


they / she

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to my Christian, Catholic, and Santa lovin readers,

Happy Haunkka to my joyful Jewish goofballs,

Blessed Yule to my positive Pagan peeps,

Ramadan Mubarak to my magnificent Muslims,

Habari gani? to my kind Kwanzaa lovers,

Merry Pancha Ganapati to my honored Hindus,

Merry Newtonmas to my awesome atheists, agnostics, and secular science lovers,

(source in a post by c0nc0rdance on Twitter)

And Happy Holidays to all ^_^

PS: Sorry for those that I could not get gifs to work on/find a safe gif so I had to use screenshots. I tried my best.



hi guys incase u haven't noticed with the inactivity this blog is closed. i made this when i was 13 or so and just haven't felt connected with the fandom recently. i'll be closing this blog but u wanna catch me on twitter dm me 4 the @! ily guys stay rad 🤟🏾


hi guys incase u haven't noticed with the inactivity this blog is closed. i made this when i was 13 or so and just haven't felt connected with the fandom recently. i'll be closing this blog but u wanna catch me on twitter and dm me 4 the @! ily guys stay rad 🤟🏾

The Start of Something New

summary: julie and luke realize their feelings for eachother after writing perfect harmony together.

pairing: julie molina + luke patterson

category: fluff!!

word count: 1.3k

The sound of Mrs. Carson’s voice faded away as Julie looked at her phone to check her notifications. One notification from Luke.

Luke 👻🌭: hey jules. hve time 2 write after school 2day? I hve a rlly good idea XD

Julie 🥰⭐️: yea sure! Meet me at garage, 2:30?

Luke 👻🌭: c u there :)

Julie felt her heart racing as she waited for her last class of the day to finish. She walked home and entered the garage to meet up with Luke, excited to see his smiling face at the end of a long day. As she entered the garage Luke looked up and smiled at her which, in turn, made Julie roll her eyes as she smiled back at him. Luke motioned for her to come sit with a nod of his head and scooched over to make room for her on the bench.

this is so good xD


Megamind the musical would slap though: 

  • The transition between kid Megamind and adult Megamind being the kid Megamind blowing up the school and adult Megamind emerging from the blue smoke in full villain costume, complete with manic laughter 
  • Roxanne’s opening number being her trying to write a piece for the museum opening “An ocean inside a bigger ocean…” 
  • A reprise of the above song when she’s singing about Megamind and her confused feelings for him
  • Megamind and Roxanne’s sad duet in the rain “Love Someone Like You/Love Someone Like Me” 
  • Hal’s evil rampage song “Under New Management.” 
  • Megamind and Minion’s duet about their weird but special friendship 
  • Metroman’s “I have eyes that can see” starting off silly but slowly transitioning into a sad ballad about how, unlike Megamind, he’s never loved his assigned role and wants to be his own person, doing what he loves
  • “I’m Bad” being the closing number

Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn’t mean you can’t advocate against it now. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite. You just grew. Don’t let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset.

Bruh. This needs to be a mandatory post on everybody’s blog. Y'all really be pullin out decade old receipts like woah.


Either you want people to grow and change or you want people to stay evil villains soyou can feel superior as you shame them.

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