
I relate to Hajime Hinata on a spiritual level


25/Female/Austrian. Current obsession: Danganronpa, Tales of zestiria, Hunter x Hunter. If there is anything else you want to know

Artist: @manos-art

Prompt: Mostly anything

Artist’s note:  I know your top three were cuddling, hugging or kissing but as soon as I read your prompt this scenario popped up in my head. Sorry. Plus this is the first time I’ve ever tried to draw in this perspective ahaha. I hope you like it and have a nice year 2020!


My entry for the Komahina exchange this year. I wish I gave myself more time to draw...

Anonymous asked:

hey!! in ur most recent oumasai drawing, i sent it to my partner and they noticed smthing abt it that i was curious abt! in the second panel, ouma looks like he's wearing a checkered bracelet even though he's pregame. we were wondering if that was just a design choice or if it meant something? my partner assumed that maybe ouma tried to act like ingame ouma to try and have things be 'normal' only for it to clearly not work and I just wanted to see if that was what you intended or not !

Oh damn I hope this hasn’t been sitting in my inbox for too long... And I’m really happy you guys noticed that small little detail! And oh wow I really really love this idea as well!! My personal thought about it when I drew this was, that they still get influenced by their characters in the game to a small degree without even noticing it. Like Kokichi probably goes shopping and choosing things he’d never would have bought before. (Like when I buy things because they remind me of a character or something) or he’d tell a lie without even realizing it even tho he used to hate lying. Because he’s doing all of this subconciously. He does realize this and he does hate being influenced by it. I just kinda want to mess with him as much as I can. Than again I’d see Shuichi having the same issue just with his pregame selfe. Choosing food he’d never even would have touched ingame. Getting excited over the quality of a figure. Stuff like that. And it messes with him as well. Aaaahhh I thought about this waaaay too long. Sorry for pushing all my ideas onto you. And thank you so so much for asking about it!!!!


“Will I ever get to see that person I knew again?”

Please click for better quality

Since I couldn’t participate in Oumasai week or do anything for Kokichi’s birthday, have a depressing AU in which Shuichi keeps his “in game persona” after the game while Kokichi doesn’t. No need to thank me.


Artist: @manos-art

Prompt: Hogwarts AU

Artist’s notes: Yeah… that escalated a bit. I didn’t think a Prompt would make me build up a whole 24 chapter story inside of my mind while drawing, but look what you did to me zombiekittiez.

Seriously tho, I had so much fun drawing this and my wife and I came up with a thousand headcanons and storylines to this. In this comic they started out hating each other, by the end of the third year they became friends (the comic itself is playing at the begin of their fifth year in hogwarts) Aha- Sorry I’m rambling- I hope this is somewhat what you had in mind.

By the way, my wife and I LOVE your DR fanfiction!! Keep up the amazing work! Thank you so much for writing it.  -Manos


My entry for the Komahina exchange


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