
@ex-commander / ex-commander.tumblr.com

Here you will find Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Dead Space, Halo, Dragon Age, and most recently Warhammer 40k. Ocassionally I post stuff about my OCs: Ziva, Ronan, Erin Shepard, Systems Alliance war Titans (genetically engineered soldiers).

Mass Effect Horror AU where femShep visits the castle of Count Vakarian - turian vampire. I’m pretty sure she falls in love. Vega is a werewolf.


Count Vakula!!

You don’t understand how badly I want to draw this. I imagine a similar AU but with Garrus as the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera and Kaidan as Raoul. But without the singing, because that would be super awkward with the two of them.


fulgrim's ship smells like a clothing store and is tacky to the point of physical pain

the only reason ferrus ever hung out there is because he completely lacks any sense of smell. they dont tell you this but its true

of course the reason ferrus lacks a sense of smell is because his nostrils are metal, much like his arms and eyes. in an alternate universe where he tilted his head weird while strangling the worm fulgrim died when he had no idea how to defuse a nuke during a compliance


Mapping Thedas 

Click the map twice for full detail. 

Download full resolution versions here.  Ferelden is the best place to see how detailed this map is. 

So…I like maps.  In fact I love maps.  Ancient maps, modern maps, maps of the real world, and maps of fictional worlds.  I love looking at paths I have walked, roads that I will one day travel, and trails that I may never tread save in my head.  And as you may have noticed, Thedas has a lot of maps.  In crafting tales and researching lore and meta, I’ve frequently had to search a dozen maps to pull together different details scattered across half of Dragon Age’s fictional continent.  Eventually, I decided to try to bring all of these disparate locations together in one map.  This has been a painstaking process, not least because I often had to sacrifice beauty for practicality.  Ferelden is overflowing with locations and landmarks, Orlais is more manageable, while the rest of Thedas is sadly bereft of markings.  Still, I’m rather pleased with the results and wanted to offer the map I’ve pulled together for other fans to use.  (Please link back to the blog if you use this map out on the interwebs.)

Below the cut is more information about my methodology for what I included, how I situated locations, and why certain places are where they are.  If you have questions or additions you would like to see on this map, the ask box is open.

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