
Gazing at stars in wonder


I am totally lost.... (older probably than your mom, this is my relaxing peaceful corner where I babble about Mystrade, Mark Gatiss & Rupert Graves, Star Trek, Good Omens and whatever I fancy)

Rise and Fall

“When did you first know you were falling for me?” Greg broke the comfortable silence during dinner one evening.

“I did not notice I was falling and cannot calculate the exact trajectory.” Mycroft quirked a brow at the unexpected question.

Greg stifled his smile at the very Mycroftian response.

“Truth be told, Gregory, I have never been one for the phrase falling in love.”

“How so?” Greg sat back curious for the response.

“People say they fall in love. But what is the definition of fall? To come or go down quickly from a high place, to let yourself come or go down to a lower position, to become less,  to lose value.” Mycroft put his fork down and sat back. “Falling is uncoordinated; a generally unconscious act. No one wants to fall.”

“That is true.” Greg gave a nod of agreement. “The body instinctively tries to reach out, to brace itself against it. Falling is not something we want to do in any other circumstance.” 

“Exactly. So why is it allowed in love?” Mycroft took a sip of water. “It’s much better to rise in it.”

“To rise?”

“Yes. Rise: to move upward, to become higher, to advance to a higher level, to become stronger,  to be or become better, to make the special effort.” Mycroft gave a slight apologetic wince realizing how he sounded and cleared his throat. “Do you remember there was a riot in Vancouver, Cananda after a sporting event - specifically the photo of the couple kissing on the ground?”

Greg nodded. “I remember, it was everywhere. There was chaos all around them, police in the near distance. Yet they were kissing.”

“Precisely. For all that was going on around them, in that moment it, was just about the two of them. It's him giving her comfort in the midst of madness, and it comforts him as well for her to accept it and return it. That was a moment of rising in love between two people who had no idea the moment was captured until it was shared across the globe.”

“I see…”

“Do you?”

“Falling in love is relatively easy…” Greg grinned at Mycroft’s immediate scoff, “I said relatively.”

“Fine…” Mycroft started to eat again. “Continue…”

“You’re say falling in love is… that easy B-. It required very little effort to pass the test. Now you have time for that Saturday Social with your C, B- and maybe even B+ friends. And if that is all that’s wanted – it’s good. But then the Honor Roll comes out and you’re secretly upset that your name is not on it because you know you could have done better. Rising in love is not being satisfied with that easy B-.”

“Rising in love is not easy. It takes work, compromise, and yes, some sacrifice.”  Mycroft expanded. “You’re willing to put in the work for it. Give up a couple, perhaps quite a few Socials. Some who call themselves friends will mock you. They may taunt you with all that they think you are missing, but you persevere. And when you do finally show up at a Social again, you do so with a hard-earned A, maybe even an A+ and your name on the Honor Roll.”

Greg reached out and grasped Mycroft’s hand, understanding there was more than a bit of the autobiographical in there.

Loving a man like Mycroft Holmes – Mycroft Holmes loving a man like him had not come easy for either.

And they would not have it any other way.

“Yes, rising in love is work, but the payoff is so worth the extra effort. But…” Greg gave Mycroft’s hand a teasing squeeze and winked, “…you didn’t exactly answer the question.”

Mycroft chuckled, returning the squeeze. “I cannot tell you when I began falling, because it’s not the falling - the travel to the destination if you will, that I noticed, but the sudden landing in realization that I arrived. However, once I got over the shock that I in fact had fallen, I can tell you exactly when I chose to rise in it…”

Mycroft surprised Greg with a date and time.

Then Greg surprised Mycroft with the place.


It was one of the rare times Mycroft outwardly showed genuine surprise and Greg treasured it as he answered. “I made you laugh and somehow a peach slice from your dessert slipped from the fork to your lip and down your chin before you caught it. For the very first time I had the thought of how badly I wanted to kiss the juice of the peach from your lips. That I wanted to kiss – more than just – kiss you…” Greg blushed. “Then just before we were leaving, somebody’s kid was running in the aisle and caused the server to up end his tray. They cleaned it, but not well enough…”

“Dear god, I remember. The floor had a slick spot. I would have entirely fallen on my face if you had not caught me. Still, I nearly brought us both down, you… were so strong… You held fast and we were quickly righted. It made me realize you were strong in many other ways and the way you looked at me just then – I wanted you to look at me that way… always. I knew I wanted you.”

“I grabbed you because I wanted no harm to come to you, not even as something as simple and physically harmless as simple stumble. And the look you saw…?” Greg held Mycroft’s eyes intently to his knowingly looking at him that way, “You tripped… and that was the moment I realized I fell.”


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@calaisreno @MayPrompts2024

#MayPrompts2024 - Prompt 4: Fall


That scene where Linus tells Sabrina he's leaving for Paris....


The Comfort of the Familiar...

It started out small, as all such things do.

The unnecessarily strong grip given by Gregory Lestrade to Mycroft Holmes, two men who really do not like each other but agree to work together for a greater good called Sherlock Holmes.

Over time it became…

Fingers that sometimes grazed when passing condiments on the table. A handshake on a silly wager made between two competitors.

It was comfortable between them…


“Pinky swear.” Greg held out the crooked finger one evening. “Surely you jest.” Was Mycroft’s expected retort. “Come on…” The crooked finger cajoled. “I can’t believe you.” The digital oath is given, nonetheless.

It was familiar between them…

Neither really noticed when derisive snorts slowly morph into warm chuckles,

When Greg’s helpless sniggers was met by Mycroft’s rich laughter. When a pat on a shoulder became a grasp of an arm.

It was warm between them…

So when bigger things began to happen it was met with equal nonchalance.

Like when Greg leaned in to whisper a snarky joke about a passerby as they walked to the waiting sedan, Mycroft did not even blink at his close proximity. Or when Gregory grinned when Mycroft turned his face so that their lips met, knowing it was as much ‘an accident’ as when Gregory then pulled the man into his arms.

It was the way it should be between them…

So, when magical words were whispered in the heated dusk...

“I have loved you for so long…" "Marry me.”

It was no surprise when its response was given again in the cool dawn…

“And I, you…" "Yes.”

It is comfortable and familiar and warm and the way it should be between them…

It is … Perfect.


@calaisreno @MayPrompts2024

#MayPrompts2024 - Prompt 3: Familiar


After all the lead up... it's here! Three years after posting the last story in my Mystrade spy series, His Professional Capacity, I'm back with a new installment.

The Bell Bird - Chapter 1

When a known assassin comes to London, Mycroft brings Greg along for some spying.

Tags: Assassins, Spies, Mycroft's job, BAMF Mycroft Holmes, Mycroft's work kids, Mycroft is a softie

2,744 words

If you just want to know the basics of the world and the characters before jumping in to this story, I recommend reading Protégé. If you want to get all the references, start with What He Does and read through the series from there. Each post has the next one linked at the bottom, or you can read them all on AO3.

The first chapter contains spoilers for the Count of Monte Cristo. If you haven't read that and plan to, I recommend skipping from where the characters start talking about it to the section break.

This story is completely written and is just being edited at this point. I anticipate posting a new chapter every Sunday, but we'll see.

Read it below or on AO3.


“I’ll see you for lunch.” The words were murmured against Greg’s cheek, followed by a soft kiss. Greg woke just enough to grunt an “Uh-huh” in response before sinking back into his pre-dawn sleep. 

“Hey, boss!” Sally called from the other side of the crime scene they were studying. Greg looked up at her, and she jutted her chin towards the street. “That’s for you, innit?” 

Greg followed her gaze to the sleek black sedan waiting by the kerb. He swore. It wasn’t that he had forgotten that he had agreed to meet Mycroft at his office for lunch, he had just lost track of the time. “Sally, is there any way you could—” 

“Yeah, boss.” She grinned. “I’ve got it. Just try not to look too dishevelled when you come back, alright?” 

Greg rolled his eyes. It had been one time in the early days when he and Mycroft could hardly keep their hands off each other, that he had pulled himself out of a black sedan looking slightly worse for wear. They had been through a lot since then: a hostage situation, the following recovery, an assassination attempt—and, of course, they had now lived together for well over a year. But Sally was covering for him, so he took the teasing without protesting that his days of acting like a horny teenager were behind him. 


YOTP 2023: March [Mystrade]

Prompts: fresh startsroad trip | getting back together/ mutual pining | “make me” acceptance fairytale au


Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

No Archive Warnings Apply

Category: M/M

Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms

Relationship: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade

Characters: Greg Lestrade, Mycroft Holmes, Uncle Rudy (Sherlock) - mentioned

Additional Tags: Year of the OTP Prompt Event 2023, Year of the OTP Prompt Event March, Moving In Together, Fluff, Established Relationship

Language: English

Summary: Greg discovers something new about the house they just moved into.

While Myc ordered dinner, Greg stood on the landing, freshly showered and happy with the day’s work. The old townhouse Mycroft had inherited from his uncle now looked less intimidating and less like a haunted mansion and more like an actual house, a home, their home. That was a good enough beginning for Greg at the moment. Give it a few years and the walls and the mantelpiece will not be as empty as it is now. 

But for now, everything was perfect.

Read on AO3



“Good evening, love. Busy?” Mycroft peeked into their home office, seeing Greg at the desk.

Greg smiled seeing him. “Nothing that I can’t ruthlessly, heartlessly abandon for you.”

Given the hour, it was a relaxed Greg. His suit jacket was off and shirt sleeves folded up. Mycroft wanted to run his fingers along the hairs of his husband’s forearms that gleamed in the overhead light, but that is not what he came for.

Mycroft entered the room fully and closed the door.

Greg’s smile faded slightly as Mycroft entered with papers in hand. He quietly approached and slid some of the paperwork he held in front of Greg.

Greg looked at the paperwork and blinked in surprise. “Mycroft?”

Mycroft then slid the rest of what he held before Greg could react. He could see the tension that had grasped Greg relax somewhat, but not enough.

“This why you’ve been so pensive this evening?” Greg looked at the paperwork.

“Yes.” Mycroft admitted.

He knew Greg was by no means surprised. Still…

“A dog, Myc?”

“It would be wonderful, Greg.” Mycroft sat in the seat in front of the desk and prepared for battle. “I know what you’re going to ask: aren’t we enough? We are, truly we are. There’s the unconditional love between you and me, yet imagine if we add a dog to us. Did you know dogs release oxytocin, the love hormone, in their owners?”

“Mycroft…” Greg looked at him dubiously.

Greg pulled out photos Mycroft had included in the papers of a man with his dog and placed it on top. The happiness of both could not be denied. Mycroft pointed at the times they had seen others with their dogs, “…and look how happy they are.”

“Yes, having a dog comes with needs and a responsibility, I understand, but we can do this.” Mycroft added. “Even with our insane jobs and hours, a dog is not really going to be a deterrent for us, is it?”

He knew Greg was beginning to consider it. His strong fingers had stopped at one photo and stayed on it.

Mycroft came around to Greg’s side of the desk, turned his chair and crouched before him. “Imagine the joy of being greeted with such tail wagging joy after a rough day.” Mycroft put his chin on Greg’s knee and looked up at into Greg’s brown eyes pleadingly. “Just a warm head on your knee to be petted, loving it and you. Or just being happy at your feet if that’s all the spoons you have that day.”

Oh, it was dirty pool, they both knew it. Mycroft knew Greg had noted his increasing want of such in the past months. Their increasing want if both were being honest with themselves.

“You really are serious?” Greg said wistfully.

“Yes, I am very  serious. That’s why I brought these so you can see how serious…” Mycroft indicated the papers on the desk.

“We could go full grown dog, or the puppy route…” Mycroft rubbed his face against the inside of Greg’s thigh. “And oh, how GOOD we’re going to look together when dog walking.”

Mycroft knew he had him, when Greg’s hand landed on Mycroft’s head, his nails just grazing the across the scalp through his ginger hair, the way he liked it.  Mycroft gave a teasing whine at the gesture.

Greg needed the right little push and Mycroft knew just the thing…

“And there would be a need for training either way… In case the dog has a bad habit… ” he rose to his knees and began to rub his groin against the leg he straddled, “…you may want to break him out of...” he was happy to note he was not the only one getting an erection by the tease, “…what do you think?”

Greg’s hand firmed into a solid grasp of his hair in a hold both knew always drove Mycroft wild.

Oh, but it was Greg’s eyes that were nearly blown as he held up a picture of a leather harnessed dog and its equally leathered wearing owner, both members of a club they sometimes attend.

“God, we spoil each other.” Greg kissed him.

“Let’s not stop now.” Mycroft ground himself against Greg’s leg.

“Bad dog!” Greg yanked Mycroft’s hair until he was back to first position of head on his knee. “We’ll shop for your ears, collar, tail, and leash tomorrow.”




The Weight of Things

Mycroft Holmes played the heavy, the cold man-

He knew the reason some call him Iceman was earned. There are documents which will never see the light of day until his bones have long turned to dust before others will know of the actions of the person codenamed Antarctica. The mega-genius was calculating, and exacting; willing to make, and execute, the hard decisions.

Mycroft played the heavy, the manipulating man-

Once he was able to prove he was of better service in the office, than in the field, he eschewed all outward appearances of ever having done so. He worked hard at his perfectly curated his sharply honed brain over blunt instrument brawn image.

Played the heavy, the secretive man-

He kept the secrets of Crown and Country.

He kept the family secrets, knowing them for the ticking bombs they were.

Not telling his parents believe his sister was alive.  

Letting John believe the man he loved was dead.

Mycroft bore the weight of the damage that should not have been his to take on when time ran out.

For when they inevitably blew? It was bad.

The heavy, the bad man-

It came with a price…

While Mycroft honestly enjoyed the work, it cost him the trust of people in general and his personal happiness overall and a life of isolation.

He told himself it was a minor thing. That it was the balance needed in the scale of things. And for far too many years he not only believed it, but willingly paid it.

But then the scales tipped.

They tipped with a weight Mycroft never imagined bearing.

They tipped with a weight that could not be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched.

Except in his heart.

Tipped by the all-encompassing weight called love in the form of one Gregory Lestrade.  

The oh so heavy weight that lightened everything else around him.

And once tipped, it outweighed everything else.

Make no bones about it, Mycroft Holmes is who he is– cold, manipulating, secretive, the heavy the bad man.

But it’s the heavy weight of Greg’s love that lightens his heart to also make Mycroft Holmes-Lestrade a good man.

For @sherlockchallenge​​ April prompt HEAVY

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