

I post human rights, politics and cute animals. Feminist, pro LGBTQ rights, pug fanatic


Among all the handwashing instructions and fun 20-second song suggestions, I haven’t yet seen anyone note that it is IMPOSSIBLE to wash your hands properly if your fingernails are long. If you can’t put your fingertips straight down against your other palm without your nails adding too much distance to do it, you cannot wash under your fingernails properly unless you use a nail brush every time. Hand sanitizer won’t do the trick either. If you can’t rub the very ends of your fingers against the other palm, your hands aren’t truly clean after you wash them, no matter how long you soap up. Please, during this global emergency, keep your nails short.


A young prisoner being tortured in a forced labor camp in Georgia in 1932 by being tied to a pickaxe handle

via reddit


Never forget. There are people still alive who went through this, and who did it to others. There are people still suffering the consequences. There’s inherited trauma from this. Never forget.


Scientists taught 23 riding horses of various breeds to look at a display board with three icons, representing wearing or not wearing a blanket. Horses could choose between a “no change” symbol or symbols for “blanket on” or “blanket off.” Previously, their owners made this decision for them. Horses are adept at learning and following signals people give them, and it took these equines an average of 10 days to learn to approach and touch the board and to understand the meaning of the symbols. All 23 horses learned the entire task within 14 days. They were then tested in various weather conditions to see whether they could use the board to tell their trainers about their blanket preferences. The scientists report online in Applied Animal Behaviour Science that the horses did not touch the symbols randomly, but made their choices based on the weather. If it was wet, cold, and windy, they touched the “blanket on” icon; horses that were already wearing a blanket nosed the “no change” image. But when the weather was sunny, the animals touched the “blanket off” symbol; those that weren’t blanketed pressed the “no change” icon. The study’s strong results show that the horses understood the consequences of their choices, say the scientists, who hope that other researchers will use their method to ask horses more questions.

i love everything about this but especially the last sentence


This genuinely fills me with delight.


mlk and civil rights protests in cartoons: then, as now

in the 1960s, america would have been all to happy to extend civil rights to blacks if only they  weren’t all just a bunch of lawless looters and rioters.

good thing we’ve grown as a society since then!

in the 1960s, america would have gladly listened to civil rights leaders – if only they weren’t all just stoking so much darn violence all the time!

good thing mlk’s image has been rehabilitated and black leaders are taken seriously now!

in the 1960s, the value of human life was placed above that of inert property - if only those uppity blacks would just take our word for it

thankfully the value of black life is recognized today!

in the 1960s, america really wanted to give black protestors the benefit of the doubt – if only they weren’t just so darn complicit in their own oppression

thank god those antiquated views are all behind us now!

in the 1960s, jobs, education and housing were ripe for the picking for minorities – they just insisted on wasting all that energy on aimless protests instead!

thank heavens we actually listen to their grievances now instead of just telling them to sit down and shut up!

in conclusion, everything would be fine if they had just stayed in the back of the bus instead of getting out and rocking it

(huge thanks to Rebel Blob for digging all these old cartoons up!)


this incredibly important post got flagged as ‘adult content’ and i’m not happy about it so i’m reblogging it to make sure everyone gets a chance to see it


Sure it is adult content, an Adult recognizes the efforts put into attempting to turn the country including other Black people against anything that disturbs the status quo.


I never see masses of whites trying to move into 3rd world nations and demand to be ‘natives’ or the government of that land hint at the same.




The fact that someone wrote that post without pausing to think is frankly astounding. Also, what England didn’t invade, Spain, Belgium or France did.


boys and men will try to convince you that humans are intrinsically selfish and egotistical because they can’t cope with the fact that women are actually taught from birth to put their community, their friends, their family, everyone on equal (sometimes even higher) footing.

male individualism is completely dependent on the emotional labour of women, and whenever you try to point this out they act like you’re denying basic human facts

“A community group distributed a statement at Tuesday’s meeting saying the children were “ashamed, humiliated and traumatized” after being told to remove clothing Feb. 15.

Excuse the fuck outta me!?

When Black girls are angry, they’re aggressive. When they’re happy, they’re on drugs. They can’t win.


Because 12 year old girls can’t be naturally giggly and giddy and silly? That was my natural state at that age. These poor girls 😢


Articles I can use against truscum

I have got your back. Here are those damn sources

“””Transtrenders””” aren’t actually transitioning and then regretting:   3  

Biological binary sex isn’t a thing: 1 2 3 4

in the wikipedia page for social construct of gender category sex and sex category the sources are 7 27 28 

Being trans is not a mental illness/ you don’t need dysphoria to be trans: 1    4 5 6 (this one is massive)  8 (also if you want a living example of a cis person with dysphoria search godflex here on tumblr, careful it’s nsfw)

This might be updated in the future


it never made sense to me for people to lay down on their backs while giving birth. you’d think that squatting/ crouching would be the way to let gravity help the baby make its way out


That’s the Yoruba way to do it! Lemme pull out one of my favorite quotes in this book that completely changed the way I view childbirth…

“Westernized hospitals have become en vogue for many parents, despite the facts that these facilities are breeding grounds for innumerable debilitating pathogens and that contemporary hospitals routinely mandate anti-African and anti-woman practices. However, by kneeling on the ground to give birth, as mothers do in traditional Yoruba society, the mother’s labor is aided by gravity, and she is able to work and move with her contractions rather than be immobilized by pain or numbed to her body’s and her child’s needs. 
The posture she assumes when giving birth also magnifies her divinity and her Aje to the extent that whenever she assumes this posture to utter a curse or make a request after giving birth, the Earth and Cosmos will make her words manifest.”
- The Architects of Existence, Aje in Yoruba Cosmology, Ontology, and Orature by Teresa Washington, pg 72-73

I have given birth to two children, and I have to say being able to move around and let gravity assist with the birthing process helps so much with the pain 

Ricki Lake made a documentary that uses this point to illuminate how the medical industry doesn’t center the interests of pregnant people or their babies! Its called the business of being born, and in it she provides historical context for why women are usually forced to give birth laying down and scrunched up (spoiler alert: this position is way easier for doctors). here’s the link for anyone interested! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWHyKlTsL6Q

thank you for this contribution


I might add that many European countries have abandoned the lying on your back position. In Sweden, mothers give birth kneeling or standing. So it’s an American madness.


He was so smooth with it vs the chaos that surrounded him😂


Lmao on god with that caption I was expecting to see the stage just falling apart and shit burning down but the actual thing was so much better

How NONE of them whites on beat tho?


All the old time clips that have a white audience is them either dancing off beat or standing still


I’m laughing way too hard. How is it possible that not one of the is on beat?

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