it is what it is

@nobodaynoboday /

"so you mean the full breast or just the nipple?"                          a drama-free 1d/louis blog. Cayley. 20.
#ChooseLove sells real items and services for refugees, from hot meals to medical care to LGBTQ+ support. Everything you buy, we get to where it’s needed most.
This year, shop with love at

I feel confident that no matter what happens on the geopolitical scene, up until the day I die harry styles will do the same so-so fashion photo shoot every few months where he wears skirts, and people online will say “it’s great that he’s breaking down standards of masculinity,” and then a second group of people online will say, “it’s unfair that he’s appropriating and profiting from gender nonconformity” and then a third group of people online will say,” why are we making rules about who is or isn’t allowed to be gender nonconforming.” this will keep happening even when new york city is completely underwater and all the clean drinking water supplies are privatized and guarded by corporate paramilitary police squads, I feel certain


2010-2011 pop was literally. katy perry doing that weird like candyland fantasy. nicki minaj queen of rap. LMFAO said 'male stripper rights'. rihanna giving sexy but make it tragic. pitbull releasing the soundtrack for like all-inclusive resort holidays to spain. ke$ha giving representation for girls who get too drunk to take their makeup off. lady gaga ended homophobia. and the cast of glee undoing all that hard work. justin bieber becoming to preteen girls what the beatles used to be for women in the 60s. 3oh!3 invented obnoxiouscore. jaaaaason deruulooo. we no speak americano

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