
Fake News


In honor of CNN, I’m going to start doing daily reports on the material that TRULY matters to the gullible and naive masses.  ************************“News for the Incredibly Credulous”*****************

TRUMP? More like DRUMPF.

I hate Trump because I'm a faggot and everything has to be MY WAY!!!!!! I don't know what he stands for as he doesn't stand behind many Republican ideals, and he doesn't stand behind many Liberal ideals. I'm so lost! But you know what? He is racist, and anyone who is racist deserves to DIEEEEE! I am a punk, and I WILL not stand for this Savage dictator to rule over my country ANY longer, stand up with me, and OF course, YOU can BELIEVE THIS, when you stand before your fellow comrades, YOU ARE going to look them in the eyes, RETARDED by the regressive ideals of the Trumpian masses, but you shall persevere. There is no good without the acts of violence which put evil to rest. #fucktrump #resist #real #punk #realpunk #antifa #comrade #communism #betterredthandead #university #professor #woke

Anonymous asked:

"you're not punk"- anon who then calls you a faggot, which is in fact not a punk thing to do

Exactly. But we live in the 21'st century so I suppose it's punk to do what everyone else is doing. (that I say whilst indulging in DIY culture like every other fucker) punk=faggotry lml lml


It's super punk to fuck your friend in the ass while your mom watches ~just"not"punkythings~

Anonymous asked:

You're a small punk ass queer with a little ass dick. I'll try you anyday stupid cunt. You're a faggot.

"I'll try you any day" -says anonymously. I'll fuck your ass any day anon try me

Anonymous asked:

You faggot do something about it lololol

No a cigarrete is a fag, calling me a faggot isn't an insult, because sucking cock isn't as gay as blowing smoke .

Anonymous asked:

faggot probably likes to be bent over by older guys and fucked. Punkfucker

Who are you calling a faggot mate? I'll fuck your dad so fucking hard he'll have blood spewing from his anus. Fucking try me.

Anonymous asked:

you're not punk.

Thanks for proving my point LMFAO. That's why you have to hide your identity to talk crap while mine is clearly visible.



Have you walked the line between the gratious death of civility and the fabric of society being unwound? Have you noticed the simplification of every sound? Take a gander, look around, we've atrophied, what's been lost may never be found... Do you see the movies? The posters? All the buildings? Do you hear the music? The news? The mindless messages? They're blending in the vortex of societal normativity everything is breaking, fading from our creativity. To the media you will see endless massacres, attacks upon our nations, people being hurt, no one even cares or sees just how absurd ... Music's all generic, art has all but died, and in our great confusion, freaks are made... in place of humans! You're living life a lie, living with vices you've denied, simple little problems tended with medication rather than solutions. Mothers...choose sedation, they lose their children! Now everyone is lost in this purposeless cancerous sedition, fighting while misdiagnosed and missing self admission... Have you seen the world around you? Crumbling and engulfed in flames? Have you heard the screams of the people? Do you know of their pain? In their vast confusion, freaks are made in place of humans!

Anonymous asked:

its punk to take time to find out what u wanna do with yr life. when u graduate school ur like 18 nobody fucking knows what to do with their life that age and u have all the time in the world. if u wanna take a break, do it, u totally deserved one. if u wanna quit yr internship and try out a different field of work, go for it. if u dont want a "real" job and just make art for a living, hell yeah?! do everything u can to not end up as a 40 year old in a 9-5 bureau job close to burnout

If you plan to make a career out of art, have a separate job.


Working class

It's such fucking bullshit making hardly anything despite having two jobs. I wish I was able to loosen up here a bit more because so far, I'm working 7hours tonight after school, 14 hours tomorrow, then 7 hours Sunday after doing some tests. I just want to be able to afford to have a little fun, while having little fun in the process. How ironic is that?!


You're not punk

Most "punk's" I've been seeing are just whiney spoiled brats who don't know anything about opression or failure, yet decide to act like they can tell you what punk is and isn't. Punk is supposed to be about rebellion, and that can be for better or for worse. Some punks are racist, some punks are vegans, some are dirt poor, and some are rich as can be, but at the end of the day, it is a music scene, and that scene needs to be respected as what it was before all this nonsense that it's become. You can't tell someone they aren't true punks because you don't agree with them. That makes absolutely no sense. Who put you in charge of deciding who IS and who ISN'T punk? I didn't know there was a certain criteria for how someone specifically had to be punk (which apparently now involves hating Trump, being multi-gendered and having multiple sexualities, censoring people's speech, calling everything rape or racist, listening to blink 182 on a loop, and being vegan because "eating meat is murder") How is it punk to tell other people how to live, huh? Tell me. Please enlighten me on how it is punk to be offended by everything like a 1960's conservative father. Don't tell me how to live my fucking life then call me a fascist, don't tell me you are opressed when YOU are silencing everything I have to say and trying to ruin my fun, don't tell me I'm privileged when I have to work for all the shit I have. There's gotta be someone else who's been thinking this, I know that for sure...

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