him because I think there should still be mystery and adventure in the world

Okay I looked this one up. He said he talked to God, made up some songs, and lost nine kilos during his 20ish hours in the water. He was also completely nude when he was rescued.

hero’s journey

and this man? Odysseus


he also ate some kind of stick












do you happen to have a step by step of the froggies by chance? i am very bad at following textual instructions and i cant find anyone who might have done a step by step haha


@burakhovskys i can try to make a step by step post! it may be sort of long but definitely watch out for one as i'd be happy to further explain!!!


Ok so this is going to take a couple posts cuz last time i tried to post after i had all my info in and it deleted everything when i hit the reblog button 🥴

Without further a do

The Frog Tutorial
(Part 1)

1. First have all your cutouts ready!!!

you can choose at this stage to sew the eyes on or you can wait to position them how you want on the face, I’m doing it later, so that part of the tutorial will be addressed in another installment.

(Im using white thread so its easier to see how i sew)

2. Put one of the sides on top of the belly piece, lining up their nose tips in the center.

3. Stick your needle through the top of the side piece through the belly piece, pull the thread through, and loop back around to the top to sew how i do, keep repeating until you reach the arm!

4. For the arms/legs youll want to make sure in these crevices (circled in green) are sewn 2-3 times to make sure the fabric is secure and no holes open up, do this with every crevice!

5. After that sew all the way down to the almost the middle of the butt but leaving space in the middle just as the og pattern suggests.

6. Clip off the excess thread after this since we will have to start sewing in a different area in the next part.

The Frog Tutorial (part 2)

7. Line up the side pieces together, using the tips of their faces to line up the back sides

8. Start sewing again in the middle of the back end of the pieces, not all the way at the bottom where they would meet the belly piece,, otherwise the frog will have a concave ass.

9. Once youve sewn up all the back to the front the face pieces should line up, here you will just need to get as close to the belly piece then sew through to the belly piece to start doing the rest of the frog

10. Once you get to the back of the front leg, tie it off so its not getting in the way, and then were going to flip the frog inside out.

11. To get the feets out just push them using a somewhat skinny but blunt object so they stick out like this


12. To do the eyes, push the needle through the inside to the outside after rethreading it and making sure it has a really good knot,

13. After its through pull the thread all the way through till it hits the knot and then skewer the pompom thru the middle, pushing it all the way down till it rests on the head.

14. After its on the head, pierce the pompom again and back through the interior, here you can flip the frog inside out and sew a little through the interior of the fleece and tie a knot so its secure, or you can sew the pompom a couple more times to make it more attached to the head.

Last friggin part to the Frog Tutorial

With eyes this guy should look a bit cuter lol

15. Anyway flip the frog back inside out, and sew up the rest until you have this little space left open.

16. With this little space, we will pull the frog head first out its own butt. So you may have a flat frog such as this one here.

17. Next push out the little feet nubbins and then stUFF THE FROG

18. Turn that bad boy around and the butt should look like this.

19. To fix the unfortunate butt shape, keep the fabric tucked inward towards the stuffing and keep sewing like normal until completion!

Tie the frog up and youre all done!!!

🎉🎊🎉 Congrats you’ve made a frog :) 🎉🎊🎉

just learned that magnolias are so old that they’re pollinated by beetles because they existed before bees

They existed *before beetles*

Why is this sad? Why am I sad?


This is how I feel about Joshua Trees. They and avocado trees produce fruit meant to be eaten and dispersed by giant ground sloths. Without them, the Joshua Trees' range has shrunk by 90%.

(my own photos)

Not only they, but the entire Mojave ecosystem is still struggling to adapt since the loss of ground sloth dung. their chief fertilizer.

Many, many trees and plants in the Americas have widely-spaced, extremely long thorns that do nothing to discourage deer eating their leaves, but would've penetrated the fur of ground sloths and mammoths. Likewise, if you've observed a tree that drops baseball or softball-sized fruit which lies on the ground and rots, like Osage Oranges, which were great for playing catch at my school, chances are they were ground sloth or mammoth chow.

You can read about various orphaned plants and trees missing their megafauna in this poignant post:

First quote from the linked article. Found it poetic.


ASL 2000’s AU

I cooked. I hardcore cooked with this.

design commentary:

Obsessed this this prospect actually. The idea that he”s just working at the same place that Sabo works.

And Sabo just doesn’t realize cuz he doesn’t recognize him ever. And every time ace visits Sabo at his job, Tony Hawk with a mustache is on break or isn’t scheduled that day

It’s really good I really like that


eagle: so what do you think about stigmata

prometheus: you know we're in a pre-christian myth, right? like that word doesn't exist yet. your dumb joke is anachronistic.

eagle: stigma talons in your flesh


And yet he couldn't see the punchline coming.


Eagle: I can do jokes. it's all in the de-livery.


Ok idk who came up with making a "cleaningsona" but that hack works so damn well?? I absolutely cannot clean my room until I put on my most Victorian blouse, my fangs, start playing my funky little vampire playlist, and pretend I'm an 800 year old immortal who's bittersweet about packing up and moving to a new town with a new identity because locals are starting to catch on that I'm a vampire


Or perhaps, if you need a sense of urgency, you may also be an age old vampre currently imprisoning hosting a young englsh solicitor in your home and you must clear up quickly so that your new good friend doesnt notice you have no staff and that the two of you are in fact alone, in this castle, in the middle of no where? Maybe? Idk

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