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Gem-Capri-Cancer (Blog de re-blogueos xdd y muy poco contenido “original”) ⭐️

Do you want to be tagged in future writing contests?

If I’m tagging you in this post, it’s because you interacted with my writing contest at some point. I’m just checking to see if you would like to be tagged in future contests. 

If you want to be tagged, just like or reblog this post. You will be tagged on the first of the month when a new contest is posted.

If you do not want to be tagged, don’t do anything. I will not add you unless you respond to this post in some way.

If you are not tagged here and you would like to be added, just like or reblog this post. I will add anyone who responds to this.

If you would like to see my current writing contest, just click here.


Esa gema servía para....¿ver cosas escondidas? ¿O mucho Coraline por hoy para mi?


¡¡Correcto otra vez!!

Ahora, sabemos que la piedra de Mono y Campana es la misma, o proceden del musmo lugar, pero… ¿por que la que tenia Acuario, anteriormente de la mansion Dimov, era igual a esas?

💕 se los dejo para la mente, quien resuelva el enigma, puede decidir el dibujo del 14 de Febrero 💕💕💕


*drop’s a box of minion tic tacs* aaahhh my minions! theres minions everywhere. *bends over seductively to pick up a minion* *bends over seductively to pick up a minion* *bends over seductively to pick up a minion * *bends over seductively to pick up a minion*


Honestly the best feeling in the world is when you pick up someone’s cat, and they’re like “I can’t believe she’s letting you hold her !!!” Like yes. I am the cats friend. The cat whisperer. The forest nymph. The cat charmer. Th e


If I ever doubt myself I just ask “WWDDOOTDDD?” (What Would Doug Dimmadome Owner Of The Dimmsdale Dimmadome Do?)

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