


Jen |  40  | Writer | Show support for creators! | I'm doing things so on hiatus >:D

Sapphirescrolls Masterlist

I block accounts that only like my stories. It’s important for us writers to be seen as well, reblogging helps us.  No permission is given from me to feed my work in to an A.I. generator!

I block only “likes”! No shade to you personally, but you should support creators of all kinds.

Minors Do Not Interact

The entirety of my stories, which are many, can be found at my AO3 account. All warnings are included. Proceed at your own will.

Likes are whatever on tumblr. REBLOG.

Black Authors Masterlist - From my original blog, remade via my hobby blog and now here. Have fun!


I just stumbled onto “With a Heavy Heart” and was wondering if you had plans to continue it?


Hi! I'm actually unsure if I should! "With a Heavy Heart" was posted a while ago but I didn't intend to even release it for a long time. It started off with a different title, a different plot, and it was originally a Sam story too lol.

But honestly, I don't know why but the lack of reception it got compared to all my other Dean post messed with me lol. Also I was on the fence about even continuing to write for a very long time so I dropped a lot of projects (including a really cool Rowena mini series lol) and eventually I forgot all about it.

I'm also in the middle of revamping my entire page right now which is why I've been inactive for a while. But "With a Heavy Heart" was such a big passion project for me, and I was also thinking of reverting it or making a spin off series for Sam with his original story.

So to make a long ass story short? Maybe, also most likely. I really love that story lol even though I had to make A LOT of changes. Oh and I wasn't sure how it would be received, mainly because in the original the reader smokes because she's a bad teenager in the 90s to early 200s and she hates her mom wtf, else is she gonna do?


I personally hope you do continue it! I wouldn’t take the lack of reception to heart, people suck with that on here anyway….Do I have to beg? Please PLEASE Please continue it and TAG me in it!!!!!! Please? 🙏🏾


Doing one of these but with my mutuals after seeing this image on my dash today!!

..Y'know he may be the god of war but.. I'm not mad. No, no not at all. :)

Heheh well I don’t make the rules. Ya’ll can refer to me from now on as Mrs. Paneminem 😏


Ah bestie it's like you knew exactly who is the most recent on my camera roll. Ehehehe.

I know he's Ahsoka's man, but I am honour bound to reveal him!

This art is so gorgeous, I'm still in love with it!!

Art by @5healthMONO

No Pressure tags: @melting-houses-of-gold @ladysongmaster @acatinwinterfell @darthgoosegoose @donsani or anyone who sees this and fancies doing it!

Hello there, new husbands! 🤣

Art by Jake Bartok from Instagram.

No pressure tags: @dragonrider9905 @flowered-bicycles @kanerallels @littledragonlady @winterinhimring and anyone else who wants to play.

Oh, thank goodness he's the last one in my camera roll -- I have several gifs of Norman Osborn running around my computer and THAT would have ended with someone dead. I will happily marry Boromir.

I have no idea who would like to be tagged in this, so if you see it and you want to join in, please do.

Oh my. I lokey love this

Miss 14 would be very jealous; Mihawk is her favorite

Hmmmm, this could be an issue 😂

Tagging @thefinaljediknight @wayward-wren @sophibug if you feel like it

Oh no

I'm tagging @horizonstride

Fuck yeah!

I have no one to @

Y'all won't believe this.

I thought for sure I'd saved another picture of SOMEONE but after scrolling through a bunch of Eras Tour, aurora, and meme photos, we're once again left with

. . . Astarion.

My relationship with Astarion is growing increasingly problematic.


Alright let’s see what my damage is…

….yknow what? Sure. Sure, I’ll take it i guess.

I think snufkin would treat me nicely, he has a good head on his shoulders when he feels like it. Then again he might just skip town on me like a soldier gone off to war for the winter.


You know what? I’ll take it. The man doesn’t sleep and quite frankly neither do I.

😂😂– listen I ain't mad so I love Bucky

Tagging who ever likes to play

And no pressure tags:

You caught me at the right time

I was going through some comic icons for my profile picture and wanted Alpine in it with Bucky!

Tagging some people I adore and who are in no way or form pressured to participate but very much encouraged:

So whatever Chris’ character in Materialists

Not complaining for sure

Ooo this looks fun☺️❤️

I’m not mad😻🤤🩶. I’ll gladly let him put a ring on my finger hehe. Russell Shaw, everyone🫶🏾.


So...both of them??😏😏Yes, please!!🤪


Oooh... thank the heavens 😍🤭 When's the wedding? 😆

My lover, soulmate, and my comfort

This is such a calming look. I could hug and love him all my life.

What about you guys?

Thank you for tagging me @mostlymarvelgirl ❤️❤️❤️

Baby chubby Bucky 😘❤️

What about you guys?


Thankyou for tagging me @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters 🥺✨

Lord 😳 I can take them. Not in a fight though.


You better kick Ares THE FUCK out with his snitch ass 😒 snitches get stitches over here we don’t tolerate that behavior lmao. 6’5 200+lbs of godlyness 🥺 My beloved Jack Reacher, my favorite sociopath 🤞🏾🥰

Tag list is open, add yourself in if you’d like 🥰💕


Thank you!! <3


I tried to write a novel. Not once. Not twice. But about 12 times. Here's how that would play out: 1. I sit down and knock out 10 pages 2. I share it with someone 3. They say "It's goooood" like it's not good 4. I ask for critical feedback 5. They say, "Well....the plot just moves so quickly. So much happens in the first few pages it doesn't feel natural." So I'd write more drafts. I'd try to stretch out the story. I would add dialogue that I tried to make interesting but thought was boring. I would try including environment and character descriptions that felt unnecessary, (why not just let people imagine what they want?) Anyways, I gave up trying to write because in my mind, I wasn't a fiction writer. Maybe I could write a phonebook or something. But then I made a fiction podcast, and I waited for the same feedback about the fast moving plot, but guess what??? Podcasts aren't novels. The thing that made my novels suck became one of the things that made Desert Skies work. I've received some criticism since the show started, but one thing I don't receive regular complaints about is being overly-descriptive or longwinded. In fact, the opposite. It moves fast enough that it keeps peoples attention. I always felt I had a knack for telling stories but spent years beating myself up because I couldn't put those stories into novel form. The problem wasn't me. The problem was the tool I was trying to use. All that to say: If, in your innermost parts you may know that you're a storyteller but you just can't write a book, don't give up right away. You can always do things to get better and there's a lot of good resources. But if you do that for a while and novel writing just isn't your thing, try making a podcast, or creating a comic, or a poem, or a play, or a tv script. You might know you're an artist but suck at painting. Try making a glass mosaic, or miniatures, or try charcoal portraits, or embroider or collage. You might know you're a singer, but opera just isn't working out. Why not yodel? I could keep listing out examples, but the point is this. Trust your intuitions when it comes to your creative abilities, but don't inhibit yourself by becoming dogmatic about which medium you can use to express that creativity. Don't be afraid to try something new. Don't be afraid to make something new. You might just find the art form that fits the gift you knew you always had, and what it is might surprise you


It's been a lot of fun this week with our extravaganza - not only indulging in all of the incredible stories that folks have shared, but also spreading love and gratitude for so many of the amazing writers and readers in our community ❤️

Sadly, I'm unable to write individual shout outs for all of you like you deserve, so I wanted to do one final love bomb post to recognize some more lovely and talented writers and supportive readers for y'all to follow and show some love:

And here are the individual love notes I was able to get to this week, in case you missed them:

Please forgive me if I forgot anyone, it was not intentional; making lists like this always stresses me out lolol. 😅 If you've engaged with me or my work at all, or are a frequent engagement gremlin with others, know that I appreciate you so much.

Finally, here is our event masterlist linking to all of the amazing stories that were submitted.

And one more forehead kiss for @labella420 for having this idea in the first place and being such an amazing babe and co-host. I adore you, my good hoe ❤️


Fandom: God there’s like NO content anymore. I wish we could get more art and fanfics :(((

Someone: Hey, I can’t draw anything digitally, because I can’t afford a tablet, but here’s a pen on paper drawing that I spent a lot of time and hard work on. Also, I took a shot at my first fanfic and I’d really like some feedback or at least some kudos if you enjoyed it :)

Fandom: Oh... yeah sorry no... not you. We actually meant writers that are already well known and popular to produce MORE content... I mean, if a popular blog shares your work then maybe. And we don’t really like pen to paper art. We just don’t think it’s professional or even looks good :/

This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD people are there to support the new creators! New creators will leave and forget if the fandom doesn't welcome them, because they feel left out. We should remember that all great artists and writers, even the famous ones in big name fandoms, they all started from nothing.

If you don't want a fandom to die feed the sparks that come anew, don't blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they'll start again.


also please do not demand "content." Fandom does not consist of content-making machines.

It is a community.


Fandom is conversation, not consumption.

Reblogging for that last one especially.

I never really scroll through the tags of my fandom, but rather find posts via my friends' reblogs. But hey, if any new creators wants to @ me, I'd love to give your stuff a read. It's pretty quiet around here.



ALL: If you’re searching for longer fics (at least 5k), check these individuals who write them. To connect fandoms to particular writers, click here for the big list (which includes all kinds and lengths of fanfics) and browse for this icon: ✒️ Enjoy a few outside of your usual fandoms 💋✔️

If you’re on the blk creators list and write longer fics/series let me know; I’m browsing through to find you and add the tag as I can. Not on the list (long fics or not)? Go to the post, have a look at housekeeping info, then DM me; let’s get you added✔️

if you’ve been looking for it, click, browse read, comment, reblog repeat 💋✔️ dm if you want a few links to ones I’ve read

and dm writers! They may be up for pointing you to those longer fics✔️



*If you’re tagged and prefer not to be, dm and I’ll remove ✔️

Fandoms represented (not all inclusive): wwe, bleach, marvel cinematic universe, dc comics, aot, jjk, cod, jjba, demon slayer, haikyuu!!, snowfall, black panther, they cloned tyrone, the last of us, the mandalorian, actors, original characters, more ✔️

smut, fluff, angst, more ✔️


not necessarily long, but find a few new discoveries from the list here ✔️

And again, click here for the big list (all kinds and lengths of fanfics) ✔️

Check out @blkwriters as well✔️

Thank you for adding me! <3


Partner in Crime

Note: Inspired by this ask by @sapphirescrolls​  

Summary: Outlaws takeover ranch

Warning: anal, bondage, non consent, double penetration Dark Bucky x Reader; Dark Steve X Reader Weatern AU

The day was long and hot. Without your husband helping tend to the farm anymore you found it difficult to get through the rounds of daily chores before lunch time no matter how early you started your day.

It was well past noon when you headed to the main house to get started on some lunch. Slicing up some bread and boiling a pot of well water, you prepared your meager lunch. When you heard the distant sounds of mares approaching from the dirt road.

Your farm was a bit far out from town so it was a bit odd to have a visitor. Looking out the window you saw the two horsed men ride down your dirt path and head towards the back of your house. Turning off your stove you hurried outback to investigate.

When you saw them steer their horses into your barn you were furious. “Hey! Hey! Get out of my barn!”

In your many years on the farm no one had ever been so forward as to intrude. Lifting the hem of your skirt you ran sore feet and all to the barn, hollering and cursing up a storm.

Standing now in the middle of the archway of the barn you were greeted by the sight of two men. Bandanas covering their faces with large satchels on each steed. Each bag with various bills poking through what seemed to be bullet holes.

“Well hello Ma'am” The blonde bandit uncovered his face while the hammer of the pistol in his silent partner’s hand clicked as you stood frozen in place. “We are mighty parched. Might you spare us a cup of water?”


Another fun one! 🤭 Go to Pinterest and search





Post the first one from each search. Mine is giving “Daddy’s money 🫦”


🤔It’s giving I like my circle small, my life simple, and I’ll hop on flights solo without hesitation. Pinterest got me right 🥰😍

🏷️: any lovely that wants to tag along


Mmmmm, it’s giving I make enough to still be able to live in Florida!!! 🤣🌞

Uh lol I guess mine is giving solitary comfort! <3

Thank you for tagging me!


Partner in Crime

Note: Inspired by this ask by @sapphirescrolls​  

Summary: Outlaws takeover ranch

Warning: anal, bondage, non consent, double penetration Dark Bucky x Reader; Dark Steve X Reader Weatern AU

The day was long and hot. Without your husband helping tend to the farm anymore you found it difficult to get through the rounds of daily chores before lunch time no matter how early you started your day.

It was well past noon when you headed to the main house to get started on some lunch. Slicing up some bread and boiling a pot of well water, you prepared your meager lunch. When you heard the distant sounds of mares approaching from the dirt road.

Your farm was a bit far out from town so it was a bit odd to have a visitor. Looking out the window you saw the two horsed men ride down your dirt path and head towards the back of your house. Turning off your stove you hurried outback to investigate.

When you saw them steer their horses into your barn you were furious. “Hey! Hey! Get out of my barn!”

In your many years on the farm no one had ever been so forward as to intrude. Lifting the hem of your skirt you ran sore feet and all to the barn, hollering and cursing up a storm.

Standing now in the middle of the archway of the barn you were greeted by the sight of two men. Bandanas covering their faces with large satchels on each steed. Each bag with various bills poking through what seemed to be bullet holes.

“Well hello Ma'am” The blonde bandit uncovered his face while the hammer of the pistol in his silent partner’s hand clicked as you stood frozen in place. “We are mighty parched. Might you spare us a cup of water?”

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